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I am a long time fan of the comic Dylan Dog, so , in this video I am talking about two movies made about Dylan Dog, especially the movie by the name "Cemetery man", best Dylan Dog movie ever..

A short video about what is really going on in regard to the 2019 world wide pandemic and the following alleged solution, a vaccine, that is injuring and killing millions


for so long I was waiting to be good enough at playing the guitar and composing music so that I can make my own songs.. but then the moment was never arriving.. so I said fuck it.. lets make a song for better or worse.. so here we are.. I am proud to present the single Fluid Crystal.. whiten composed edited and everything else by me

A short video to share with you something that blows my mind every time I think about it. I am selling my digital vector drawings all over the world, from Paris to Tokyo, literally :-)

Moja izvedba pjesme "Galeb i ja" original naravno Oliver Dragojevic

obviously, my cover of the song Mad World, a song so appropriate for these last years, from 2019 on. I wonted to publish more of singing cover videos for a long time now , so I just said , whatever, it is what it is , it will never be perfect, lets start recording quickly and simply.. so here it is

A short video about two simple mods for the Beyerdynamic headphones model DT 770 Pro 80 ohm version,, first mod, to correct the excessive clamp force on the users head, second mod, to transfer the pressure from the top of the users head to the sides thus making the headphones much more comfortable to

An update on the progress of my video game, and some talk about my personal life, namely, how is it like to work on creating a video game for about 2 years now

A showcase of Vilingor's art, drawings, paintings, prints from different periods of my life (2021)

Korona virus je lažna pandemija stvorena od strane drzavnih medija koja ne postoji u stvarnosti. Pogledajte zasto..

An update on the progress of my video game, and some talk about my personal life: what have I been doing for the last 6 months of not making videos and how is it like going vegan.

featured background music:

Take It Easy
author: bad snacks

A review of some indie games created by Locomalito, a one man developer and Gryzor87 a music composer.

Download link:

Featured background music:
Take It Easy
author: bad snacks

Breakfast image:

I am talking about my physical health and also explaining way am I talking about such a personal topic at all :-)

Featured background music:
Take It Easy
author: bad snacks

Peach photo by LUM3N on Unsplash

It’s simple, I explain what topics will Vilingor channel cover and way

featured background music:

Easy Sunday
author: bad snacks

An update on the progress of my video game, plus some insight in to the creation process, also, I am showing some items handcrafted by me to improve the quality of these videos I make.

featured background music:

Half Day
author: bad snacks

A commentary on the creation process of the newly released trailer for the android game I am creating entirely on my own. A talk about productivity, again :-)

featured background music:

author: bad snacks

Happy Haunts
author: Aaron Kenny

Official trailer for the android game created by one man studio. Follow the development on Vilingoe channel on BitChute and Youtube.

Update on a game development progress, new enemy types, new sound effects and some progress regarding a landing page. A talk about productivity, or the lack of it :-)

featured background music:

Gold Coast
Leveled Up

author: bad snacks

A showcase with commentary of incomplete PC games created by me in blender game engine. Just for fun :-)

featured background music:

Future City Funk
Game Plan

author: bad snacks

A Speed painting video, with my commentary, of me creating a cover for my android video game I am making entirely by my self, also some cool music in the background :-)

featured background music:

title: The Morning After
author: bad snacks

Me talking about my life as a one-man game development studio. Ideas, challenges, plans for the future..

Why a game engine from early 90s is still not obsolete in 2018 and beyond,
should we play Doom at all considering how violent game it is?
Answers to these questions, plus some commentary on Doom mods world.

Doom Video Vault




Development log video of my game "Ninja Star Defense", simple android game where the player shoots ninja-stars at incoming enemy ninjas. First log in a series, explaining where do i get my inpiration from, then looking at currently downloadable pre-alpha, and in the end some talk about my plans for the future regarding the game.

keyWords: Indie game dev log, Indie game dev blog, Indie game dev talk, video game, development, devlog, vlog

Download link:

Copyright material used for educational purpuses:

"Sasuke Ninja Boy" intro

"American Ninja" trailer

"Shadow Dancer" gameplay


"Lone Wolf and Cub"

Part five of the ongoing video series about a creation of a video game that I am creating on my own in a Godot game engine. The game is a 2d shooter set in a fantasy\medieval kind of world. A very simple indie game

My thoughts on AAA games, and why so many of them cost so much to produce, sell so well, and still are uninteresting, average

I am also making a video game on my own, any the progress can be followed on this channel and also on:

Twitter: @vilingor_

Web site:

Facebook page:


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

29 videos

Category None