Universo Binario

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Universo Binario

Universo Binário


This video explain a product that can restore your dna after taking the dead mRNA shots, like pfizer or jansen. Yes, there is hope.



Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFdyh-AOVew&t=6s

"We will be doing this activation as a two step process, the first step is signing the Planetary Liberation petition listed below, the second step is the meditation itself. This two-step trigger will have he maximum effect on the planetary situation possible.

Sign the Planetary Liberation petition (links to both petition sites):



We need 144,000 signatures by December 21st to trigger the desired exopolitical effect.

We will be doing the Divine Intervention Activation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity, at the exact moment of the solstice on December 21st, 2021.

The exact moment will be at 8:00 am PST in Los Angeles. This equals 9:00 am MST in Denver, 10:00 am CST in Chicago, 11:00 am EST in New York, 4:00 pm GMT in London, 5:00 pm CET in Paris, 6:00 pm EET in Cairo, and then we cross into Wednesday December 22nd for the far eastern time zones: 00:00 am CST (midnight) on Wednesday December 22nd in Taipei and Beijing, 01:00 am JST in Tokyo and 03:00 am AEDT in Sydney."

China's sinovac/coronavac vaccine is the only one which will not kill you. The others will, as explained in this video.

Esse vídeo mostra a gravidade da situação irregular dessas vacinas, que violaram todos os 10 códigos de Nuremberg de 1947. Qualquer violação resulta em pena de morte por crimes contra a humanidade. As vacinas covid são um genocídio em escala global.

Remember: it is a DANGEROUS TECHNIQUE, just do it if you HAVE NO OTHER OPTION, like TAKE THE SHOT NOW OR DIE. Any mistake and it will not work. You have to put the wet clay over your arm, covering the hole of the injection right after it.

Fiocruz investiga dois casos suspeitos de contrair a doença da vaca louca no Rio de Janeiro. Tese científica de Cambridge indica que vacina possui ligação com a doença da vaca louca, neurodegenerativa e fatal.

Essa vacina possui muito hidróxido de alumínio, podendo causar diversas doenças autoimunes e permanentes.
Você deve usar cápsulas de ácido ortosilícico ou silanox para se curar.

This video explain how to cure yourself from these evil vaccines. The coronavac, or sinovac, it depends on the country.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

9 videos

Category None

Um canal sobre o Universo ser um simples modelo binário 0 e 1, esse é o assunto principal.