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Laura Knight-Jadczyk has had people following her and taking pictures in an attempt to defame and remove her credibility.

Watch part 2 of our 6-part PC series and it'll be clear why "they" defame her and also accuse her of being a cult leader!

#jaycampbell #hunterwilliams

If you are unwell, there is always something to forgive.

Holding onto negative emotions like anxiety, resentment, or hate can manifest in physical ailments, from shingles to cancer.

#FORGIVENESS is the act of reconnecting with your true essence. It’s about remembering that you are infinitely loved. 💞

It’s an act of #SelfLove—a declaration that you are more than your past hurts and grievances.

Without forgiveness or a foundation of self-love & acceptance, it’s challenging to maintain healthy habits and sustain positive transformations.

Embrace forgiveness, and you embrace a life of harmony and vitality.

👉 Discover the power of forgiveness and begin your journey of self-love at Join.jaycampbell.com

The character of Jesus in the Book of Mark was largely modeled on Paul to make the Jewish Christians seem like the peaceful good guys!

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura exposes the truth about Abrahamic religions!

#jaycampbell #hunterwilliams #truth

Seeking knowledge to create awareness is THE only way third-density beings, can protect ourselves from 4th density service to self marauding.

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura exposes the truth about our hyperdimensional reality!

#jaycampbell #truth

💀 The traditional allopathic #HealthcareSystem is broken. It’s a vehicle for perpetuating disease and emptying bank accounts.

The solution may be to DECENTRALIZE healthcare.

We are in the era of decentralization, and with the collective intelligence, internet, technology, and knowledge that’s out there, they can’t shut us all down. 💪

The TRUTH is always clearer when it’s decentralized. Nature itself is decentralized, so it only makes sense that as we awaken and take control of our time, health, and wealth!

✅ Understand that the only way to combat the ills of today’s medical system is to TAKE MATTERS INTO OUR OWN HANDS and be PROACTIVE.

If you’re not the proactive scientist of your own health, you will be preyed upon.

❓ So, how can we start taking more responsibility for our health?

👉🏻 A great way to start is by joining a group of like-minded individuals on the path to FULL HEALTH OPTIMIZATION at www.fullyoptimizedhealth.com

If you look back to the original practice of circumcision, it opens up a lot of questions about the hidden meaning behind it.

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura exposes the truth about Abrahamic religions!

#jaycampbell #hunterwilliams #truth

These 4 books recommended by Laura will completely change your perspective on EVERYTHING.

The Wave Book Series (1-8)
The Secret History of the World (1-3)
High Strangeness
From Paul to Mark: PaleoChristianity

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to get a preview of the truths explained in Laura's books!

There are many historical accounts of 4th density reptilians interacting w/humans in the past.

They clearly are still amongst us today ruling thru their appointed viceroys aka minion elites.

Watch part 2 of my 6-part Podcast to see how Laura dispels the truth of 3rd density!

Once you comprehend the grand scheme of things, you’ll realize that your power lies solely in your VIBRATION.

✅ There’s no need to fear death or illness. It’s all about YOU raising YOUR vibration.

This is achieved by LOVING and TRUSTING yourSELF. 💖

When you truly love and trust YOURSELF, you connect with the divine life force energy that sustains the cosmos. 🌌

❓ So, are you ready to accept the responsibility of loving and trusting yourSELF?

👉 Transform into your ULTIMATE SELF at Join.jaycampbell.com. Your most extraordinary version awaits!

Jesus of Nazareth was a mythical character.

He was created to make Paul look like the "Good Guy" and the disciples the "Bad Guys".

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura exposes the truth about Christianity!

#jaycampbell #hunterwilliams #truth

The character Jesus of Nazareth wasn't who scripture claims him to be!

Once those who knew the facts about him passed on, the truth was lost and more stories were invented.

Watch part 2 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura exposes the truth about Abrahamic religions!

You don't HAVE to be under the control of 4th density service to self beings to fall victim to mind control.

The people around you here in 3rd density influence you much more than you realize!

Watch part 2 of my 6-part PC series to see how Laura dispels the truths of the Matrix!

#jaycampbell #mindcontrol

After years of experience & collecting massive alounts of data, Laura Knight-Jadczyk decided to take action.

She compiled all her evidence on UFOs and hyperdimensional reality into a fascinating book series!

Her book series is called The Wave!

Watch part 1 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of 3rd Density life.


Seeking a natural way to curb your appetite and enhance your fasting regimen?

🌿Calocurb, a natural GLP-1 activator, might be the game-changer you need—rivaling even the GLP-1 injectables like #Semaglutide or #Tirzepatide.

For those considering an alternative to GLP-1 receptor agonists, #Calocurb offers a compelling option without the drawbacks of injectables.

 It’s the perfect “off-ramp” for transitioning away from drugs like Tirzepatide or Semaglutide, providing similar appetite-suppressing benefits without the side effects.

👉🏻 Learn more at www.fullyoptimizedhealth.com

When you sit down and think about it, everything monetized within the 3rd Density Matrix is a scam!

Once attaining this awareness, you'll realize 4th density beings have set up 3rd Density to feed off us.

Watch E2 of my 6 part PC with Laura Knight-Jadcyzk to understand the hyperdimensional nature of our reality.

#jaycampbell #hunterwilliams #LKJ

The US Government makes deals with aliens, allowing them to abduct people and experiment on them.

