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I will try to use another screen recorder next time!
Increase the speed of the video...

I guess the program I use to record the screen crashed synfig

I = Q/t
I is the current intensity in amps (A)
Q is the charge in coulombs (C)
t is the time in seconds (s)

I will do another video just with the animation part + sound effects.
I guess it gets more immersive and with no distractions, because you can foccus only in what's happening in the animation.

Animation part only

I'll upload another video only with the animation part

There’s a difference in transcription between eucaryotics and prokaryotics cells: In eukaryotes, RNA molecules must be processed after transcription: they are spliced and have a 5' cap and poly-A tail put on their ends.
It will need another video to explain that better, but already in advance I can say that these modifications play a protective role (talkin about 5’ cap and poly-A tail), help to remove the unnecessary parts of mRNA and allow the creation of different mRNAs(in splicing case). It's like when you get some letters and form differents words with them.

Didactic scheme

Structure of DNA

I want to do another vídeo to explain that in detail why polimetization of DNA occurs in 5'-3', but already in advance I say that it is related with the position of the carbons atoms of deoxyribose sugar

DNA Replication - Leading and Lagging strand
I want to make another vídeo to explain that in detail why polimerization of DNA occurs in 5'-3' direction, but already in advance I say that it has to do with the position of the carbons atoms of deoxyribose sugar...

Testando carregamento de vídeo


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

13 videos

Category None

Polia fixa com n polias dinâmicas
As polias dinâmicas reduzem a força necessária para deslocar objetos, o que torna toda a tarefa menos desgastante. Ao contrário das polias fixas, que apenas alteram o sentido de aplicação da força.

FP=FR/2 ⁿ, onde FP é a força potente (que está sendo aplicada pra erguer o objeto), FR é a força resistente (o peso do objeto que se quer levantar), e n é o número de polias dinâmicas.

Obs.Esse vídeo é apenas um teste para o canal. A animação precisa ser complementada com uma explicação mais detalhada sobre o esquema de forças atuantes.