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A bunch of cons who take pride in knowing global affairs (rightfully so in ways) have been getting a couple parts wrong. That's all.

I am not a fan of Israel. But I do like getting facts right on part of the story. The guy in the video said nothing that conflicted with my experience a few times checking into the background of Israel and Palestine. Documentaries, books, online videos too.

Orig here: By travelingisrael 1m046k views as of 101523. 60kUp 101223.

The song is rather fun, creative, unusual. Though older from like the 1960s, I never heard it until happening across the movie trailer a year ago.

A short film by Randal Sedwick

Along with Ark of the Covenant.

Original video name:

The ARK and the BLOOD _ The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant.

When copied a week ago from another site on 7-22-2020, the stats were as follows:

1m854k views, 28k thumbs-up, 1.9k down. Uploaded there by Ark Files on 061819.

One of two political analysis features about Israel from the 700 Club, a Christian television network.

Uploaded in 360p. Copied from another site. When copied on July 16, 2020 from Kerrigan Skelly, the numbers were 4,019,110 views, 40k thumbs-up, 5.5k down. Comments had been shut off.

A video reply to Stefan Molyneux's atheism challenge.

True story. Two thoughts that have been brewing in me, one of them barely days old, the other arriving some years ago.

The 720p render said it was uploading, but then failed to appear. Twice. Therefore, I tried one saved at 360p, which did show up after uploading.

Describing the enemy with precision is a crucial battlefield principle

I perform a surgery on the entire account of how professional liars in the communist media once again suckered the world into believing one of their smears against conservatives.

Computer security expert John McAfee breaks down the ridiculous case made by the FBI in their accusations against Russia. This interview is from more than two years ago. And still no one on TV or with Trump ever mentions the slightest doubt over the accepted narrative.

Please rate (up or down), comment and share. Those help the message reach more viewers.

Pussy-hats, porn, Elizabeth Banks, Meryl Streep, Dinesh D'Souza, randalusa, Fox News, Adam Curtis, Mark Dice, Paul Watson, Ronald Reagan, Harvey Weinstein, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Hillary Clinton, Randal Sedwick, racism, slavery, black violence, Freud, Edward Bernays.

Made in 2009 by unknown author. So revealing it was that liars at the BBC made their own video as a rebuttal, and proceeded to present a shit argument.

The video here was downloaded today from YouTube by me.

View count just now was 16,324,081 with 33k thumbs-up and 16k down. Comments are off there, perhaps due to censorship from YouTube owner Google. Only guessing based on knowing they have been shutting off comments under videos deemed too controversial.

Made a few years ago. But if anything, the elite media are pushing harder and achieving greater division thru constant deceit. So I remastered the original for wide-screen and edited a wee bit where useful.

Video posted by @sickenlaw on twitter 4-18-2019.

1. Robert Mueller and William Barr.
2. Seth Rich.
3. Julian Assange, Wikileaks.
4. FBI director Christopher Wray.
5. Russia did not even touch the 2016 election.
6. Immigration failure.
7. Racist blacks get a pass by lib media paid liars.

Original song: "All Aboit That Bass" by Meghan Trainor.

Rights belong to Israel's Got Talent, Got Talent Global.

There is a growing clique of online critics trashing both Israel and all Jews wherever they reside. The motive grows from an idea that Jews essentially control the leftist media and use that perch to mislead the masses, ending up in harmful policies to the US. Europe as well.

Also by getting Democrats and some aligned Republicans elected, a base of power from which destructive ideas are put into law.

Those two parts are actually rather accurate, also fairly obvious to those who follow news without being conned by the leftist media (run by jews, right?). There are boxes of videos and auxiliary bits of evidence exposing what I call the atheist elite and alternatively the communist media for their transparent daily deceit that trashes anyone standing up in defense of conservatism or of christianity. Plus movies that do the same kind of smearing. Comedy too .

But the story gets confusing and weird from that point. Believing what they do, this group ends up echoing what conservatives have been saying for years.

Yet another easily viewed aspect of the liberal news operations reveals them as effectively always taking sides with Palestinians (who are islamic) in their ongoing conflict with Israel. The reporting on that front makes the state of Israel out to be the bad guy.

Here's the weirdness. The widely viewed animosity toward Israel stems from one source , the liberal media, the same media ostensibly controlled by Jews. Yet this video illustrates an either active or at least passive joining with players, dangerous hateful liars who use children as props for conning the world into viewing the nation of Israel as heartless killers.

The easiest explanation would be to merely accept the idea that atheist Jews who own most nearly every large news operation in the Western Hemisphere actually hate and lie about Israel just like they do Christians and conservatives.

Jesus told people and common sense reminds us that more than one type of Jew could be found, just like with people everywhere.

But the critics never go there and appear clueless when informed about the dishonest reporting that hushes up the true nature of Palestinian Arabs to cast jews as the bad guys.

Who else does that?


Other than Democrats, alt-sexual types and ordinary, even racist violent liberals, who has the media been vigorously protecting of late?

Yeah. Strange times.

Donald Trump either never meant the immigration talk or simply grew weary of crawling out of the ring with a bloody nose after every attempt to slow down the poison fed to our country by a communist media and the Democrat traitors they keep in power. Now he has thoroughly caved on illegal immigration. The outcome will turn every state into California within 15 years.

Inspired by lots of inaction but specifically a Tucker Carlson piece the other night.

A self-made free-form documentary about the planned murder of America thru immigration. Also covers an epidemic of hushed-up violent racist blacks taking delight in attacking innocent white people with quiet approval by ABC News, NBC and CBS to list the the major broadcasters.

Lastly, the politicians betraying their own country on both sides of the aisle. Lindsey Graham had been one of them before strangely becoming a warrior for truth after the death of John McCain a few years later. Made in 2013.

San Diego International Airport. This video was more difficult to capture than expected. Panning, getting the camera to focus on the far end as night approached... Also of course could never be done on an SLR because they lack a zoom range made optional by way of a smaller sensor. This was done with a Canon SX50 that brings a 50x zoom from 24-1200mm.

Half of the country is not only being fed daily deceit by professional liars who play a role called reporters but told to reject any conflicting messages (which are the truth). This video is a genuine appeal for them to actually stop voting.

Compared to what the paid deceivers at CBS ABC NBC News refused to report.

Topics 1 thru 3 in this upload.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

30 videos

Category News & Politics

Mostly political commentary built around exposing the communist expert liars at ABC NBC and CBS News. The smaller deceit machines like NPR, the New York Times and Washington Post too. It seems worth pitching in against the New World Order despite many others already producing quality material because my perspective throughout life has frequently been from a little to a lot different than the pack.

For example, while conservatives were thrilled with GW Bush for years, I knew early in the primaries that he had very little to offer toward rescuing the country. And though Christians pray for a decent leader, I see them as failing to get off their butts to begin making the traitors in America feel uncomfortable for a change.