Samyama Foundation

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Samyama Foundation



Azar’s Heart reached its limit – after reading the perhaps 500th article on what the elite is actually doing over the last two years (and before) and feeling into all this. For whatever it’s worth in the world of form, the Heart through Azar cast a curse on the dark ruling clique of the elite, the terrorists who have forgotten what it is to feel, what it is to be human, to be part of a human community, and in its megalomania is terrorizing the populations all over the world, is trying to revert Truth into Lie and Lie into Truth, trying to revert everything, the whole nature upside down.
As often, since it is never planned, the session started without recording, then with audio recording, and then at 7:13 minutes video recording is added too.

Here is Azar’s statement he wrote the evening before recording this video:

After reading the article below - a lot of it i knew already, but anyhow, the implications of it are reactivated in my current more fiery state of consciousness - I, Manifestation of the Heart of the World, have Decided to cast a Curse on the Western elite in so far as they are involved and co-responsible for the misery they have created and are still creating in the world. I've had it. My tears of anger, evoked for many years and now coming out of my eyes, ears, nose, mouth and heart while reading this article, the famous drop (or the camel's back last straw), will somehow, anyhow, sooner or later reach the elite barbarians. And whoever supports, collaborates with or defends these criminals will undergo a similar fate that's waiting for them. The sheep will be separated from the goats. I have spoken. It is enough.
This is not about having the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ opinion, not about opinion. This is about the Heart. It is about Submission to the Rule of Heart, or turning away from and against the Heart.
The word ‘Decided’ is too presumptuous – as if a volcano decides if it will erupt or not. The ‘Decision’ is a natural part of a Deep Process and cannot be made by anyone. The Heart Is the Mirror of what you human beings are doing. If you go too far, like now, you will know this, anyhow. Even if some people will get away with their incredible crimes against the Heart during their lifetime, they will not be able to escape Me after their inevitable death, for I Am Everywhere. And then it will be too late to ask for forgiveness. I've been hiding here on earth, i've been here undercover. The Heart needs time, time to let go through Itself what you are doing here on earth. I’ve come to See and Meet your Ego. Death. Your ego is Death itself, or rather lifelessness, the despair around the lack of Life. You have died while alive. In your not-admitted despair you have chosen the Sin. You have had the chance to stop. You know this, I was There, with you, and I Offered you this chance. You didn’t take it. You continued, you laughed, you were afraid of My Light. You, in your limitless arrogance, assumed or bluffed you were stronger than Me. I am Here to put you in your place. I’ve followed you. It’s not only now that I See you. I’ve been busy with you, so that now you come out of your secret dark and stinking holes, up into the light. There you will burn.
There has been enough forgiveness for you. You’ve terribly misused the Heart’s goodness. And women of the perpetrators, listen to Me, you whores who have allowed the sinners in your body, you will get the very same treatment as your husbands whom you’ve always hated and whom were rotting on and on while you allowed them in. Does something that is rotting recognize something else that is rotting too?
And now I’m going to meditate, to implement the Curse… I see ‘my’ golden-white aura flaring up and fading again, right left right left, dually from one side to the other, around my feet, and upward all around my body, expanding. This means you are done. I don’t fake, like you. This time you went too far…

Further video description mentioning the subjects included in the talk is here:

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 05.06.2022 on our youtube channel.

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Considering people’s (unconscious) Resistance to the Heart (in manifested form) – which has only grown over the last decades, going together with the ego getting stronger – Azar doesn’t talk much about his appearance here on earth. In this video he does this somewhat, however. After a brief introduction of Satlova about the change Jesus brought, Azar elaborates on the fact that for the true integration of Light and Dark on an earthy level the Process of Man and Woman is needed. Bringing Light of the Heart to Earth, indispensible as it is, is not enough. Man's Light is to Shine into Woman's Darkness.

