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This video was available at the Machon Shilo youtube channel but was censored because of Jews complaining at the comment section that Non-Jews might pick up on what was taught. From this lecture, I created the video-clips "Forbidden to save the Non-Jew from death - Criminality of Judaism 1" and
"Cheating and conspiring against the Non-Jew - Criminality of Judaism 2".
Download this video and save it, create your own video channel somewhere and upload it.
He teaches the mitzvah/commandment of passive murder of the Non-Jew, which is valid only if the Jew can get away with it without retribution, and he also teaches Jews how to lie about it.
The name of the mitzvah is "Lo moridim ve lo moalin" and is one of 613 mitzvoth. Breaking a mitzvah is defined as a sin against their god and the Jew must repent "tshuva" to be forgiven.
This is the real authentic Judaism that all Jews adhered to until the Haskhala (the Jewish enlightenment in the 18:th century when the Reform movement was created).
All rabbis regardless of branch know this but they're not telling about it regardless of which branch they belong to. They all state in chorus "Judaism contains NOTHING negative against the Non-Jew!". This makes them de facto the enemies of the Non-Jew because they prefer putting the life of the Non-Jew at risk so that they can keep talking about "antisemitism" and their Holocaust hoax.

Imagine the audacity of Organized Jewry for complaining about "antisemitism". Their claim that "antisemitism is inexplicable" is the most bold faced lie and they know it of course.
They know that rabbis teach Jews to lie and they know very well that their Holocaust is a hoax but have no problem with legislation which put Goyim scientists in jail for debunking the Holocaust. See the most fantastic Holohoax atrocity stories these people have told:
The Non-Jew should not complain that they succeed to censor him, that they rub charges of "antisemitism" as some special sort of racism on a daily/weekly basis if he doesn't shame them for refusing to tell about this commandment of passive murder and them pretending to be the worlds most greatest innocent victims throughout world history.
They need to have their credibility so totally destroyed so that they dare not to whine "antisemitism!" ever!
The only one who can accomplish this is you, work done by you on social media. Shame them to silence EVERYWHERE.
Follow my lead:
Download, therefore, the condensed video from my G-drive and tweet it everywhere, upload it to Twitter for every tweet to be shown on-site (Max length of Twitter is 2min 20 seconds)
Paste this text or adapt it and then add one of the two videos from my G-drive link to be played in your tweet on site:
@ADL are playing us. Refusing to whistleblow mitzvah/commandment of passive murder of the Non-Jew if the Jew can get away with it, rabbis teaching Jews how to lie about it while RUBBING #Antisemitism! in our face

RUB IT, RUB IT, RUB IT, For every time you've heard the charge "antisemitism", for every time they've rubbed their Holohoax in your face!

Rabbi Mordechai Fritzis of Thessalonika ( currently in Israel according to someone)
He confirms what Non-Jews have said about Jewish Supremacy for some 2000 years, which is that they view themselves of having infinite higher value in God's eyes than the Non-Jew. and "view all the other nations with the hatred of enemies"- Tacitus
It all seem to stem from their atrocity hoax stories which is part of their religion/history which also declares that the Messiah (the AntiChrist for us Christians) is going
to exact gruesome vengeance onto the Non-Jews.

Israeli journalist and human rights activist Yossi Gurwitz explains that murdering a Non-Jew is not considered a punishable offense
in a Talmudic court - Beit Dinh. It is still considered a sin but not a punishable one hence it is not a grave sin.
He also explains the concept of "Mipnei Darkei Shalom" which can be translated as "peaceful ways" and means that as long as the Jews are not in power they should not apply the Halacha out of fear of retribution, but rather follow Gittin 61 - "feed their poor and bury their dead", see
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz lectures about Darkei Shalom here:

