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After the dealing with Pharaoh's pagan shit, the lord delivered his people out of the land of Egypt

With Christmas right around the corner, it 's a good idea to go ahead and start working on gifts. I hope to have at least 100 dolls made before Christmas eve. Thank you for watching, God bless you

We continue our reading of Exodus as the Pharaoh gets BTFO by our almighty God.

Today, we begin reading the book of exodus and talk about the aboriginals. How do we go from Moses speaking to god to Austrailian affairs? stay tuned and find out.

AS we reach the end of Genesis, we see the end of Joseph's trials in Egypt and go over Jacob's lineage that make the Tribes of Israel.
Join us for the good news and and shitposting guided by the spirit.

In this video, we go over the story of Joseph and his life in Egypt. Fun, shenanigans and the word of god.

In this video, we go over the family line of Jacob and the troubles he had with Laban. lots of fun, a little bit of shenanigans

We continue our journey through the book of Genesis and discuss the story of Issaac

Shorter reading than usual, but still good clean fun.

Another thoughtful discussion on the topic of circumcision and the word of God

In this series we continue our journey into the book of Genisis and learn of Abram, Lot and their journey into Egypt and conflict. More butchering of names in the scripture and fun Please like, comment and subscribe for more content that should be quite wholesome by the time we get to the end of the bible

In this series of videos, We read the bible with friends in Discord while discussing the greatest story ever told. I might end up in purgatory for butchering the names, but hopefully we'll have some fun

In this hour and half stream, I finish making the body of our little pink friend In between reading passages from the King James Bible. You can watch spread the good news of our savior as I work live by following me on twitch at until Bitchute starts streaming

In this 30 minute stream, I begin making the body of our little pink friend while being haunted by a high pitched sound. You can watch me ramble on as I work live by following me on twitch at until Bitchute starts streaming.

After fighting my video editing software for a few days I finally got this darn thing put together. Could not get my narration to work but I did manage to get some pretty chill music to enjoy. be sure to like, share and subscribe

In this hour stream, I finish up the bunny head with ridiculously long ears and ramble to an empty stream
You can catch ,e streaming on twitch at until Bitchute starts streaming.

In this 30 minute stream, I work on making a bunny rabbit's ears, contemplate rather or not I should make a new Rabbit head and wonder what that beeping sound is.
You can catch ,e streaming on twitch at until Bitchute starts streaming.

This first video is a test of my camera from wally world. Her I am finishing up a couple of penguins for my kid sisters and rambling in the hopes of keeping you entertained in a sincere manner. Any feed back is appreciated and all comments welcome. thank you for taking time out of your day to join me and God bless


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

18 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Not here to make a scene or talk about politics, there are plenty of channels here better at that than I could ever hope to be. I'm just here to make dolls, toys and overall wholesome content in a world flooded with wickedness. Come stay a while and relax. I chose Bitchute due to it being a site that prides itself on being pro free speech and staunchly against censorship unlike Youtube.