He also connects this to the acceleration of the roll out of the dark plans of the elite. You don’t have to believe in the Christ - rather feel directly with your Heart.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 25.03.2022 on our youtube channel.

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

In this next video (July 25th 2021), before Azar takes over after half an hour, Satlova starts a speech about what is on her heart. The occasion is getting acquainted with the tapes of a paediatrician recorded in 1989 in US where he talks about a speech he attended 20 years earlier in 1969 by Dr. Day before a medical audience, mainly paediatricians. Dr Day, who’s part of the elite, talked in many ‘details’ about the direction the elite wanted and actually orchestrated and manipulated the global human society to move into. Shockingly, the society we live in nowadays is a society by design, it is not an organically evolved organization of people into a system based on human values. The elite agenda contains not only the classic motives of money and power, but also, as already revealed in 1969 by Dr. Day (although it stems from much earlier in fact), depopulation. Whatever you find in society nowadays – and will find – and what we got used to, it is there by design. Just name it: smartphones, digital identification, mass media manipulation and control, all kinds of taxes, the kind of movies you watch, much shit music they produce on purpose (if you think you like styles like hip-hop, house and rap, you’re successfully brainwashed, all this shit goes radically against your heart, your nature, your natural frequencies), ever increasing mandatory or propaganda of v@Cc!nat!ons, chem-trails, but also things of another character like promoting homosexuality, promoting abortion, deliberately separating man and woman, for instance by stimulating people, especially men, to work in another town than where they live, so that man and woman have less time to be with each other and connect, promoting women to go out and work, the attempt to make women disdain being ‘just’ a housewife and looking after children, promotion of child care facilities, subsidizing child care. Or think for instance about brainwashing people to believe that the enemy comes from outside, especially Russia, successfully distracting them etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera…
Not surprisingly, in this video Satlova and Azar Baksh relate it to what happens in the world today.

Subjects of the talk:
- society has been designed to become dehumanized and robotized
- natural anger
- the ways we are being poisoned and weakened
- people are brainwashed to oppose breastfeeding human babies by human mothers and to favour giving them cow milk and artificial formulas which weakens their immune system and a natural bond with the mother
- sexualisation of society
- parents must unite to protect the children
- EMFs, wireless dangers, smart meters
- call to create human responsible society
- living from the mind vs. the Heart
- manipulation to be peaceful if attacked
- va$$-inations
- balance between being and doing
- meditation
- governments to meditate before making (important) decisions
- Heart should always be the core of everything, of every decision
- the ‘elite’ are suckers, consciousness protects us from being sucked, Conscious Heart is the mirror to the suckers

At the end of the video children enter the room and Azar plays the guitar and sings “Purusha”.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 24.10.2021 on our youtube channel.

For who’s interested in the recordings of Dr Lawrence Dunegan:
The full transcribed texts:

We can’t recommend enough to inform yourself about this, how society is designed by the elite, how we people have been fooled by the elite ever since we can’t remember.

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

More about Satlova:

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

The video starts with silence, with meditation, for a change. People who, for whatever interesting reason, are especially attracted, or even addicted, to words can step in at 7:45. As usual it is recommended to watch the video in a dark environment.

The elite, in their fear and hunger for control and more wealth, tries to weaken Man and the in itself uncontrollable Love between Man and Woman, as they try to control, modify, weaken or eradicate everything that is of a Higher Divine Nature, Nature Itself, our freedom, our sovereignty, our immune system, our DNA, our intelligence, our connection to nature, our Heart… We have to show their Ego arising from the Dark that the Heart is stronger, for the Ego cannot stop itself. So we need to strengthen our Heart. Let this video be a next contribution to this.
Although it seems not the main theme of this video, to me everything is connected, and at a certain point ‘I’ become angry when it comes to capitalism. (39:50) All the more so if you have affinity with Christianity, and despite the swearing, you can see this as the wrath of Jesus (or the Heart) speaking to the sinners who, despite His warning long ago, have surrendered to the shine of money instead of bowed for His Heart, for the Man of the Heaven who came to Earth for the earthly man is not Him.

