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Wilhelm Apologist


Another classic of the hood. 10/10 no cap

Many people say democracy is a good form of government, but what if they're wrong? In fact, they are wrong. How can you look at today's political reality and not come to the conclusion that there is not something fundamentally wrong with our system? To allow these freaks to get into power while the state does nothing. It is dumb to blindly accept the dogma "democracy is the worst system except for all the others." If this is the best system we, as humans, have ever created then humanity doomed!

a classic of the hood

Spanish will continue to grow in America. This shift in language is unprecedented in American history. Spanish has grown from 4% to 15% and will continue to grow in the foreseeable future eventually making America a bilingual country. Languages move, people move and America will be radically different than it is today.

I said, when referring to the native language in Ireland, that Irish speak "Gaelic" when the proper term would be "Irish Gaelic." I also used the Mexican flag to refer to all Spanish Americans, I did this because ~52% of all Hispanic Americans are Mexicans. A growing proportion of these Hispanic Americans are also coming from Central America. Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are relatively stable so when I'm referring to Latin America I am mostly referring to Central America plus the Caribbean, Columbia, Venezuela and Peru. Argentina's economy periodically explodes so maybe it's not that stable.

Scheer is a joke

Brief summary about why it wasn't a pointless war

Music used in this video includes:
How We On The Clouds Of Shipka
Farewell to Slavianka
and various music from Victoria 2 which I cant be bothered to name

the song used as an intermediary is "Come all ye bold Canadians"
every other song is not relevant, dont worry about that bro

big effort, not so big video


What if Anglo-Canada just dunked on the French-Canadians


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

10 videos

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