Rabbi Mordechai Fritzis of Thessalonike, Greece.
They believe their own Holohoax-propaganda or at least they pretend to believe. They think that they have suffered completely unjustly in the hands of the Gentile for 3000 years.
Therefore the Non-Jew must be genetically evil, therefore routing out the Non-Jew is an unfortunately but sadly so necessary act of self-defense else "it can happen again".
This rabbi knows that their religion forbids the saving of the Gentile from death if the Jew can get away with it, but still doesn't connect Jewish suffering to the criminality of Judaism. It is not because he is stupid, but because Judaism defines the Jew as a completely different species. They have a word for the concept of when not to implement Jewish law because of fear of Gentile retribution - "Mipnei Darkei Shalom" which can be translated as "Peaceful ways" and means that as long as the Jew is not in full power they must behave friendly towards the Non-Jew, which means throwing the safety ring to a drowning Non-Jew, calling 911 etc.
The reason that they don't find it necessary to explain the lethal laws of their religion, to warn the Non-Jew there are Jews who cannot call 911 for a dying Non-Jew because of religious prohibition, but instead everywhere and at all times accuse the Non-Jew for "antisemitism" while posing as the worlds eternal innocent victims is an indication of that they really believe that they are a different and higher species.
It is not never necessary with respect to the conscience to speak truth to something who is of a different species. Compare it to the farmer who doesn't feel it necessary to inform his cow that he is planning to take her calf to the slaughter.

You can ignore it if you want but the Climax of Judaism involves the extermination and the enslavement of the Non-Jew, see videos on this channel.,
The simple fact that the Non-Jew is oblivious about it but instead feels guilt toward the Jew,
hates and disbelieves the person who is pointing this out, is in itself hard proof of the existence of a spiritual world - because you simply cannot get away with stuff like this,
it is just not possible. In the same way, one simply cannot win every time one buys the lotto if not some sort of a supernatural force is involved.
Israeli professors talk about the supremacy of the Jews as well. It is no big deal there.
Prof. Mordechai Nisan:
"If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence." (Kivunim - Official publication of the World Zionist Organization, August, 1984, pp. 151-156.)
Dr. Arnon Sofer " If we don't kill we will cease to exist"
You cannot get away with stuff like this, but they do.
David Sheen reports that Jews only get slap-on-wrist sentences if they murder black refugees in Israel, even if it is caught on camera, see
You simply cannot get away with stuff like that and while posing as "the only democracy in ME" and milking the US axpayer of billions each year.

Consider also this:
i. Christendom talks about the false Messiah (the anti-Christ) - a Jew who will rule the earth and kill Christians.
ii. Islam talks about al-Dajjal, a Jew and who will destroy holy sites of Islam.
iii. Gentile geniuses both religious and atheists have warned for the Jewish peril will for +2000 years.
iv. Reports of Jewish ritual human sacrifice started to surface well before Christianity started and have literally showered society for +2000 years
Search "What famous men have said about Jews". See also Prof. of artificial intelligence Dr. Hugo De Garis

Now, if these people were "Gypsie beggars" I would suggest you to just ignore them, but these people are no beggars. They are highly disciplined, thoroughly brainwashed and have the money power to buy presidents and whole intelligence agencies, which they do - for Zion.
This might sound crazy in your ears but when they rejected the Son of God as their Moshiach and killed him, they became Satans no. 1 vehicle of choice.
I am telling you: This is not a racial thing -there are Jews of every race, color in as there also exist Satanists of every race and every color.
You don't become popular by pointing this out because if you can't blame race then you cannot stop the Jewish prophecies of world domination by physically preempting their violence as their Talmud says -"If you know that somebody will kill you, rise up and kill him first"
If it is not a racial thing then there is a spiritual world that gives that the war must be a spiritual war.
And If it is a spiritual war then you cannot win it with guns and ammo and then your only option left is to find Jesus Christ and the path of the Cross.

2800 slaves in Shabbath 32 b

Professor Mordechai Nisan wrote: "If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence." (Kivunim - Official publication of the World Zionist Organization, August, 1984, pp. 151-156.), see
The Son of God warned us - "Ye are the children of the devil"John. 8:44. Our finest geniuses since pre-Christian times have warned humanity.
-Voltaire : "I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race"
-Dostojevskij: "Wouldn’t they turn them into slaves? Worse then that, wouldn’t they skin them altogether? Wouldn’t they slaughter them to the last man, to the point of complete extermination?”
-Martin Luther: "Oh, how fond they are of
the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous
yearning and hope. The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people than
they are who imagine that they are God's people who have been commissioned and commanded
to murder and to slay the Gentiles. In fact, the most important thing that they expect of their is that he will murder and kill the entire world with their sword."

The nice Jews interviewed assure you that the slavery that their Moshiach
will impose on the Gentile will be voluntary!
Voluntary slavery! You'd better believe it and by the way, I have some fine real estate on the moon that I want to sell to you...