On top of individual sinning, on aggregate level the sin has been institutionalized. Money rules almost everywhere nowadays. A substantial part of the judicial system is based on protecting the wealth of the few against fairly sharing the resources of the earth. What insane immoral irresponsible heartless system connects having money to having power – connects one sin automatically to the next – which inherently leads to massive disaster in many ways? It can only be a system that successfully pushed out or much weakened the earth’s connection with (and its original subordination to) the higher realms of life, the higher, more intelligent levels of consciousness responsible for the Whole instead of just for the parts.
As Dr. Day, part of the elite and knowing their agenda, said (nearly literally) in a lecture in 1969: “You are much too trusting in regard to what we’re doing. You don’t ask the right questions.”

Further part of this video description can be read here:

This is reupload of the video published originally on 18.09.2021 on our youtube channel.

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Here is a video of a Love process between Azar and myself, which took place on February 26th 2012, in a kitchen of a monastery. In my feeling this video can show much better than any words I could put together, how the Heart of Man – that is: the Manifested Heart of Man – can be felt by woman in her body.

The actual video starts at 2:45, earlier we had only voice recording but we thought it was worthwhile to add this part of the session to the video as well.

I feel rather vulnerable sharing this intimate process but it feels worthwhile to do so, to show Love being felt in the Body.

- Satlova


To Bring up the Woman in a woman, man doesn't need to do anything - just Being Man is enough. This will in Principle Trigger and Solve the Whole Process of Man and Woman. 'Just' Being Man - in itself a hell of an ordeal to Manifest the Man in a man - is enough to Make Man and Woman One, in case woman doesn't run away. It can make Woman feel Man from inside, in her body.
Knowing Woman, it is certainly not superfluous to remark regarding this video: the way Satlova 'approaches' - or, in fact, Loves - Man here cannot and doesn't need to be copied, if as woman you feel you want to be closer to Man. It's a form in the Process of Man and Woman that shows up. It's not about the possibility that this would be (one of) the best forms in this respect, as Ego fears, but rather about the fact that it is True. Another form may be True as well, although, admittedly, my Eye must say that other forms are hard to find in the earthly reality in which Man is so much and especially deeply resisted by Woman.
Be aware that the movie starts running only after 2:45 minutes. In the beginning of the 'video' (still-frame) there's only sound. The scene was, in fact, part of an even longer spontaneous process of making the Heart feelable for woman on her earthly, physical level.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 30.08.2021 on our youtube channel.

More about Azar Baksh:

More about Satlova:

Bitchute processing unfortunately damaged the quality of the audio and video. For better quality please see

Since February 2021 i've been working not exclusively but mainly on a next live cd that contains songs recorded at 2 relatively recent retreats that i guided. This song "The world cannot breathe" is from the last, small September 2020 retreat, written only one month earlier and addressing the current situation in the world. I'm afraid this song is part of the "Top 100 very best of Azar Baksh", but you better decide this for yourself. Fortunately we have a video of this recording, even though my face is partly behind the plop-screen. The advice, as usual, is to play the song on good music equipment – computer boxes won't suffice – and, for a first listen, put it a bit louder, i would say. May the song contribute to opening hearts (more deeply) and, related, raising consciousness in people, so much needed nowadays.

If a creative person would feel inspired to use this music to construct a fitting, preferably touching, video with it – i think the song is excellent for that – feel free, although please inform us if so, and at least link us the result.

