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Graphene oxide from the vaccines, our food and water supply and chemtrails reacts with 4G and 5G to cause clotting in the blood.
People are not shedding they are emitting radiation that affects those around them.

Written documentation of the information in this video:

Not one building permit has been issued. The government wont let in the insurance companies to assess the damage which means no one has been paid insurance. And the banks will foreclose on the land if home owners don't pay their mortgage payments.

Wtf happened to ALL THOSE PEOPLE....


Joe Rogan explains that chemtrails are not real. With the amount of evidence that they are real and quite obviously real, Joe Rogan taking this position clearly illustrates what side he is on. He is on the side of the cabal and not a man of the people.

MEP Christine Anderson Issues Wake-Up Call: “You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of a Tyranny”

“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people,” shared @AndersonAfDMdEP.

“And it isn’t any different now,” she stressed.

“You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny. It is impossible. Trying to do so, you will only feed a gigantic alligator in the hopes of being eaten last. But guess what? Your turn will come,” @AndersonAfDMdEP warned.

“Speak up! ... stop complying — start rebelling,” she urged. “In order to deal with this unfree world, to defy this unfree world, I have decided to become so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion. And that’s what we all need to do.”

Pilot admitting to chemtrails, inside a chemtrail plane and other video footage proving chemtrails are being sprayed on us all.

A demonstration of how microwave frequency Weapon LRAD works and how we can ensure we protect ourselves against attacks in the future.

Former IRS Agent explains why income tax is voluntarily and if enforced is technically illegal.

Dylan Eleven •

The research and testing Richard Delgado and the La Quinta Columna team has done on the Covid vaccines is outstanding.

This video explains what they have found, what these vaccines are doing to the vaccinated, how, and why.

A great summary of the vaccines and their contents, graphene oxide, nanotechnology, nanoantennas, and nanorouters. How the vaccinated become magnetic and emit MAC addresses. How these structures self assemble, what graphene oxide does to the body, how it causes clotting and heart issues. How the vaccinated are linked to networks that can send and receive information, trans-humanism, the human 2.0 project.

Video source:

Romania Senator Diana Lovanovici speaking in the Parliament on the uses of HAARP technology in Turkey.

NASA To Deceive
From telegram

Clearly controlled explosions.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

39 videos

Category News & Politics is an alternative media news site that is dedicated to the truth and true journalism. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all. film production company Truth11 Films produces films that bring the truth to the masses.

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Dylan Eleven