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third part of the esoteric Hitlerist quaternary of Miguel Serrano. This work is an encapsulation of the alchemical process of transmutation, transmuting the Aryan virya into a Divya or god-man

Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva
by Miguel Serrano

This brief but engaging presentation of Nietzsche’s thought by Miguel Serrano focuses mainly on the Will to Power and on the Eternal Return. It is a provocative work that challenges the reader and affords us with a deeper understanding of both philosophers.

The Decline of the West
by Oswald Spengler

A sweeping account of Western culture by a historian of legendary intellect, this is an astonishingly informed, forcefully eloquent, thrillingly controversial work that advances a world view based on the cyclical rise and fall of civilizations.

Folklore and Legends of Scandinavia
by Charles Tibbitts

This rare and informative book features a selection of twenty-eight folktales from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and the Isle of Rugen (Germany). Also included are selections from the Icelandic Sagas and the Prose Edda.

The Will to Power
Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s notebooks, kept by him during his most productive years, offer a fascinating glimpse into the work and mind of a great thinker. Compiled from these notebooks, The Will to Power is arguably one of the most influential books of the past hundred years.

The Veil of Isis
by René Guénon

René Guénon was one of the great luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique of the modern world has stood fast against the shifting sands of intellectual fashion. This version of Guénon’s seminal work on esotericism is reprinted with permission from Wewelsburg Archives.

by Wolfram von Eschenbach

Considered by many to be the finest example of German medieval poetry, Parzival was likely written within the early years of the thirteenth century by the enigmatic Wolfram von Eschenbach; a knight and minnesanger of Bavarian lineage.

The Complete Prose Works
by Richard Wagner

The world knows Richard Wagner as a daring musical genius; a few know him as a poet who wrote the poems for his own dramas; fewer still know him as a writer, philosopher and mystic. His voluminous prose works, including The Artwork of the Future and Judaism in Music, are presented here in English.

The Secret of the Runes
by Guido von List

Written as an introduction to List’s basic ideas, The Secret of the Runes contains examples of virtually all of his major philosophical themes. No other work so clearly and simply sets forth the full spectrum of his fantastic vision of a mystical philosophy based on ancient Germanic principles.

The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk
by Guido von List

Originally published in the 1920s as a companion volume to List's major work The Secret of the Runes, this book provides a general outline of his religious philosophy. From etymology to comparative religion, List employs an impressive range of study to explain the principles of Armanism.

Two Hundred Years Together
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn’s last book is a history of the Jews in Russia. While the first chapter goes back into the mists of history, and the first appearance of Jews in Russia during the first millennium A.D., his main focus is on the 19th and 20th centuries. This complete English version is extremely rare due to its suppression in the West.

The Theory of Mind as Pure Act
by Giovanni Gentile

In this important philosophical work, Gentile speculates about the relationship of phenomena and human consciousness. He proposes that our world is ultimately a structure of consciousness, and exists only through consciousness rather than independent of it. This is a facsimile edition.

The Religion of the Northmen
by Rudolph Keyser

The rare and valuable information in this book was drawn from a series of lectures by Rudolph Keyser on old Norse religion, mythological and occult practices delivered before the University of Norway. This is a facsimile edition.

The Reform of Education
by Giovanni Gentile

Through his work at the Critica journal, Gentile sought to re-establish the tradition of philosophical studies in Italy. The present work outlines his view on the danger of naturalism in popular thought and the significance of idealistic philosophy as a necessary response. This is a facsimile edition.

The Prince
by Niccolo Machiavelli

Machiavelli’s treatise on the nature of rulers has been regarded as a classic of political philosophy for almost 500 years, due to his all-encompassing understanding of men in power, and the common traits, motives and struggles which characterize them.

The Hour of Decision
by Oswald Spengler

Written 15 years after Spengler’s masterpiece of cultural and historical reasoning, The Decline of the West, this book is a warning to the European people of two dangers – from below; a class war, and from without: racial conflict.

The Oera Linda Book
Translated by William Sandbach

This controversial "lost" history tells of a great island continent in northern Europe inhabited by a highly civilized race during the third millennium BC. The island was later destroyed by an immense catastrophe, but enough of its inhabitants escaped to carry their civilization elsewhere.

The Enneads
by Plotinus

The manuscripts of Plotinus (c. 204 – 220 AD) represent a definitive example of the philosophy later known as Neoplatonism. Porphyry, a disciple of Plotinus, edited these manuscripts into six groups of nine (enneads in Greek), which are published here in their entirety.

The Lord of the World
by René Guénon

Guenon sets out to describe the true Lord of the World; an entity present in many esoteric traditions who functions as the regent of God, exercising the material and spiritual authority of the Deity on this planet. A book for all those interested in Agarttha, Shambhala, and the underlying unity of all mystical traditions.

Letters to Lucilius
by Seneca

The “moral letters” to Lucilius are a collection of 124 letters that were written by Seneca the Younger during his retirement after being employed by the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. The letters are addressed to Lucilius, then procurator of Sicily.

The Crisis of the Modern World
by René Guénon

The Crisis of the Modern World is Guénon’s most direct application of traditional metaphysical principles to the field of social criticism. Here, Guénon analyzes the ‘Western deviation’ representing a loss of tradition, rampant individualism and general social chaos. This is a facsimile edition.

Pagan Imperialism
by Julius Evola

First published in 1928, Evola’s Pagan Imperialism is the product of his early radicalism and disillusionment with liberal “progress.” It contains analyses and critiques of modern Catholicism, nationalism, and some novel arguments against rational liberalism.

Spiritual Virility
by Julius Evola

This compilation of the writings of Baron Julius Evola is designed to give the reader a pragmatic compass for navigating the "corrosive waters" of this world. It presents a selection from his works that steers one towards a higher existence while remaining engaged in this world on the frontline of the cultural war.

On the Shortness of Life
by Seneca

The Stoic writings of the philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into the art of living, as well as the importance of reason and morality, and continue to provide valuable guidance through their eloquence, lucidity and timeless wisdom.

On Benefits
by Seneca

On Benefits, written between 56 and 64 CE, is a treatise addressed to Seneca’s close friend Aebutius Liberalis. It is the longest of Seneca’s works dealing with a single topic – specifically, the giving and receiving of gifts and how to express gratitude appropriately. This is a facsimile edition.


Created 1 year, 8 months ago.

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