Unicorn Rescue Service

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Unicorn Rescue Service

Unicorn Rescue Service by Robert May


On May 30, 2024, Brian Rose, Founder & Host of London Real @LondonRealTV writes:

via Concerned Citizen 12 on Rumble https://rumble.com/v4wti1w-l-e-a-k-e-d-v-i-d-e-o.html
"Clinically-retarded Teresa “Tranny” Tam invited the WRONG PERSON to a private online meeting where they displayed their mental gymnastics behind the big Beef and Poultry SLAUGHTER that they are planning to ATTACK OUR FOOD SUPPLY WITH."

Just asking questions...

April 2024 video 335 - How are "they" going to convince you to take the easy exit(s) - before they get prosecuted? You should know "they" already have "plans".
"This is a scary video. 'This is what the medical mafia will do to us next.' Be aware and stay alive..." ~ Dr. Vernon Coleman is a very good guy... please listen. ❤️
There is more and more information surfacing about people being euthanized for various reasons. Going into the hospital and not coming out. In some places if no one comes for the body, the body is disposed of. This is to be expected with the current accelerated illnesses and cancers being encouraged by people's weakening immune systems. ...also known as VAIDS (vaccine attributed immune deficiency syndrome). Euthanasia will be offered or done in secret to help clear patient lists and other reasons. REMEMBER: If "they" can kill you - you can't prosecute them.

This is an educational, not-monetized archive copy of Douglas Vogt's work who passed away on December 13, 2023, at the age of 76 trying to wake up the world for many decades of his life.
....you can also do additional research of the works of Douglas Vogt who was a science writer, researcher and professional member of the Geological Society of America. Douglas Vogt offers 60 major scientific discoveries...

Our government see's us as the enemy...

"Chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory"... What is a conspiracy?
Conspiracy definition:
A conspiracy, also known as a plot or scheme, is a secret plan or agreement between people for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder, treason, or corruption, especially with a political motivation, while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it. ~ Wikipedia

Covering the keypad no longer is all you need to do.
LOOK for "additions" to card readers - just in case.
Examples from America in this video - learn before it gets you.

Candace Owens posted the following:
Americans know nothing about real history. Did you know that 12 million Germans were ethnically cleansed after WW2? Did you know half a million of them were murdered for the crime of speaking German? That Children were lined up and shot?
"Well over 2 million women and children were raped at the end of the war. Many of them died or killed themself as a result." In Czechoslovakia, they lined German civilians up (many of whom had lived there for centuries), and ran over their legs with trucks. They forced them to dig their own graves. Not all of them were German. Some of them just spoke German.
12 million German civilians were expelled across Eastern Europe—force stripped of their homes and property and citizenry for the crime of speaking German. Hundreds of thousands of them starved to death. This ethnic expulsion was the largest in human history and yet you've never heard about it.
Why? I encourage everyone to watch this documentary.

"They" want us to accept raping kids as Normal and Healthy
Guess who?
- Archive Copy

Archive Copy: Stew Peters on the persecution of truth tellers. By, guess who....

EDUCATION from 2013 - Listen to Roseanne at 16 minutes in. ...in 2013!
Archive = "RT - Breaking The Set w/ Abby Martin - 20/12/2013 - Demanding NSA reform, human extinction by 2030, and Roseanne Barr takes on trolls"

Odd, Interesting & a little freaky...
rumble 8Tdpwy8s6uHK

Archive Mirror - Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Pierre Kory: COVID Vaccines Causing Unprecedented Deaths & Injuries

I had some questions in my feed... and maybe it's time to put this out there again.
My family uses nicotine spray and ivermectin horse paste. And we are as healthy as can be. Carefully watch the episode above. It might be helpful for you and your family. ❤️
- archive mirror source: https://rumble.com/v4g9qef-the-shocking-truth-about-nicotine-and-its-bizarre-nwo-connection-w-dr.-ardi.html

A good EDUCATIONAL video - should be required in ALL SCHOOLS - title & info pending...

You are likely being tricked - take some time to know how:
"By deceit, they will win." = You Lose... Last Chance?
Money Controls - what you hear from independent media!

I've received 2 warnings about showing this video - one serious...
- It must be more important than I realized - copy and save -
Is the information too sensitive... is it wrong? * PROVE IT WRONG *

Found this video in a few places - but the surrounding content destroyed the meaning - copied here for clarity:

The whole concept of "money" needs an "unplug" and a very serious "rethink". Greed and sucking the life blood from others go hand-in-hand. Greed is the fundamental problem. How to make a society where greed is not worshiped along with fame and fortune? Parasites, politicians and others without empathy, will always "rise to the top" of any society that values money the way it exists on Earth at this time. Governance "structure" or "type" doesn't effect this at all - they just change colors but are fundamentally all greedy... is there a fix? If a "fix" is done will it last? This expresses the never-ending-problem in an interesting way. (I recommend watching the whole short film animation for really cool details.)

NEWS - Janine attacked at 2 min 30 sec into this clip - VERY CRITICAL to watch a few times and absorb and understand how attacks can work when sensitive information is released and trying to be blocked by the "unseen".

Do Jews use fake names to hide in the general public and government?


This is really good - entertaining and PACKED WITH INFORMATION!
The more you know about the past - the more sense today makes.
What is it about the disclosure of Secret Societies in early films?
So much information ~ "hidden in plain sight".


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

39 videos

Category Education