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On March 31st, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, released a one-hour television special entitled, Scientific Proof: Internationally Renowned Physicist Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History.


The special broadcast features Dr. Douglas Frank who holds a Ph.D in Surface Analytical Chemistry for the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Frank is an internationally recognized scientist with over fifty scientific publications. In 1990 Dr. Frank discovered and invented a technique for creating three dimensional images of molecules resting on surfaces. This led to a cover article in Science Magazine, which is the most read science magazine in the world by scientists, and he was on the cover of the Naturwissenschaften, in Europe.

Dr. Frank has spent countless hours since the 2020 election following the data of the election returns county by county across such states as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Colorado to name a few. Dr. Frank’s scientific and mathematical investigation has revealed that there was absolutely massive cyber fraud in the 2020 election.

In the television special Dr. Frank testifies to host Mike Lindell that deviations and mathematical impossibilities could not have been done by humans, by artificial intelligence and computers that were running before, during, and after the 2020 U.S. election.

Dr. Frank’s investigation reveals that the 2010 national census data was used to manipulate the 2020 election rolls and to inject phantom votes into the election totals. His scientific investigation documented and proved that numerous states throughout America had more people voting than lived in many of the counties.

The injection of the 2010 national census data into the 2020 election rolls facilitated a crime that some experts are calling the largest cyber-crime in world history.

Dr. Frank explains that the 2010 census was used to actually cast votes for voters that had either passed away or no longer lived in the county or state.

In numerous documented cases, voters showed up to vote at their precinct only to be told they had already voted, when in fact, they had not voted. What is now being revealed by the scientific investigation of Dr. Frank is that these Americans had their vote cast for them through a highly sophisticated computer program.

In this television special, Dr. Frank explains to Mike Lindell what tipped him off that a cyber-crime had been committed — not in just a few precincts, counties or swing states, but on a national basis. Dr. Frank also reveals that even in the states President Trump won, the President won those states by larger numbers than was reported.

Scientific Proof is the follow up to the two hour docuMovie, Absolute Proof, that was released on February 5, 2021, and was seen by 70 million people in the first four days of its release, and over 150 million to date across 42 countries. Like Absolute Proof, the executive producers of Scientific Proof are Mike Lindell, Brannon Howse and Mary Fanning and was filmed by WVW Broadcast Network, and directed by Brannon Howse.

President Trump delivers his State of the Union address during CPAC 2021. All versions of this video have been removed from Youtube.

The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we're going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it's going to be a bumpy ride... down the Babbitt hole.
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Joe Biden said, “I don’t know what I’m signing,” on camera as he proceeded to sign an unknown executive order. In the video, an unidentified person told him to, “Sign it anyways.” "OK."

Original Source:

During the protests at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit was allegedly shot. The behavior of several individuals around the violence, however, suggests that there was coordinated action among the agitators. To learn more about this we've invited to speak with us independent Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha.

Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election.

Is Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger a Manchurian Candidate?

NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election.

- 0:48 in the video he starts talking about absentees.

– 1:12 he is begging for 100 votes.

– 1:27 is the quote “Out of little acorns, great trees grow” which is an especially poignant quote, considering that those few hundred votes translated into big promises in return down the road.

– 3:12 – 3:47 is the quote about needing a few hundred votes again, and then talking about how close/tight the election is.


This call proves President Donald J. Trump was actually attempting to keep the American people from discovering the full horror of how corrupted their elections really are.

Meadows: Okay. Alright. Mr. President, everyone is on the line. This is Mark Meadows, the chief of staff. Just so we all are aware. On the line is secretary of state and two other individuals. Jordan and Mr. Germany with him. You also have the attorneys that represent the president, Kurt and Alex and Cleta Mitchell — who is not the attorney of record but has been involved — myself and then the president. So Mr. President, I’ll turn it over to you.
Trump: Okay, thank you very much. Hello Brad and Ryan and everybody. We appreciate the time and the call. So we’ve spent a lot of time on this, and if we could just go over some of the numbers, I think it’s pretty clear that we won. We won very substantially in Georgia. You even see it by rally size, frankly. We’d be getting 25-30,000 people a rally, and the competition would get less than 100 people. And it never made sense.

But we have a number of things. We have at least 2 or 3 — anywhere from 250 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County, which hasn’t been checked. We think that if you check the signatures — a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County — you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged. And we are quite sure that’s going to happen.

