Truthful Planet

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Truthful Planet



Every organism has been set to vibrate at a level defined by Universal Integrities so all life can remain in balance and harmony, This Principle of Vibration was already known b y Ancient Egyptians. If we attempt to disrupt or manipulate any of those vibrations, we act against Universal Integrities and ultimately destroy ourselves (and our environment) soon or later. This is the choice we face today... and that depends on our understanding that collaboration with Universal Integrities is all that is left. The Vibration of Life

(will be soon posting our own materials again, we just needed to recharge our batteries before the paradigm shift that we expect to occur within 1-2 years)

A very truthful conversation about the destructiveness of fear, secrecy, lies... and money. See the email address in the annoucement to get notified about our podcast.

We've been warned over and over throughout the millennia, and it is NOW time to do something about IT! Stop expecting the "next generation" to fix IT. The DUTY is upon us today because that is what past generations have done repeatedly. Even if it takes another 10 years to see the results of our actions, spreading the word is all that is LEFT! The planet has run out of blue pills...

98% of kids are born geniuses (another look at abortion)
We want the right to do as we please, but it’s an illusion when looking at the big picture.

Our society has completely lost its Truthfulness and restoring Truthfulness depends on us to fall in love with Life instead of perpetuating the competition model. In this video, we offer some hard-hitting facts and also probe what Orwell meant by "changing the system" to free ourselves.

This version replaces the one we deleted and we apologize (please repost your comments if you get a chance)

$cientism embodies the synthetization of Nature because the latter is not copyrightable and thus less profitable when not patented - Let's recognize Nature's intelligence and end the incentivization of life as a whole!

L'humanité approche une phase cruciale, émergeant d'un monde basé sur les senses et entrant l'ère de la connaissance. Une vidéo sur la philosophie et science des Lois Naturelles dans un monde prêt à sombrer dans une tyrannie digitale.

Quarantine-instrumental (no-copyright-music)
oblivion (rexlambo-no-copyright-music)

We are leaving the world of sensing behind and entering the world of knowing. A deep look into Buckminster Fuller's philosophy and the science behind Laws Of Nature. And more importantly, what all this entails in a dangerous machine-driven world.

Starting food forests and gardens wherever possible is perhaps even more important than ever before because we are headed for global disruptions of the food supply and helping each other out during this transition is paramount. The real Green Revolution is about freeing ourselves - Yes, you heard well: that very responsibility is ours now!

La Nature a fait en sorte que personne ne puisse avoir l'ascendant, et consommer plus que besoin. En d'autres mots, que personne ne puisse retirer plus que son investissement.

Nature has made sure that nobody would take over and that we cannot consume more than we need, to put very simply nobody is allowed to take more out than what she or he puts in

A fractal universe theory could undermine cosmology’s most basic assumptions ... what if we got everything wrong and that our thinking was too fractal?

The major inconsistency however lies in the applications of synthetic biology such as virology and forensic biology, and for which there is such an incredible booming market. One question we should ask ourselves is "why those who wish to rid humanity of diseases have turned a blind eye to our growing massive world pollution, which is the result of science for profit?" If there are indeed so many profits ahead, aren't we setting ourselves up for another day of reckoning whose magnitude will be much worse than, for example, our plastic pollution?

This mini-doc explores the ancient origins of patriarchy and explains why our patriarchal structure has gravely endangered the DNA of every living organism on the planet.

American Indigenous often describe our societal "cognitive polarization" as the root cause of our materialist collective psychosis and called Wetiko.
PS: we had to reupload the presentation, sorry.

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The term Entropy used in this presentation is which academia itself refers to as the general trend of the universe towards death and disorder... But what if the Universe's end game wasn't entropy?

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST! Donations will go toward internet banner ads

Via Paypal, donations can be made using our email address: [email protected]

70% Sense That There Is Something WRONG - Indeed we are at the end of a paradigm and the beginning of a new one!

Time has come to unlearn and relearn to save earth and ourselves. The solar system belongs to the Milky Way, Earth belongs to the solar system, and every living creatures belongs to Earth. The entire universe is an organism

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST!

Via Paypal, doantions can be made using our email address: [email protected]

How to DIRECTLY take part in the end of economic destruction

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Regaining our sovereignty and restoring our holistic rapport
with Nature is the only purpose of humanity! The Real Battle will start in every household

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST!

Via Paypal, doantions can be made using our email address: [email protected]

We are in this planetary quagmire because most people want to trust that a hierarchy is needed for society to function. The consensus wants us to trust that those in power know better.

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST!

Via Paypal, doantions can be made using our email address: [email protected]

The commodification of anything we can think of has destroyed integrity and to fix all these serious problems, we'll have to realize that integrity has all the solutions to fix the latter!

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST!

Via Paypal, doantions can be made using our email address: [email protected]

With industrialization came the arrogance to handle environmental matters as if Nature was our main antagonist by corrupting and endangering biodiversity ever further. The more we oppose this transition, the more turmoil and ecologic disasters will unfold.

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Become A Patreon, yes until a critical mass is reached donations remain part of the equation, since we must spread the word and FAST!

Via Paypal, doantions can be made using our email address: [email protected]

Living for the simple reason to hoard and amass is not only nonsensical but harmful to the mind and heart as it comes along with the fear to lose our belongings. The more we possess the bigger becomes the fear to lose.


Swimming with orcas

FREE HUGS! Blind Trust Experiment in London

BLIND TRUST EXPERIMENT - Free Hugs in London Social Experiment

Blind Trust Experiment - Aboriginal Girl Puts Her Faith in Humanity

Blind trust social experiment Osaka, Japan. I trust you, do you trust me

(No Copyright) Cinematic Documentary Background Music For YouTube Videos - AShamaluevMusic


Created 7 years, 1 month ago.

48 videos

Category Education

Shifting Worlds For Earth Custodians explore the merging of philosophy and economics and metaphysics which are essential to the birth of a money-free society - It may not happen soon but these important ideas and key concepts must be out there to be shared!