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel is citing verses from the RAMBAM (Maimonides) who is considered the greatest rabbi of all times since Moses.
The text is from "The laws of kings and wars"
from Maimonides magnum opus "Mishney Torah", see with google translate

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel is the head of the Sanhedrin which is the court that sentenced the Son of God to death. The Israeli government does not recognize the Sanhedrin(yet) but all the rabbis in Israel are funded by the state which means that they endorse their Talmud teachings. Ariel is also most likely linked to Israel's most elite Yeshiva -the Mercaz HaRav, see
You can see the name "Rabbi Yisrael Ariel" on an article written by rabbi David Bar Chaim from when he was a student there,
Bar Chaim's video "The Gaza War and the Killing of Non-Combatants in Warfare - Why are the Rabbis Silent?" is an absolute *must see* where he explains why a Gentile should not be saved from death and where he also gives advice on how to lie about it to be able to get away with it. It is a sin to save the Non-Jew because it is forbidden since it is a violation of one of the 613 mitzvoth - the "Lo Tsichonaym" (Compassion is forbidden) . The Jew must save the Non-Jew however if he or other Jews will be put in danger otherwise - this is called "Mipnei Darkei Shalom" which means "Peaceful ways" which is the path to follow when Jews are not in power.
According to Bar Chaim on his youtube channel "Machon Shilo" he was a student at Mercaz for 10 years which is a good thing to rememeber and say to Jews when their lying trying to obfuscate and hide the criminality of their religion - "Did you study for 10 years at the Merkaz HaRav, Israels most elite Yeshiva, under Rabbi Tzvi Jehuda HaCohen Kook -the son of Israel's first Askhenazi chief rabbi Avram the legendary Rabbi Yitzshak HaCohen Kook? If you didn't, then shut the fuck up"
Their answer will naturally be "Antisemite!" Here you respond: "Of course I am an anti-semite, because I oppose the criminality of your religion, but are you insinuating that I am racist?
If so, which race is it? Is it the black Jews, the blond Jews, the Chinese Kaifeng Jews, the Peruvian Indian Jews? [].
Perhaps it is the race of "me-having-Jewish-blood-from-mommy"?


Please download and save this video as well as the following documents
-Jewish history Jewish religion by Prof. Israel Shahak, chap. 5, section "Sexual offenses",_Jewish_Religion_-_New_Edition__The_Weight_of_Three_Thousand_Years%20(2008).pdf

-Dafnotes Sanhedrin 54
"If he cohabits
with anyone mentioned in the Torah who is forbidden to him,
they are killed because of him. "
See Page 118 (see also p. 112)

"In my opinion, it is fitting to put an end to the hatred of religions for each other.
More than Christianity hates Judaism, Judaism hates Christianity.
There is a dispute if stealing from Gentiles is forbidden from the Torah, everyone holds that deceiving a Gentile and cancelling his debt is permitted, one is not to return a lost object to a Gentile,
according to R. Tam intercourse with a Gentile does not render a woman forbidden to her husband,
their issue is like the issue [of horses]. According to Maimonides,
if a Jew has sex with a
Gentile [woman], the Gentile is killed because the Jew stumbeled into sin through her.
The law of the Gentile is the same as that of an animal. Maimonides derived this law on his own.
It is not found in the Bavli or Yerushalmi. We must solemnly and formally declare that in our day
this does not apply. Meiri wrote as such, but the teachers and ramim whisper in the ears of students that all this was written because of the censor"

Download and save the videos and the documentation, please
-Gentiles must accept inferiority or die

-No penalty for murdering a Non-Jew

-Gentiles are non-humans, Jews are superior

-Gentiles are permanent impure

-Everything was created for the Jew. The Non-Jew was created to serve the Jew

-Slavery for the Non-Jew. Each Jew will have 2800 slaves

-Stealing from the Non-Jew is allowed
Pages 112, 118.

-The Non-Jewish victim is killed if the Jew falls into sin
See also "Jewish history, Jewish religion" chap. 5 by Prof. Israel Shahak

-No punishment in the Talmud for the murder of a Non-Jew

-Acts out of compassion towards the Non-Jew are forbidden*/,5081,5140#msg-514

-Forbidden to save the Non-Jew from death

-Christ bashing

-Summary Halakah

-Typical obfuscation tactics when lying about their religion discussed
See also Prof.Israel Shahak, "Jewish history Jewish religion" chapter 2


-Ritual human sacrifice

Summary Talmud

The criminality of Judaism has always been denied by Organized Jewry and there are Jewish humanists who are whistleblowers who have always been smashed as liars, insane, incompetent, self-hating Jews, and "antisemites" by them.

