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The question was regarding sanctuary cities and how some police departments are told not to involve themselves in immigration matters and would you allow these cities to ignore the federal law regarding the reporting of illegal immigrants and subsequently provide sanctuary to these immigrants.

source: Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate September 26, 2007 at Dartmouth College

Everything will turn out just fine...

source: America First by Nick Fuentes

The America First movement is finally getting some well-needed mainstream attention.

source: Tucker Carlson Tonight 2019/11/11

"I am very grateful for my sponsors, and I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I offer my sponsors a way to reach my audience. I am very proud of them." How is Ben not aware that he sounds like a complete and total shill. Who even says that?

source: Turning Point USA at Stanford University 2019/11/7

"Oh, no! That sucks!"

source: Trump Rally in Missoula, Montana 10/18/2018

Neoconservatives, not Nationalists, still control the Republican Party. Who would have thought that the inaction by Republicans after the deplatforming of conservative voices wasn't due to laziness, but ulterior motives.

source: Infowars 10/30/2019

No one can deny that Alex's passion for exposing government surveillance and the defense of Americans' civil liberties isn't genuine; it is insane to think that he has been covering this subject matter for over two decades now.

No joke, Joe Biden can never recover from this.

source: Minneapolis Trump Rally 2019/10/10

I didn't know the Green New Deal was another name for Soylent Green.

source: 2019/10/03 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Town hall meeting.

So let me get this straight, being a conservative now makes you "a conspiracy theorist."

source: House Oversight & Reform Subcommittee on Economic & Consumer Policy 09/24/2019


source: 09/12/2019 GOP Conference Member Retreat Dinner

Dr. Robert Epstein gave some chilling responses in front of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on how Silicon Valley can drastically and easily influence our society without us even knowing it.

source: July 16th, 2019 https://www.c-span.org/video/?462661-1/senate-judiciary-hearing-google-censorship

The technocrats and media executives are so brazen that they are not even trying to hide their political bias, and the 2018 elections should have been a wake up call to anyone who believes in the freedom of speech.

source: Red Ice TV https://youtu.be/UKoi4U7GbfY

This was originally a four-part series on how Israeli Intelligence, Mossad, was spying in the United States. This report originally aired on Fox News in December 2001, however the transcripts and any existence of this report were removed from the Fox News website due to pressure from outside sources.

This is definitely one of the most underrated Trump clips.

source: July 31, 2018 Tampa, FL

The American population is certainly going to coalesce in solidarity after the 2020 elections; increase tribalism and the isolationism will not occur. Everything will be a-okay.

Diego calls into the local El Paso NBC News affiliate giving a live interview about his aunt's experience during the El Paso shooting. Saying how "Gamers need to rise up and make a new revolution."

I'm surprised Judge Napolitano somehow got this interview approved by media relations at Fox News. Disseminating anything negative about the International Monetary Fund would be forbidden in today's media climate.

source: 2009-03-18

Dan Harris: "I'm not even granting you that there is a world government being formed."
Alex Jones: "Yeah, that's why you're discredited."

source: Nightline 2013-01-15

Disgraceful behavior and disregard for New York City's Police by its residents.

Everyone should be looking up to pioneers and real heroes, not mass manufactured, plastic Hollywood stars pushing The Green New Deal.

source: 2011/02/11

Bernie dispensing some stereotypical black pills to teenagers. Imagine the media backlash he would receive now if he shared these thoughts to modern day middle school students.

source: Burlington Vermont Edmunds Middle School December 5th, 1987


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