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Vinnie Sullivan


Bloody Sunday, London (1887)

[Full Compressed Edition] 🎥
Edited by Anglo Joe

Bloody Sunday is not only the story of early Socialist violence on the streets of London, but a clue as to who was responsible

Foreign Emigrants, banned [Exiled] from their countries fled to London, it being a safe haven for them to group, collectivise, and continue their Communist aims

—Every story and socialist uprising is like a spiders' body, having many legs to support it, even if they cannot be seen at first glance.
—London was unlike the rest of the world in the way it welcomed those banished from other countries for Communist and Anarchist crimes, it did so with open arms.
—Allowing many to thrive, write literature and create the Communism that helped destroy so many lives across the world

This is not the story of the Bloody Sundays that have been allowed to reach our screens and schools, this is the story of London in 1887, the SDF and the foundation of todays' parties via the Ethos and Traction[s] gained in the late 18th century

This is the Original;
Bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday Telegram Group:
Bloody Sunday Page:
TRR Telegram:
Vinnie Sullivan:
Countrymen Coffee 'We Are Who We Are) : found at..
Maverik & Co 'Fuel For All Terrain'

I am not a believing theist, but I am addressing historical accuracy & how it affects us today..

Feel free to leave your opinions & keep in mind these issues went on before the troubles of today's plights & are not an attempt to undermine, but instead bring our people together once more; Under the understanding that historical Lies;
Are what have driven us apart.

Think for yourself.

My You tube is heavily shadow banned and it's stats destroyed, this video is on other platforms such as Telegram and will be on bitchute but please share and make others aware.

Edited by: @ceo_hunt
Research by: Georgius Maximus & Vinnie Sullivan
Field Camera Work: Ladbroke
My Telegram:
TRR Telegram:
(Available on bitchute shortly)

Documentary making will be our main venture, among others, going into the new year and we are finally ready to begin taking donations as a result of projects we put out.
We intend to put out works of historical-educational purport, that demand & require a lot of time and effort to create.

We are unsure how to go about this at the moment as we have never done it to this standard until recently, but updates will follow soon, thank you.

Britain's Antifa/Communist Communities: The Birds Nest Pub #Deptford #London #UK

This is a community based around two bars/pubs that hold depraved, far leftist events inside and house many others in several ways on the property.

There appear to be cabins, boat moorings and the rooms made available are not just for not just the public, but something more suspicious.


Videos Edited By Reiver: Check his morning news streams here

Hundreds of Left wing fanatics went crazy claiming to be artists from anonymous accounts whilst calling me a fascist, Nazi and all of the usual non words that leftist lunatics use.
This video and others like it have been mass reported and removed while antifa members ranted about how wrong I was whilst never wanting to talk about it on record.

We know of and have footage of many places like this, please share and make others aware.

TRR Production
Editor: Native Patriot
The area between #Stratford & #Bow (#Hackney Wick) has been occupied by a large leftist community who have free reign of the area.
From apartment blocks to warehouses their presence is made clear and symbols left everywhere so there can be no confusion as to who's turf you are visiting.

From the canal to the dual carriage way the vibe is made clear with far more secrets to be found than meet the eye. Whilst there we would be looked at strangely eve whilst disguised due to some of us being known to the left and would lose the ability to gain access to the inner workings of the area.
We discovered this environment is not exclusive and has been set up in multiple locations around the UK.

As you can see this is an organised commune of sorts, google images showed the warehouse door having the #Antifa soldier sprayed on it's door in 2018 before any riots or Covid break-outs.

It would explain the organisation kept between Antifa members who alone could not organize their own suicide but know how to follow orders if they are against moral order/the west/whites. From London protests to attacks, bases such as this may well be where the planning and training are being carried out.

CAN YOU IMAGINE the right having a set up like this in the heart of east London? CAN YOU IMAGINE the outcry and shrieks of racism that would bellow from not only the lemmings of the left but the press and government alike.

As individuals the Marxists of today are very unimpressive but I have seen with my own eyes multiple people glassed, struck with padlocks and various weapons by Antifa who pick their moments of cowardly evil.
I myself have been attacked with hosts of weapons even stabbed by an Antifa member with a military kosh/torch/knife during one particular scrape, point being the ones teaching and promoting them are pushing real sickening violence unlike the weak characters we sometimes see on our screen crying over statues or unable to define fascism.

Many are unaware of their actual militant Marxist members, IRA members/sympathizers/anti white criminals & mentally unwell social outcasts, yes most are not to be taken seriously but they serve only bolster the views of their movement, the real regime lies in the hidden fanatics waiting in the wings to hurt the people they have been envious of their whole lives.

Be not fooled by the age old trick of virtue spiraling language such as "Anti-fascism" and allow no longer their narrative to avoid the truth, only you and I can speak it at this point when it is clear those we left in charge to look after us and those we love have no intention of doing so.

Please DO NOT harass anyone or any place you see in this video but I will remind you that it is a public space and you are free to walk there.

Think For Yourself

Our magnificent capital will soon look like New York with no sign of its historical & cultural value.

Understand the Globo-Homo agenda means to ruin far more than our demographics, but also our legacy.

An Idea Conquers the World
Written by Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Von-Coudenhove Kalergi & Winston Spencer Churchill

Passage Written By Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
Best Friend and Cuck to Kalergi's Plans for White-European Extinction
As Documented in Churchill's Signing of the Marshall Plan that Kalergi Wrote.

Narrated by Alexander Sangmoore

Practical Idealism On Audio-book
Narrated By Alexander Sangmoore (Audible)
Book planning of the great replacement of Europeans people and their history.

Vinnie Sullivan Telegram:
Vinnie Sullivan Twitter:

Battle Of Cable Street Mural & Antifa Shrine In #Shadwell, East #London

Britain’s Antifa/Communist Communities

(Oswald Mosley's Fascists Vs Labours Communists) @WeAreTRR
You Tube version

Antifa tend to have a bit of a melt down over these videos and have had many removed.

When we visit squats hundreds claim to be simple artists across my social media while calling me a fascist * other forms of leftist lingo.

Antifa Pubs & Social Establishments still to come as well as may upcoming images.
Follow me on Telegram:

#London Is Dissapearing 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

The grotty, down to earth warehouses, work sites, pubs & much more which many may not connect with, deem important or even dislike are being replaced with characterless, Tetris style new-builds.

Before long, it’ll all be gone

We Are Who We Are

Black Power/Anti White Bookshop
#FinsburyPark #London #UK

New Beacon Books 🚨🚫

Imagine the scenario of having a pro white book shop in a white country.
Those responsible could spend half what they do on replacing us to fix the third world. @WeAreTRR


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

37 videos

Category News & Politics

Indepedent Journalist & Patriotic Activist

- Think for yourself

Loving our own isn't the same as hating others; we are who we are.