Laser Hair Pro

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Laser Hair Pro



What is laser hair removal? How does it works? Is the result permanent? This 1-minute-long infographic show answered them all. Learn more at

Laser hair removal relies on the contrast between the color of your skin and hair to operate. So that it can heat and damage the hair follicle to stop hair growth. Learn more at


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

Category Science & Technology

Laser Hair Pro helps you understand how laser hair removal works, answer frequently asked questions among patients, explain laser treatment procedure in detail, among others. No matter the presentation, our work reflects this content-driven awareness and the long-term goals of relevance, timeliness, and diversity. We realize that laser hair removal is as much about self-expression and self-discovery as it is about consulting a dermatologist and researching on the internet; that it is not take it or leave it; and that every patient’s individual goals for laser treatment are not the same, and that is okay. We also realize that body image is closely related to personal identity, and that better self confidence often require critical thinking. We are all curious people, and let us learn together. Please check out our blog at