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OPINION: Whether liberals believe this or not & even fact check all the info, these mental midgets will still dismiss it because it's still not 45 (Trump). In the last 6+ years, this appears to be the only way their liberal pea brains work. There are on going posts from these liberals who mention 45 sometimes multiple times a day. They think more about him than he thinks about himself and I didn't think that was possible. In the meantime these morons are handing the keys to this country to these globalists & all of the other Ian Fleming cartoon characters who want to rule. These demented arrogant reprobates have screwed us all and they're too stupid to realize it.

(Especially Rings True Now)

Possibly a low tech extended version of a "Cold Open" sketch SNL may have done before they became state sponsored television.

The irony of this clip is that (for what I understand) this cast absolutely adores this tyrannical bunch of incompetents that have "installed" themselves into U.S. leadership. (I don't need Trump or any right wing nut case to tell me what I've always known, we did not vote these degenerates in!)

Unlike the brain dead liberal on the cover pic who can only regurgitate what he hears on CNN, the guy in this video has a mind that is still working and I could add many more politicians to his list which he outlines here. If they don't live the way we do, then they can't represent us pure and simple! That also goes for the Hollywood bunch and the Billionaires! They think just because they have wealth, they're smarter and like the Globalists, they think they know what's best for the world population. Well they don't.

When a "Conspiracy Theory" is no longer a theory, it's probably too late!

One way or the other, the truth must be known to all.

Congratulation to the morons who installed themselves in the U.S, Government. They couldn't kill enough people with their virus, so plan "B" show the would how stupid they are so that Russia and all the others can make their moves!


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

47 videos

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