- lyrics -

The world cannot breathe

Feeling so sad
The world cannot breathe
The world’s become mad
Has it always been

Join or stay aside
A lie or a lie
How can we live
How can we rise
How can we go on
When love is denied

New technologies
And where are all the bees
The fertilization of love
In the monetization of it all
No apologies for a bee
Nature is free – dead or alive

The damage will be solved, they say
By new technologies
Trying to fix the part
While killing the whole, the Heart

The nightmare seems a joke
Although it doesn’t end
My body actually chokes
They offer me a new one to rent

With chips in my head
To desensitize
To not feel the pain
Caused by the Lies

Second rate people
Have been sacrificed
For the rich egos
Refuse to cry

We all need to bow it seems
For the wishes of the richest
They’re poor and need more and more
Money – money
And everybody’s getting sick

We sacrifice our nature
To please the money lords
The Heart is outrageous
But our bodies are torn

Babies are priceless
Jab them any time
Cocktails of poison
Rolls Royces drive

Man’s getting weaker
His seed dies away
A wireless treatment
It’s dying every day

Feeling so sad
The world cannot breathe
The world’s become mad
Or has it always been


This is reupload of the music video published originally on 14.04.2021 on our youtube channel.

More about Azar Baksh:

If people feel like contributing a little to Azar's musical work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

In this video Azar Baksh talks about Man and Woman, also in relation to what happens in the world today. When Man is not Recognized, Naturally Respected and Embodied, the world as we know it cannot but go down. A perfect current example of men who radically ‘refuse’ to Embody Man – even though I don’t mention him in this talk – is the former secretary of health in England who, absurdly, didn’t need to resign because of total incapability, lack of respect for human beings other than himself, lack of compassion, not because he lied over and over again and faked and faked and faked, not because he is responsible for a long list of crimes against humanity, (co-)responsible for many deaths, but because he kissed someone. This is the world we live in today, in which Woman in male bodies climbs the ladder to the highest positions in society. This is the lack of Man. This is the world in which people, when they meet Jesus just keep walking – they’re busy – and when they meet people who belong to the caste of the rich, the powerful and the celebrities, they stop and bow and pay respect to their fortune, power and fame. Any society that doesn’t respect the Truth that Man should Embody is doomed to fall. We’re falling… Man or woman, if you don’t respect and bow for the Man in your Heart, you become a collaborator with the regime. Man and Woman: without your Love this world will be done, will fall prey to the Ego of the elite. Your Love is King.

Love is the answer to the current crisis.
Some notes from the video:
Man is here if He is Called upon by Woman. This Call is very far at this moment however, just when it is most needed.
Lack of Man in the rulers, there is absolutely no Man, they’re woman.
Understanding Man and Woman is understanding the basics of life.
Man’s Heart comes on earth, Woman’s pain can relax in him.
There is a natural order: the Heart is the first. The Heart - the human factor.
The struggle between the ego and the Heart.
Lack of Man on earth.
On deepest level we are a manifestation of relation, not an individual meeting other individuals.
Nothing, no state compares to Man and Woman being One.
Man is One beyond Duality.
Everyone who feels consciously the pain is part of Man’s Heart.
Without Man’s Heart on earth Man and Woman cannot be together truly.
Man’s Heart is beyond the duality of Man and Woman.
Crying is very relevant. Emotional realm is what keeps people from really being present on earth.
When finally there is noone any more then there is One. And this One will be met by the Two. Man will be met by Woman.
What happens on earth is Love. 2000 years ago they tried to kill Love and still. You cannot kill Love, the root, the base. Because the Heart is here and it will always be here. This Heart is the Relation you dissolve in.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 16.07.2021 on our youtube channel.

The beginning part of the talk is only recorded on audio. The video starts at 3:46.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Video starts at 1:57. First it is only audio.