Another tremendous number. We’re going to have an accurate number over the next two days with certified accountants. But an accurate number will be given, but it’s in the 50s of thousands — and that’s people that went to vote and they were told they can’t vote because they’ve already been voted for. And it’s a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the number’s large. We’ll have it for you. But it’s much more than the number of 11,779 that’s — the current margin is only 11,779. Brad, I think you agree with that, right? That’s something I think everyone — at least that’s a number that everyone agrees on.

But that’s the difference in the votes. But we’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots that we’re able to actually — we’ll get you a pretty accurate number. You don’t need much of a number because the number that in theory I lost by, the margin would be 11,779. But you also have a substantial numbers of people, thousands and thousands, who went to the voting place on November 3, were told they couldn’t vote, were told they couldn’t vote because a ballot had been put on their name. And you know that’s very, very, very, very sad.

We had, I believe it’s about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list, so it’s 4,502 who voted, but they weren’t on the voter registration roll, which they had to be. You had 18,325 vacant address voters. The address was vacant, and they’re not allowed to be counted. That’s 18,325.

Smaller number — you had 904 who only voted where they had just a P.O. — a post office box number — and they had a post office box number, and that’s not allowed. We had at least 18,000 — that’s on tape, we had them counted very painstakingly — 18,000 voters having to do with [name]. She’s a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler [name]. That was the tape that’s been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you, me and everybody else.

Where they got — number one they said very clearly and it’s been reported that they said there was a major water main break. Everybody fled the area. And then they came back, [name] and her daughter and a few people. There were no Republican poll watchers. Actually, there were no Democrat poll watchers, I guess they were them. But there were no Democrats, either, and there was no law enforcement. Late in the morning, early in the morning, they went to the table with the black robe and the black shield, and they pulled out the votes. Those votes were put there a number of hours before — the table was put there — I think it was, Brad, you would know, it was probably eight hours or seven hours before, and then it was stuffed with votes.

They weren’t in an official voter box; they were in what looked to be suitcases or trunks, suitcases, but they weren’t in voter boxes. The minimum number it could be because we watched it, and they watched it certified in slow motion instant replay if you can believe it, but slow motion, and it was magnified many times over, and the minimum it was 18,000 ballots, all for Biden.

You had out-of-state voters. They voted in Georgia, but they were from out of state, of 4,925. You had absentee ballots sent to vacant, they were absentee ballots sent to vacant addresses. They had nothing on them about addresses, that’s 2,326.

Full Transcript Here:

Georgia election officials scanned the same batch of ballots five different times in a row in Fulton County, Georgia at State Farm Arena on November 3, 2020.
In the video you’ll notice they look around the room to make sure no one is watching their criminal act!

UKRAINE 🇺🇦 holds press conference accusing BIDEN family of stealing $millions$ WITH EVIDENCE & RECORDINGS!

The motor home (RV) that carried ‘the bomb’ is likely a distraction because at least one explosion came from inside the AT&T building, aerial footage shows.

That means explosives were placed inside the building before the RV even arrived. That also means that the RV may have been used only for the broadcasting of the recorded gunfire, countdown and warning.


Recently, Blacks have been barred from restaurants, including McDonald's, supermarkets and hotels. They have even been forced out of their homes. Why? Because the Chinese think they carry disease. The China Virus started in China and they're worried about Blacks? I've lived in Austria, France and China. China is the most racist and discriminatory place I've had the displeasure of experiencing.

Think socialism and communism is cool? I actually lived in Austria and France for 15 years. Both are socialist countries. I lived ten years in China. I moved back to the USA because there's no country in the world that can match it.

Two frontline physicians, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, are the owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California. Together, they have administered more than 5,000 coronavirus tests; and say that the coronavirus is similar to the seasonal flu, the quarantine is not helping with building coronavirus immunity, and they are confident that reopening is safe.

In 1991, I left the United States of America for Europe. One of the major reasons for my decision was the invasion of Iraq. I was staunchly opposed to it and was also dismayed by my friends and family who believed the propaganda about Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait throwing babies out of incubators. Of course, I thought the President at the time, George Hebert Walker Bush was corrupt and evil for leading us into this conflict. How many of the people who claimed they were leaving the United States of America have actually left?


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

16 videos

Category Vlogging

The world according to Victor Muh. Where we go one, we go all.