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A short film about the Legendary Marcus Ray

Be on the right side of history and support this stand against tyranny.

Media and Police along with ANTIFA are desperately trying to interfere in the Peaceful Assembly of Truckers that know the TRUTH.

Media owned and operated by the Big Corp is getting a wake up call

Enjoy this informative and humorous look into why Canadians want Justin Trudeau and his Imposter Cabinet thrown out of Parliament and into Guantanamo Bay

Mainstream Media reports " An existing Convoy of Small Fringe Group Minority truckers are headed to Ottawa to cause chaos and disruption".

.....The truth

Watch this video and find out!

Enough is enough. Let's take back our freedom Canada!

The facts of the vax and what you need to know for the battle that's ahead.

More Hyper-Informative Truth for you all to enjoy with some snacks.

Music Video of Digital Truth

Ya need to open your eyes and use those peripherals to understand the gravity behind these Mandatory Lockdowns

How does it feel to be treated and manipulated like livestock animals? The NGO's and Big Corp have infiltrated our most vulnerable sector...The organizations that watch over our children.

Walmart Corporation has been developing new strategies to expand their Child Trafficking Network...In Stores and Ordering Online? #5kbabyshoessearch

A quick glimpse into the strange world of "Critical Thinking Human Beings" who have taken upon the liberty to call a Spade a Spade and go after the Big Tech, Big Pharm, Big Gov plan to Depopulate by means of "Ineffective Medical Treatments.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

14 videos

Category Entertainment