Azar Baksh’ Heart invites the Dark elite for a duel – he has prepared many years for this, and it won’t stop at this one clash that you can watch in this video. Apparently, through the ether, his invitation was accepted, for not long after the invitation starts at 28:01 min. the energetic/consciousness fight with the Dark Force of the elite erupts suddenly. Although not very clearly perceptible for the viewer, thunder and lightning, too, manifest during the battle – while before as well as after this sudden manifestation there was a clear blue sky. This is no coincidence. Over the years this happened many times during fights between Light and Dark, especially in the context of the Fight between the Male and the Female Force. In this video you can see how Azar takes the Dark Force in, how it manifests through his body, in ‘his’ look, and how, in this struggle, he releases it again, staying determined, knowing what he is doing, knowing how strong the enemy is. The Dark Force tries to kill his (and your) Heart on an earthly level, by separating it from the Body, possibly killing his body by this – or, otherwise, sentencing the person to living in a split way, consciousness and body living different realities, due to which manipulation by the Dark Force is relatively easy. Consciousness being Present, too, however – and that to the extent of non-manipulability – the Ego of the Dark elite cannot settle in him; although you may notice that after the battle Azar(’s manifestation) is not totally the same as before yet.
Obviously, you better not experiment with this kind of serious fight, if you’re not sure enough of yourself, that is totally sure. You must be prepared. The Dark Force will go, automatically, to your weak point(s) and settle there in you. Then again, one battle lost doesn’t mean you’ve lost the war. If you are pure-hearted, really Truth loving, you will come back, and back again. The Truth of your Heart cannot be killed.

Excerpts from the video can be read here:

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 28.01.2022 on our youtube channel.

Part 1 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh speaks about the Dark Force of the elite:
Part 2 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh - The Struggle with the Dark Force:
Part 3 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh addresses the Dark Force directly:

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Azar Baksh again on the Dark Force ruling the world through the elite. At a certain point, from 43:10 on, he speaks directly to the Dark Force itself.

Here is the voice of the Heart. A very powerful and touching speech of Azar Baksh who deconstructs the dark force through his Conscious Heart-Body.
Whole-bodily feeling is the way to true seeing through the Heart. Azar shows a unique perspective on how the dark force pushes us out of the body. By allowing the dark force to enter his body and transcending it in his conscious Heart he radiates the force of the Heart back into the earthly realm.
We become aware of what the unconscious dark force does to our system by feeling it and thus becoming conscious of it. Our Heart knows what is true but if we don’t allow contact with it we start to doubt the truth because of the dark force getting into us when we associate with it while not being aware of it entering our system in the dark.
We need energetic force, power, but at the same time we need to stay in touch with our feelings.
The dark force cannot kill Consciousness, it can kill a body, but after the body dies the consciousness that has been realised goes into other bodies.
It is time for the Great Return to ourselves, to humanness.

Just like in episode 1, the first part of the talk is only recorded on audio. The video starts at 6:10.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 07.05.2021 on our youtube channel.

Part 1 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh speaks about the Dark Force of the elite:
Part 2 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh - The Struggle with the Dark Force:
Part 4 - The Heart invites the Dark elite for a duel:

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Follow up video of Azar Baksh meditating the Dark Force of the elite - part 1 (

This version is the one for the mainstream media – joking. A bit later we might publish a longer version for people who not only want to see the talk, but are also interested in the heavy energetic-consciousness process of the struggle with the Dark Force that was preceding the talk for about 20-30 minutes of which the last 13 minutes were recorded on video somehow. Naturally, this doesn’t show me from my best side – since there is not just ‘me’ during such a meditation, if ever there could be. In the ‘mainstream’ version you still see some energetic difficulties arising now and then, but in the course of time ‘I’ manage to put myself together. There is no ‘I’. It’s just that the Dark Force is Seen and Consciously Felt more and more, and this allows the Spirit Force to be primary again, to manifest in the energetic world as well.
The – at first heavy – session started after watching a mainstream talk-show for the first time in a couple of decades. I was made attentive to this program via one of the main leaders of the resistance movement in Holland, Willem Engel, who was interviewed after his team won a court case (against the curfew) and suddenly he could no longer be denied by the mainstream media. If you have the Eye for it, he was a beacon of Light in between the other people. Taking in the Dark Force that is active through those people – defenders of the corona dictatorship – lead to this session of meditating through the Dark that, in the background, is responsible for the implementation of the current crime against humanity. I’m happy that there are people who are able to fight in public for the good cause while at the same time not getting depleted form energy, force and clarity while being confronted with the (lies and ego of the) people – mainstream interviewers, politicians, people from the judicial world, ‘health experts’, scientists, communication or PR people, and so on – who often without knowing are manifesting through them the Dark Force and cannot stand and often bluntly attack one who simply tells the truth and has no inborn respect for the status quo, who doesn’t play the game along. My heart and whole body gets easily and sometimes severely sick from such a confrontation – even though it is good to acknowledge that still, usually, transmissions are up to about ten times stronger if they come via (a) Woman, if (a) Woman is involved in the transmitted energy or form of (un)consciousness, (a) Woman Embedded in Man(’s Heart) in the ideal case. On the good side, consciously allowing the weakening also leads to Seeing the Dark Force more and more and deeper on an earthly level. This is necessary for referring it to its proper, natural place, subordinate to the Heart, not overwhelming It as happens nowadays to a highly worrying extent.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 31.03.2021 on our youtube channel.

