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A.V.D -check it out!

The very first entirely A.I generated WasteLifeFun Episode. From The marvel that is ChatOMG- Not to be missed!

Last resort for VIEWS! (apart from quality content)
Including such terms as microchip, AI Bot, Tom Macdonald etc

'Panic on the wodge' and other wordplay!

A mysterious jumble of words appear

Here the author is trying to indicate that

Includes important promotion. Contact wastelifefun for info.
We own the entire European franchise on Liedrogen Detoxide -The Miracle Cleaner
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Its a one way ticket to Shangri La

This is a slide show.

With apologies to grandmas everywhere.

Full film available on Rumble.

from OZ

swamp wars by eyedrop #EyeDropMedia

As recommended by the totally independent, thoroughly fact checked
WasteLifeFun marketing board.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

49 videos

Category Entertainment

Life is but a playful urge
to jump between
ditch and verge.....