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Mark H


Hellstorm Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany Full Documentary

A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.

Evil CRT
Video I mention:

Is it White Supremacy or Jewish Supremacy

Don't post 2000 Mules on Rumble

2000 Mules

John Niems - Black Holes Official Video

Who Is Behind Covid?

The Evils of the Talmud:

Michael Hoffman's Book: Judaism Discovered

America Is being sold out 12 25 21

Will Anything Ever Change? 11/23/21

I Sing Soft I Sing Loud by John Niems

New World Order by John Niems

You can buy John's music here:

Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof 2/5/2021
Mike's website:

They Sold Us a Facade 1/10/21

It looks like Trump has made America America again. He's taken it out of the Corporation. Talk the Pope has been arrested.

Simon Parkes:

Report Pope Arrested:

What's Going to be done.! Anything.!! 1-6-21



What is the Kraken?

 Information is beginning to leak (audio below) on the eve of the electoral slate counts. Well, Democrats, your precious Obama is done. He will be convicted of treason and will likely pay the ultimate price.
President Trump was way ahead of the Democrats on the election fraud. Shortly after his 2016 election, President Trump received intelligence that Barack Obama plotted with the U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy and Italian Prime Minister Renzi to overthrow the 2020 Trump Reelection.

President Trump and cyber-security teams learned that, just before he left office in January 2017, Obama stole $400M of U.S. taxpayers money (14 pallets of cash) originally intended as payment for Iran, and redirected it to Prime Minister Renzi and the Rome Embassy.
U.S. Cyber-security teams tracked the exact routes of that cash. The cash was distributed to several accounts and used to fund the electronic vote switching using Italian military satellites operated by Leonardo, an Italian aerospace, defense and security company party owned (30% share) by the Italian government.

William J. Lynn III is the CEO of Leonardo DRS, a U.S. subsidiary of Leonardo. He previously served under the Obama/Biden administration as Deputy Secretary of Defense & led the Department's efforts in cyber security & space strategy.

The election day operation was orchestrated by Stephan Serafini, a 20-year foreign service officer and General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo.

When vote counting stopped on election night, the data was transferred via the secure Italian military satellites then sent to Frankfurt, Germany where votes were electronically switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

At Mar-a-Lago, on Christmas Eve, President Trump was informed that he would be recieving affidavits and confessions several people involved ed in the operation.
The following is the press notification that took place this evening, January 5th, 2020. The primary speaker is Maria Zach, CEO of Quantum Solutions.

Get the Machines out of our Elections 1/4/21

We have to get the Dominion machines out of our Elections. We need to go back to all paper ballots-the old fashioned way.

I attached-MUST-SEE Jovan Pulitzer EXPOSES MASSIVE FRAUD in Georgia Election-video at the end of my comments.

12/29/20 Pence,Immigration,BLM,Fed Reserve

Jan. 6 The Republic is on the line.

How they Stole the Election

Rick Wiles Intel Martial Law 12/18/20

Rick Wiles statement of what he heard from 2 different sources on 12/18/20.

Witness in MI Trial escapes hit November 28, 2020

Some are saying this is not about the Election. I guess if we really want to know we need to ask Facebook, You Tube or LeBron.

This video is much disputed on whether it's about the election. When you look into it on the web you can't find a real honest, accurate answer.

F##ked by The Supreme Court 12 11 20
F##ked by The Supreme Court December 11, 2020 revealed the wicked rule in America.

Fauci is NWO Surge on a Surge

I read a recent article about Fauci latest nonsense about a Surge on a Surge of the virus. Just a rant about this malarkey we are living under.

Joe Biden is NWO

And it won't be too sweeet!


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

94 videos

Category None

I'm a Truth Seeker promoting Truth.