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From the mind of the guy who brought you Stickmen Race the series, comes this exciting new racing game. Cool story, the video preview for Stickmen Race was about showing you this upcoming game, and then that preview became it's own web series.

Lahaina knows this first hand. Cape Coral Florida appears to be on deck.

Welcome to college where they rob you and deform you.


They are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar. Most will be impoverished or killed and those left alive will be imprisoned in tiny areas while the wealthy have the run of the place.

All of this - the catastrophic lockdowns and deadly injections included - are geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.

In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into abject slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival.

Hawaiian Electric (HE), Shut Down Power Six Hours Before the Second Fire that Was Blamed On Them:

"Going in A Circle in A Fire Pit" Maui Police Blocked Off Exits While Residents Tried to Escape

Lahania Coverup By Vegas Massacre Police Chief: Journalists Arrested, Drones Disallowed, Walls Built

Maui Fires: The Color Blue Has a Frequency of 6.66 - .Gov Buildings Are Now Being Fitted With It

Lahaina Hawaii Destroyed to Turn It Into A 15 Minute Prison City - The Vanguard Sacrificial WEF Lamb

Here is a 15 minute prison city in China, this is what the WEF is planning for the entire world: [2.48mins]

Think You Won't Comply? I Think You Will: Australian Senator Antic On 15 Minute City Nightmare: [1.32mins]

EU MP Christine Anderson: Digial IDs Will Be Mandatory--Will Imprison You In Your 15 Minute City: [1min]

Boris Johnson Explaining the Future Hell the Elites have Planned For You [1.23min]

This is what they've meant all along with their crocadile tear incantation 6uild 6ack 6etter: Enslaving the population, crushing mankind's spirit, and lording over us as if we were cattle and they—gods: [1.53mins] [2.20mins]

In order to build back, you must first destroy. And they are destroying.

They are slaves to the money, just like almost every other organization. "Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome":

For many, this was the video that broke the illusion that the pandemic was anything but an orchestrated and coordinated take over of the whole world by a few at the top of the unholy globalist hierarchy. If millions more people had seen this early on, it is highly likely that we would be living in a far better world today.

If you have not seen it you are doing yourself a disservice. Arm yourself with this knowledge and use it to fight back against the tidal wave of tyranny that is sweeping the world and destroying everything in its path.

If you have seen it, it is worth watching again as a reminder of how malicious and wicked the machinations were.

Original Video:

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SHARE this EVERYWHERE and PREPARE. Famine is on deck:

The woman speaking is Sara Menker, a WEF Young Global Leader. The time was July, 2022


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

14 videos

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