This is why both abduction and mutilation stories get covered up so quickly!

Watch part 1 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of our hyperdimensional reality.


In the digital age, technology has been a double-edged sword. While it has propelled humanity forward, it has also dulled our #consciousness and critical thinking.

Despite how busy day-to-day life gets, we must TUNE IN TO MOTHER NATURE and find our way back to the roots that keep us grounded and connected to our inner selves. 🌳✨

Here’s how to reconnect with nature in a world that tries to keep us disconnected:

1️⃣ Prioritize time outdoors – Even a few minutes a day can ground you.
2️⃣ Embrace silence – It’s in the quiet that we hear our true selves.
3️⃣ Filter the noise – Become discerning about the information you consume.

Sometimes we have to deprive our senses to truly connect with our minds.

When we’re forced to be alone with our thoughts, we begin to unpack each layer of our emotions.

And remember, without the presence of inner guidance, guidance that comes from outside of you is of little use.

#EscapeTheMatrix. Reclaim your power. Subscribe for more insights 👉join.jaycampbell.com

Calocurb is a GAME CHANGER for suppressing appetite and helping those who have historically struggled with #WeightManagement to finally shed those excess pounds safely. 🔥

In clinical trials, Calocurb was shown to reduce overall hunger by 25% in men and 30% in women during extended fasts. 📊

My wife Monica can attest to these results. With just 2 capsules of Calocurb daily, she can effortlessly fast for 22 hours when she was never able to break the 18-hour mark before.

✅ We’re NOT blowing smoke here. If you haven’t used Calocurb and you fast as part of a #FatLoss Program like “30 Days 2 Shredz,” give it a whirl.

You’ll be laughing your way to being #shredded!

Learn more at: www.fullyoptimizedhealth.com

The soul will marry the physical body if the right genetics are present!

You, as an individual, have the ability to spiritually expand within the parameters of your physical genetics.

Watch part 1 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of 3rd Density life!

#jaycampbell #thewave

Understanding the 4th density is a VERY complicated concept, but The Ra Material explains much of it.

This set of books is packed with information about the truth behind the 4th-density of existence.

Watch part 1 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of our hyperdimensional reality.


This episode is the second of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment.

The conversation covers a variety of fascinating topics ranging from the theological differences between Pauline and Jerusalem Christianity to historical hints at how higher density beings influence human affairs through a hyperdimensional control matrix.

Tune in if you're interested in learning what secrets and symbolism lie within the world’s most popular religious texts, and how we can use them to better inform our understanding of our position within the cosmos.

"Jesus says, ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.’ And the thing is, that very teaching works against your religion.

The contradictions are there, and there are a whole lot of things that don't fit, and that inspires you to ask some really tough questions."

– Laura Knight Jadczyk


• Stories Of Religious Skepticism & Spiritual Awakening – Hear stories from Laura, Jay, and Hunter about their diverse experiences growing up in different Christian denominations and the pivotal moments that led them to question traditional religious teachings.

• Critical Analysis of Early Christianity – Laura shares insights from her research on early Christian texts and figures, particularly focusing on the historical context and theological differences between Pauline and Jerusalem Christianity.

• Comparative Religion and Modern Derivatives – Learn how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all interconnected, and hear examples of how the teachings, practices, and rituals of these religions have evolved over time.

• The Hyperdimensional Control Matrix – Understand how higher density beings are able to influence and control human affairs using the hyperdimensional control matrix, and how Paul’s writings ma..

The Nation of The Third Eye is a secret underground group of humans (‘Undergrounders’) using psychic projection on surface humans in order to control them!

Many of those being controlled are Social Media Influencers!

Can you guess which ones?

Watch part 1 of my 6-part PC series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of third density life!

#jaycampbell #truth

Reflect on whether your actions are resonant with your #higherSELF or dissonant and feeding the predator class that thrives on your ignorance.

This often comes down to choosing to react from a place of FEAR (#dissonance) or respond with LOVE (resonance). 

🚫 Understand that living in fear can never and will never serve us.

✅ Stay focused on attaining a state of love and joy. Connecting with our higher selves and a higher power makes that possible.

Join the movement towards health optimization and self-empowerment (physical, mental, and spiritual).

Visit 👉join.jaycampbell.com

Over the years there have been many reported UFO encounters…

But why are there very few people asking whether these encounters have a more sinister meaning behind them...

Watch part 1 of my 6-part podcast series to see how Laura uncovers the many mysteries of 3rd density life!


1️⃣ Lifestyle – Smart #weightlifting🏋️‍♂️, regular #cardio🏃‍♀️, and dialed-in nutrition 🥗 are the foundation of your health journey.

2️⃣ #HormonalOptimization – What do your hormones look like?

3️⃣ Peptides, supplements, bioregulators, etc.

#Peptides are NO MORE IMPORTANT than the cherry on top of a sundae. 

They are more of an EXTRA PUSH toward health optimization once you’ve put in the REAL WORK.

👉🏻 Interested in similar conversations? Facetime me directly and get answers to any questions you have by joining my “Fully Optimized Health Private Membership Group,” where I hold weekly “Ask Me Anything” Coaching Calls: www.fullyoptimizedhealth.com


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

406 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

An Architect of The New Earth, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on biohacking and higher consciousness.
His singular focus is Raising the Vibration to Optimize Love Creation!

Co-Host of The Optimize Tribe Podcast with Michael K Jaco

For much more information, visit JayCCampbell.com