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I swear the thumbnail is supposed to be intentionally stupid.

Review of Captain Marvel (2019)

And reaction to story trailer as well.

Is it a problem that Jade, Skarlet, Sonya and the other females are no longer as sexy as they used to be in Mortal Kombat 11?

You got Caged!

Thumbnail is Ms Marvel Vol. 2 #29

Reviewing ARAK: SON OF THUNDER #21 (1983).

Review of GLASS (2019)

Just chill, bro (re-upload).

Auld Lang Syne and all that.

Is comicsgate wrong about political comics?

I can admit when I've made some mistakes.

Short vid regarding this.

And Timothy Lim and Nerkish killed it, lol.

EVS's stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjaGv-XI6ws&t=10689s

Here's D&C's GoFundMe if you do want to contribute: https://www.gofundme.com/back-ya-boi-zack

Here's that Sporkman project I mentioned if you want to contribute to that as well: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sporkman-goes-to-japan-tpb/x/18536794#/

An overview of the new DC Universe App.

My reading of the lay of the land.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

53 videos

Category None

Conservative-ish video maker that focuses on the intersection of politics and pop culture. Mostly does videos about comics and #comicsgate.