Part 1 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh speaks about the Dark Force of the elite:
Part 3 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh addresses the Dark Force directly:
Part 4 - The Heart invites the Dark elite for a duel:

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

A Heart-empowering speech of Azar Baksh that helps to clear the heart, to rid it of the fear, non-clarity and fog that have been and are still currently being inflicted on us by the dark forces at work in the world. If you’re fed up with living in fear, if you long for life in Love, if you want to Live from and as the Heart, watch this. Listen and attune to the realized Heart speaking through Azar.

Azar speaks about the current situation in the world, about the Dark Force, the elite, the Heart.

There are people who prefer spiritual guides to have no emotions, but to only show love, peace, devotion, dedication and so on. Generally, these are people who have not (fully) come to terms with the emotional realm of life themselves, and are (unconsciously) triggered by emotions of others and start projecting. Anyhow, if that’s you, you better skip this video – or, perhaps, rather not in fact – for at a certain point, contemplating on what happens in the world today and its serious consequences for us all and all the more for our children, Azar gets angry and gives it without holding back.

Recorded 14 January 2021. After 1:42 minute of voice-recording we decided to better record a video as well, so this first little part there is no video running yet. Then Azar resumes a little and elaborates further on the theme, the elite that is easily taken by and becoming part of the Dark Force.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

This is reupload of the video published originally on 02.02.2021 on our youtube channel.

Part 2 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh - The Struggle with the Dark Force:
Part 3 - Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh addresses the Dark Force directly:
Part 4 - The Heart invites the Dark elite for a duel:

More about Azar Baksh:​​​​

If you would like to support Azar Baksh work, you can do it here:
Thank you.

Here is “Slavery”, one of Azar Baksh’ best songs. We made a video-clip for it that is a good reflection of what is going on at the moment and over the last year. May this song support the hearts and the spirit of the ones who stand up, speak out and fight for freedom, for justice, for humanness, for love, for our constitutional rights and our bodily integrity, whether or not a revolution will be necessary to hold on to these ideals. May it heat up the fire in us that’ll have to be used in the current war of the rich and powerful against all populations. We will not let ourselves be turned into slaves of the super rich, of the powerful who assume they can do anything with us. Stick your vaccines up in your own ass. Turn yourself into a GMO if you want, not us, not our children. How shamelessly arrogant you are, wanting to control billions of lives. Are you happy being rich with your heart so poor? Do you think you can buy everything with money? Do you think that even one person truly loves you? We rather die than be part of your inhuman system that you tyrants have in mind for everyone. Grow your own food. Clean your own toilet. Look in the mirror and confess what you see. Perhaps you’ll get mercy by this confession…

Share this song. Spread the spirit. Share it everywhere you can. We will win.

