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Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? A provocative new Theory of Everything, proclaimed by the Two Witnesses of God, and his son and revelator, Jesus Christ.

The Christian is called by God in Ephesians 5: 11 to "expose the unfruitful works of darkness", and has utterly failed in this regard.

Using 785 sources, this writing elucidates the only veridical and sufficiently explanatory worldview, encompassing 9/11, supernatural authorship of the Bible, the Mark of the Beast, and the coming bio-security state - unleashed onto the world by a currently active international criminal syndicate known in the Bible as the Synagogue of Satan

The nations raged,
but your wrath came,
and the time for the dead to be judged...
and for destroying those who destroy the Earth.

Revelation 11: 18

©2022 The Two Witnesses
All Rights Reserved

III. So, You Gave Up Your Rights, Freedoms, and Bodily Autonomy for a Virus with a 1% Mortality Rate

IV. This Calls for Wisdom: Examining the Gene Therapy Injection, the Mark of the Beast, and the Eschatology Surrounding Them

V. The Synagogue of Satan

VI. Why? A Conspiracy Theory

VII. Conclusion

Have you ever wondered if there's a way to know the Bible is true beyond simply having faith? While a personal experience with God transforming your life is an excellent, valid, and popular way to know the reality of God the Father and his Son and Revelator, Jesus Christ, evidentialists and apologists like myself take it a step further.

Logically, if the Bible is the Word of God, we would expect to find irrefutable and conclusive proof that it was authored by a Mind beyond the power of humanity, certain "markers" of divine inspiration or supernatural authorship, if you will.

When it comes to the Bible, this is exactly what we find, and what sets it apart from other pseudo-religious texts like the Qur'an, Baghavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, and others. In fact, it's possible to prove that the Bible was supernaturally authored in several ways, and very few people have ever successfully stepped up to this challenge - until now.

The Two Witnesses will take you on an epistemological and ontological crusade for the truth, where the divine inspiration of the Bible is proven through fulfilled prophecy, incredibly intricate Equidistant Letter Spacing codes that could never have been written by human hands and aren't found in any other texts, divinely inspired knowledge that is thousands of years ahead of its time and would have been impossible for the authors to know, and more.

In addition, we'll look at the historicity and accuracy of the Biblical texts. Even Wikipedia is forced to admit:

Virtually all scholars of antiquity accept that Jesus was a historical figure, and attempts to deny his historicity have been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe theory.[6][7][8][9][10]

So this brings us to the famous trilemma posed by C.S. Lewis: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

It has to be one of the three, there's literally no other option. Only you can decide what you believe in the end. Jesus fought the power, never hurt anyone, and was wrongfully murdered in one of the most brutal and painful ways ever devised - crucifixion.

For me, that's the God I want. If you're looking to take your Christian faith to the next level, or are questioning the absurd doctrines of atheism or other false religions, this is the video for you. The Gospel presents the best news ever - there IS a God, he DOES love us, and it IS possible to enter into an eternal relationship with Him that will finally fulfill what we have all been seeking our entire lives.

This video takes apologetics to the next level - stay tuned for an almost four-hour journey deeper into the Heart of the Bible than anyone has ever plumbed before, where you will find truths exposed that have never before seen the light of day.

"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out."
Proverbs 25: 2

The truth about 9/11 - exposed at last by the Two Witnesses. Money Laundering? Corporate Intrigue? Financial Improprieties? Stay tuned for all this and more as the 9/11 deception is blown apart before your very eyes.

The Christian is ordered by God in Ephesians 5: 11 to , "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them", and has utterly failed in that regard.

Take the first step towards righting that wrong by listening to the hard-hitting truths within, and regarding them with an intelligent and discerning mind - that which can entertain opposing thoughts and ideas to ascertain the credibility or veridicality of each individual event.

Indeed, the movers and shakers of this world never move in a futile way, rather their every play is telegraphed, largely confirmed, supported, and even enthusiastically cheered on by the stupefied and pacified public, bowing with sycophantic sickening subservience to their slave drivers.

Exposing 9/11 is the key to undoing the Satanic subversion of the world at large, as the event was, in itself an occultist ritual based around the Freemasons and their two pillars - Joachim and Boaz. What's that? 2.3 trillion dollars was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10th, 2001?

What could go wrong, it's not like a bunch of accountants in the Pentagon would get blown up the next day, right?


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

4 videos

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