-It is forbidden to break the Sabbath to save a Non-Jew from death within Rabbinic Judaism, but allowed if it is a public relations trick, according to Jewish humanist Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman:
" If you intended to save the patient’s life so as to facilitate
good relations between Jews and non-Jews,
your actions were permissible. But if,
to the contrary, you intended to save the patient out
of universal morality, then you were in fact guilty of
violating the Sabbath,"

There are religious endorsements also for deceiving the Non-Jews.
The professor writes further down:
"Later, in class, the teacher apologized to us students for what he said to the doctor.
His comments, he said, were inappropriate — not because they were wrongheaded,
but because non-Jews were present in the audience when he made them.
The double standard of Jews and non-Jews, in other words, was for him truly irreducible:
it was not just about noting that only Jewish lives merited violation of the Sabbath,

-Acts based on compassion directed towards Non-Jew are forbidden, you will read further down that this rule applies when there is no public relations gain to be obtained:
Jewish humanist and documentary filmmaker Menachem Daum:*/,5081,5140#msg-514

"Recently I asked two major poskim whether it is permitted to
send an unsolicited donation toward tsunami relief.
In the case I posed to them, the recipients would not know a
Jew was sending the donation.
There would be no Kiddush HaShem if it were sent nor would
there be a Chilul HaShem if it were withheld.
Both eminent authorities ruled that in such a case it was clearly a violation
of the negative prohibition of "Lo Sichonaym",
we are not permitted to do a gratuitous act of kindness for a non-Jew."
but also about keeping the secret of why non-Jewish lives might be saved. "

-The Jewish humanist Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, confirms the lethal criminal conspiracy and the deception and lies of Rabbinic Judaism

Page 112
"The spiritual state in all circles brings sadness and hopelessness.
I have bitter thoughts about the very existence of the nation and its hopes for the future.
The entire world hates us. We assume that this hatred is due to the wickedness of the nations,
and so no one stops to think that perhaps we also bear some guilt. We regard all the nations as similiar to an ass.
It is forbidden to save a Gentile,
it is forbidden to offer him free medical treatment,
it is forbidden to violate the Sabbath to save his life,
his sexual intercourse
does not render a woman forbidden to her husband according to R. Tam, because their issue is like the issue of horses.
Can the nations resign themselves to such a deprivation of rights?
It is permitted to deceive a Gentile and cancel his debt as well as forbidden to return his lost object!
What can we do? Can we uproot our Torah teaching with apologetic formulae
or clever deceptions. God knows that I have written this with the blood of my heart, the blood of my soul"

Page 118
"In my opinion, it is fitting to put an end to the hatred of religions for each other.
More than Christianity hates Judaism, Judaism hates Christianity.
There is a dispute if stealing from Gentiles is forbidden from the Torah, everyone holds that deceiving a Gentile and cancelling his debt is permitted, one is not to return a lost object to a Gentile,
according to R. Tam intercourse with a Gentile does not render a woman forbidden to her husband,
their issue is like the issue [of horses]. According to Maimonides,
if a Jew has sex with a
Gentile [woman], the Gentile is killed because the Jew stumbled into sin through her.
The law of the Gentile is the same as that of an animal. Maimonides derived this law on his own.
It is not found in the Bavli or Yerushalmi. We must solemnly and formally declare that in our day
this does not apply. Meiri wrote as such, but the teachers and ramim whisper in the ears of students that all this was written because of the censor"

-Leon Silberstein on the Halakhot (laws) against the Non-Jews (please download and save everything)

-Professor Israel Shahak's "Jewish history Jewish religion, the weight of 3000 years" (chap.5),_Jewish_Religion_-_New_Edition__The_Weight_of_Three_Thousand_Years%20(2008).pdf

Jewish hatespeech
"Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi - Intermarriage - The Biggest Threat To The Jewish Nation"
According to the rabbi, there is no racism. God loves his creation, and so must the Jews.
Jews should animals and the Goyim who are above the animals.
-"No racism, because it is in the Torah - the creator said so."
See also

GDL founders mother exposes the Jew

Censored for youtube in Sweden


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

14 videos

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