- lyrics -


Every day I work to support the rich
So they can order an expensive bitch
I tell you – I won’t die – in slavery
My mother didn’t bear me to become a slave
To suffer for the deadness of the stock exchange
I tell you – I won’t die – in slavery
I won’t buy – this deadness – their slavery

When I think one day I’m free
A smile on my face illuminates me
When I imagine I will live outside of the system
And freely give my heart – instead of my mind
Which ain’t mine – b’t always buys – fake safety it’s slavery

When I’m unemployed there’s a knife on my throat
Clothes pegs curtains or collecting dirt
A free choice – how I die – in slavery
I tell you – I won’t die – in slavery
Every month I pay to the health machine
Treating our bodies as unconscious things
I’m not sick – I won’t die – in slavery

When I think one day I’m free
A smile on my face shows immediately
When I imagine I will live outside of the system
And freely give my heart – instead of my mind
Which ain’t mine – b’t always buys – fake safety it’s slavery
It’s slavery

Hurray hurray the capital is free and we’re its slave
Hurray hurray the capital is free and we are slaves
They lie to me this system ’s the least bad way
Well I don’t buy – I won’t die – in slavery
One way or another I will find my way
You may warn me but whatever you say
I won’t buy – I won’t die – in slavery
Yes you may warn me but whatever you say
One way or another I’ll find my way
I won’t die – I won’t buy – dead safety
I won’t buy – this deadness – their slavery
I won’t buy – I won’t die – in slavery
It’s slavery slavery slavery

More about Azar Baksh:


Disclaimer. For the video the work of others has been used to create one compilation for the video of shots that should support the idea of what is going on in the world today. We don't do this for commercial purposes - even though we're not against it if people would like to support Azar's song a little financially, he doesn't have an income. If nevertheless as a maker of a picture or video you feel wronged by our usage of the material, please contact us.

If people feel like contributing a little to Azar's musical work, please see details at

Hello, my name is Satlova. I write a blog about love of man and woman (⁣ and ⁣
This is a video recording of my emotional reaction after reading an article titled "Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity”, which describes the idea of implanting people with chips in order to have a total control over people including over people’s thoughts and behaviours. This sick, totalitarian anti-nature agenda made by emotionally retarded people who live from their minds instead of from their hearts needs to be stopped. Or else in a short time there will be no humanity on earth. Watching the video, keep in mind that, although I'm raging against one person in particular, this is meant not only for him but for all the powerful and the technocrats who want to impose their inhuman technologies on us and our children.

Warning: this video can cause emotions/feelings in you.

Here is what the man I love, Azar Baksh (⁣ and ⁣, says about this video:

“Some people may believe or hope that we can stop the madness of today by bypassing the emotional realm, that we can solve everything by reasonably talking about things. Forget it. If only for the fact that sooner or later we as humanity want to move in the direction of living holistically, on all levels of life, every level of consciousness, then this hope is not sustainable. The Dark Force is strong. By allowing emotions we gain earthly strength needed to defend our humanness against controlling forces. If you look at this video you see that woman’s emotion has a function. It plays a part in countering the ever more cold technological crisis we are currently in and that drives more and more humanness out of us if we don’t allow our humanness to stand up against this. The Mother is not and should not become a mind without feeling, following the orders of mind-people who have their great technocratic plans for humanity ready – and only the people still need to become part of their plan, chipping our bodies, radiating us 24 hours a day, controlling us everywhere any time, etcetera. The Mother says NO. She doesn’t need to think about this. We are deluded if we turn to considering if the plans like the one of the World Economic Forum make sense. They don’t. Not in the least. Only a disembodied entity that ‘by accident’ associated with but did not really enter and become (a) body, that wants to control people and tries to imitate acting like a human being, falsely assumes they make sense, or at least it wants to make us believe so.”


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

13 videos

Category Music

Music, satsangs, (retreat) sessions and other videos of Azar Baksh

Azar Baksh is a musician and writer who realized no-self and manifested the Heart in the Body