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Session 6 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Dr. Michael Karlfeldt. Dr. Karlfeldt addressed how mRNA 'vaccines' function in the body, and what can be done to mitigate / ameliorate the negative impact these injections have on the human body.

ALSO - Brenda Gilchrist interviews Mila Wood, the 'accidental activist' mom.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Session 5 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Dr. Elisa Peavey. Dr. Peavey reviewed the "Risk vs Reward" of masking children - as well as administering them the Covid "vaccine." She also presented shocking information on a flawed study about "vaccinating" pregnant women.
ALSO - Brenda Gilchrist interviews Dr. Lynn Laird on mental health issues that have arisen since the emergence of government policies regarding Covid.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Session 4 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Dr. Karladine Graves. In addition to providing suggestions for what to do if you must take someone to the hospital for a Covid infection, Dr. Graves places a strong emphasis on the need for people to stand firm in faith - and repent. She emphasizes that the battle we face is not flesh and blood, but spiritual.
ALSO - Brenda Gilchrist interviews Dr. Vicki Wooll on the signs in America and how they parallel what she observed in Venezuela.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Session 1 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Rev. Jim Wilson speaking on God's strength and the need to repent to help heal America.
ALSO - Brenda Gilchrist interviews Dr. Karladine Graves and Idaho State Representative Greg Ferch.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Session 2 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Dr. Vicki Wooll. Dr. Wooll went to medical school in Venezuela in the 1980's and 1990's, and during that time, Venezuela went from being the richest country in South America to a country being taken over Marxists. Dr. Wooll highlights the parallels between what she observed during her time there and what she sees happening in America today.
ALSO - Brenda Gilchrist interviews Idaho State Representative Judy Boyle.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Session 3 of the Healing America - Medical Truth Symposium features Dr. Lynn Laird. As a psychologist, Dr. Laird focused her comments on mask and vaccine bullying and the need for people to stand firm on the truth. Dr. Laird shared personal stories and concerns about what happens to society when faced with absurd mandates. Her presentation led people to think, and also strengthened and motivated them.

If you find value in the Symposium videos, the folks over at ConservativesOf would value a donation - www.ConservativesOf.com/donate

Daniel Bobinski hosts the Voice of Conservatives Values show and is not part of ConservativesOf leadership, but he supports their mission and vision.

Tired of not being able to get medical truth? This 1.5-hour roundtable discussion gives you unfiltered facts from the research and experience of five doctors. This is definitely a video to share with the people you care about.

On Oct. 2, 2021, the doctors in this video presented at the Healing America / Medical Truth Symposium in Boise, Idaho. One session at the Symposium was a panel discussion, and we did not get through all the questions submitted by the audience. These doctors graciously agreed to gather the next day for a roundtable discussion to continue answering people's questions.

Much thanks to:
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Karladine Graves
Dr. Michael Karlfeldt
Dr. Elisa Peavey
Dr. Vicki Wooll

The roundtable was hosted by Daniel Bobinski

Production Team:
Sound Engineer: Steve Nelson (www.youtube.com/user/MendingFamily)
Camera Operator: Travis Bretton
Technical Director: Dave Powell

Post-Production Assistance provided by Bryan Bowermaster of Bowermaster Productions

(c) 2021 Shadowtrail Media, LLC

All six classes from Jeralynne's Constitution class are now found on Rumble. Links are:


Article 3 outlines the role and powers of the judicial branch of America's government. This is the shortest of the articles that create the three branches of government, so Jeralynne also provided an overview of the Articles of Confederation - and explained why they weren't working for the nascent nation. Her review of the Articles of Confederation provides an even deeper understanding for why certain things were written into the 1787 Constitution.

The Voice of Conservative Values and Meadowlark Academy are subsidiaries of Shadowtrail Media, LLC. Jeralynne Bobinski, founder of Meadowlark Academy, does not charge for these classes. If you find this class valuable and would like support Jeralynne's work, please consider making a donation. (Please write 'Meadowlark Academy" or "Jeralynne" in the 'Write a note" section). Click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=XXJVC6WU7K77E

Contact [email protected] to inquire about this course or to secure Jeralynne for a speaking engagement.

All six classes from Jeralynne's Constitution class are now found on Rumble. Links are:


Article 2 describes the function and powers of the President and Vice President of the United States. Jeralynne Bobinski explains their roles and responsibilities, and also why the Founders were cautious when creating this branch. .

The Voice of Conservative Values and Meadowlark Academy are subsidiaries of Shadowtrail Media, LLC. Jeralynne, founder of Meadowlark Academy, does not charge for these classes. If you find this class valuable and would like support Jeralynne's work, please consider making a donation. (Please write 'Meadowlark Academy" or "Jeralynne" in the 'Write a note" section). Click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=XXJVC6WU7K77E

Contact [email protected] to inquire about this course or to secure Jeralynne for a speaking engagement.

All six classes from Jeralynne's Constitution class are now found on Rumble. Links are:


Article 1 is the longest article in the U.S. Constitution, describing the composition, powers, and limits of the legislative branch of government. In this info-packed session, Jeralynne Bobinski explains why the Founders set up this branch of government the way they did.

The Voice of Conservative Values and Meadowlark Academy are subsidiaries of Shadowtrail Media, LLC. Jeralynne, founder of Meadowlark Academy, does not charge for these classes. If you find this class valuable and would like support Jeralynne's work, please consider making a donation. (Please write 'Meadowlark Academy" or "Jeralynne" in the 'Write a note" section). Click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=XXJVC6WU7K77E

Contact [email protected] to inquire about this course or to secure Jeralynne for a speaking engagement.

All six classes from Jeralynne's Constitution class are now found on Rumble. Links are:


To truly understand the U.S. Constitution, one must first understand the Declaration of Independence and the worldview of the Founders. Without that foundational knowledge, one does not fully understand the WHY behind the Constitution's structure.

In this video, Jeralynne Bobinski, founder of Meadowlark Academy, presents the Declaration of Independence and explains its contents line-by-line, all in an engaging, relatable, contemporary way. Then she presents the framework of the Judeo-Christian worldview held by our America's Founders, because - again - unless one understands their mindset and values, one cannot fully appreciate the content and structure of the Constitution.

The Voice of Conservative Values and Meadowlark Academy are subsidiaries of Shadowtrail Media, LLC. Jeralynne does not charge for her classes. If you find this class valuable and would like support Jeralynne's work, please consider making a donation. (Please write 'Meadowlark Academy" or "Jeralynne" in the 'Write a note" section). Click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=XXJVC6WU7K77E

Contact [email protected] to inquire about this course or to secure Jeralynne for a speaking engagement.


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

11 videos

Category News & Politics

The 'Voice of Conservatives Values' brand is owned and operated by Daniel Bobinski, founder of Shadowtrail Media, LLC.

Daniel hosts a Voice of Conservative Values weekly radio which airs each Saturday morning at 8am mountain time on KBXL, 94.1 FM in Boise, Idaho. An archive of his shows can be found here:

Daniel also hosts a weekly TV show called the Voice of Conservative Values each Thursday afternoon on Brighteon.TV. The show is a live broadcast airing at 4pm eastern / 1pm pacific.

This channel also hosts educational videos created for Meadowlark Academy, an affiliate of Shadowtrail Media run by Daniel's wife.

Other videos created in whole or in part by Shadowtrail Media that show Daniel's work as the Voice of Conservative Values brand also appear on this channel.