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Science is religion constantly redefining belief. The conflicts between science and other religion(s), is the incompatibility of dogma. How important is dogma?

I told a friend, "If the spiritual books have truth in them, then that truth is available to us without them". Ignoring the point he replied, "The angels would never let that happen".

I don't mean to suggest that religious tradition, or even superstition, have no value. They provide terrific personal acceleration. In groups, they provide a point of familiar reference.

Aiming spiritual teachings at the external world, to explain external villains, is superstition. This is important. It is by this means of externalization, that young image the shadow of internal forces. Without this, such conceptualization would remain immature.

Aimed at your internal mechanisms, like a blossoming rose, the teachings unfold the universe inside you.

It is true that there are malicious external forces. But often we focus on grandiose malignant forces, that overwhelm us. Despite earnest attention, the result is that we stand idle. Once our eyes are set upon the distant object, as the primary issue, we are fully deceived. It is those things in your daily life that you contribute to the whole. With total investment on objects you cannot reach, or verify, comes total sacrifice of power. It is bizarre that we perceive ourselves so attentive to the great enemy's design, while eagerly abiding to its hidden agenda.

How would you feel, had you been the one, who shoved the spear into your Savior's side? Each day we blame the Aliens, A.I., Vaccines, Ball Earth, Deep State, etc., we ARE the ones spearing salvation.

Hold this examination of mythology in your mind. Without understanding one might ask why a person would be imparted free will, only to be told they should surrender it. A life, with joy and sorrow, may be perfectly prescribed to answer that question. Development of understanding is a life constant. Understanding is near love. You could almost replace "unconditional love" with "unconditional understanding". But if you did not earn that understanding, you would be in the shadow of your ignorance. In that shadow exist the goblins of superstition.

A.I. hive mind supremacy, may eradicate suffering from the human experience. But it will not satisfy the cause of sorrow. The common theme of A.I. gone wrong is, "Humans must be controlled, to protect them from themselves". A world follows, where we will not be allowed to learn and earn Love with Understanding. But in the fear of losing what we currently hold, some may grasp at a hive mind; to stabilize the human condition. An attempt to absolutely correct the absence of brotherly love, by completely circumventing it.

We don't need A.I. to establish a hive mind . Only concerned with what we may lose, we synchronize our efforts; with that of the global boogie man. In fear hasten the feared. We continue to ignore practicing our true power.

This upload is indented as a counterpart to another, "Can thine eye be singled?". Likewise, the refernces shared there are intended counterparts to the two shared here.

Psalms 46

Luke 8:22-25

This speaker is working in the same general subject matter, as the other mentioned upload. The technique is vastly different. He is speaking to a more narrow range of audience. But this is only in part the reason his technique is so much more complex. It might be said that he is trying to include something for everyone. This would be true. But not so, only, in the way one might assume.

This speaker is working with greater usage of emotional intelligence. Here is one example.

During the first half of his message, he is more widely agreeable with the whole audience. The audience was probably composed of Christians, spiritualists, philosophers, orientalists, and mixed occultists. Somewhat after the first half he starts seeming to demand greater adherence to the dogmatism, of wrong and right. Some would find this in line with their own beliefs. Others might begin to question if that part was really meant for the likes of themselves. Yet another portion are likely to believed he was sowing his allegiance with the strict dogmas established by the more commonly frequented religions. Establishments they rejected as having any legitimacy.

I propose that he was making a stern reminder, to all the paths present. We all carry the trait of assuming we already understand good and bad. When this habit is in strong practice, we tend not to grow.

Understanding emotional intelligence, one can learn how to bother people; in a good way.

This speaker's message is intended to soak in and work over the period of a day or two. Perhaps longer. There may be immediate insight. But a larger overall all conveyance may take place in time. And not just because he provides greater sums of concept.

The title is a reference to Matthew 6:22,23

His message could be conveyed with less time. Time is part of his technique. Sharing a concept of reality is not enough. The whole of the person(s), you wish to inform, must be taken into consideration. His approach is useful when you want an audience to comprehend. Like when speaking with someone new to your spoken language. Or anytime you think someone is missing the point.

If you feel you've gained insight, examine the possibility of reading his message; condensed into a tight handful of paragraphs. Compare this with your experience. If you find that outcomes might have differed, what would have been the cause? Did he mesmerize you? Or were you more deeply receptive? I think your initial response, when beginning to hearing his presentation, will ensure you that you had not been mesmerized.

Additional thoughts:

He points out common primary drives. These can serve you, rather than you serving them.

The bodhisattva. One who is not completely released from the world, for the sake of working in it. This the difference between participating authentically in the world, and being swept away by it. Consider "Emotional Intelligence. It is a very powerful conduit between people, animals, and possibly matter.

But in the converse, faked emotion can also be used in foul manipulation. However, it will lack the same energetic impact. Those less self aware or distracted will not notice. But animals are not so easily fooled.

Finally, the experience he describes, most people have already had.

When reaching home, from an outing, many times I just sit in my car; residing in silence. It is not an intentional procrastination to entering my home. There are no thoughts. Time seems to just stop. I am not focused on any of the things my eyes see. Sounds are there, but I do not attend to them. I am not going over the moments of the day. Nor do I imagine or plan the moments ahead of me. The term "spacing out" may be appropriate.

