Truth and Bread

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Truth and Bread




"While at the Olympic Games, I had the opportunity to meet the King of England. I had the opportunity to wave at Hitler, and I had the opportunity to talk with the King of Sweden, and some of the greatest men in Europe. Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram. I am not knocking the President. Remember, I am not a politician. But remember that the President did not send me a message of congratulations"

- Jesse Owens


Mildred Gillars AKA Axis Sally old time German radio 1944.

The Talmud, a jewish religious book, describes Jesus as going to hell and being broiled alive forever in a pot of feces.
This same book also teaches that non-jews whom they call goyim (which is the hebrew word for cattle) are dumb animals, not human beings, and they are to be used to labor for jews at their own expense. It is ok to rape a goyim child, in their religious book it is legal for them to rape a goyim child that is 3 years old or older. It is also legal for them to kill a goy for any reason.
Jews makeup less than 1% of the worlds population, yet they own all the banks, the federal reserve, they make over 85% of all billionaires on the planet, only the chinese rival them.


Created 4 years ago.

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