Its bacisally focusing your attention on the thing it is that your attention looks with. The snake eating it's own tail.

I recommend it during prayer, meditation, use of mandalas (Sri Yantra), or whenever you feel a moment taking control of you.

Hold up your two index fingers, side by side, about a foot away, level with, and centered between your eyes. Slowly expand the space between the two fingers, keeping equal focus on both. After six to 12 inched of distance, you should be unfocused.

This simple practice can actually stimulate entrance to the mind state. But it is not needed. This reaction of eye focus, is something you can observe as a result of entering the state. Keep in mind, it has varying depths.

"Focused on not a thing, but rather to all".

The senses, including mind, its thoughts, memories, and emotions, create a screen. Is there is a witness residing apart from the screen? Or is the screen, itself, the only witness?

This is a basic introduction to "The Esoteric Matrix".

Here the term "Esoteric Matrix" is relating to inner faculties being obscured, allowing for the latches of the external "Exoteric Matrix" to take hold.

Even though the esoteric matrix is closer to the root, of the obscurities you face, you are still gated. As with the exoteric matrix, discoveries are repugnant. However, in the esoteric matrix, the repugnance manifests closer to home.

You yourself become the greatest gate keeper. While this has always been true, at all levels, the deeper obscurities "here" exist without as much (or sometimes any) cause from the external world.

The deeper you delve into this aspect of the matrix, the exoteric matric concerns you less. You begin to understand that this is the key that must be turned. All of the lower keys, in part, contribute to the whole of the problem.

But revelation here carries greater cost. That cost is often in the form of losing things like sentimental vanity . This is not vanity, in the common understanding of it. This is where you may find that certain virtues have only served to embellish your self image. Like ornaments of a Christmas tree. There value is for self affirmation only. Also, you may discover a pre-existent law. One that puts you at odds with the global scale of man's mental infirmities.

This video upload is an effort to hunt deeper, into aspects of the "Exoteric Matrix".

There are many topic that could be included here, like Neural Linguistic Programming. But this is a more practical example.

This is also another example of a Matrix exposure, creating gate keeping. Things building the Exoteric Matrix are not necessarily illusion or unimportant; to your reality. They are often subjects of true concern. But it is excessive invested attention to those concerns, that may distract you from a larger perspective.

The term "Matrix" is used as slang for many things, especially in the consideration of conspiracy thought. But people may not always be talking about the same thing, or have the same intents.

In many ways, the word "Matrix" is very similar to the phrase "Gate Keeper". But a revelation about the matrix can in itself be a gate keeper.

I am here coining the term "Exoteric Matrix", as a way to express any matrix that can be exposed, but after exposure can return to obscure things yet again; for those that have discovered it. Or worse, the exposition of a matrix aspect, seeming like the finally of discovery. Meaning that the root is never sought out. This causing a gate keeping, by discovery itself.

This particular example, is audio from the Massey Lectures. This is session one with Noam Chomsky, titled "Necessary Illusions".

I think the topics mentioned can be extended to the modern world. For example, when media states that Government agencies are upset about end-to-end encryption, Apple device lockout, or a government need for back doors in encryption. This implies that they are impeded by these elements.

Flesh and Fire (Prince Lecture)

At the very end of the lecture, vaguely presented is the "Conclusion of Creation". If you want depth to this understanding, examine the suggested "Duality" of Sankhya/Samkhya. Then eradicate that notion (of duality) with the study of Zhentong (other emptiness). Duality only exists in reflection. Mind is the first reflection. We each are finite bodies of infinite reflection.

The conclusion of creations, is God's (the infinite and eternal mind) conclusion.

The matrix of reality is an interactive environment. The very core function is reflection. That is why it seems you keep asking questions that can not be satisfied. Only the matrix itself is reflected. Your efforts to see beyond it, from within it, is a reactive function of it. You must learn to examine that which is not reflected. Yet effort itself will work against you.

The opinion(s) presented are less important. The content they describe is more the interest. This is a very basic introduction, to the subject.

The Secret Code of Creation
A creationist's view. But several differing creationist opinions are likely.

Nova - Hunting the Hidden Dimension
The mentions of Global Warming, Evolution, and Natural Selection have nothing to do with the principal of the subject.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

11 videos

Category None

I admit that this is a strange description.

It is meant to be confusing. But not for the sake of just confusing you or being cryptic. There seems to be plenty going around, without my help.

Should we question the view(s), of the world around us, that we are presented with?
Should we question what is truth and untruth?
Should we question why we are here?
Should we question the purpose of existence?

If so, then maybe there are other question you should ask, before examining any possible answer for any of those. Otherwise you won't recognize the answer you are looking for, when you see it.

Why is is important "TO YOU" to ask any of those questions?
Do you intend that answers will allow an active change in your life?
Is asking questions distracting you from seeing answers hidden behind your intent?
Does not having the answers you seek prevent you from making any desired change in your life?
How likely will the answer or answers you seek alleviate the need to ask questions?
Is there a different question you could ask, that would alleviate your need for answers?