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in this video i share scriptural proof and prophetic proof that Jesus is a perfectly acceptable name to the Lord and that there is no other name under the son by which a man might by saved.

in this video i expose a lie that is being spread about what Jesus said in revelation 22:16 where people are saying he is admitting he is lucifer, i do my best to give You the Correct interpretation of the scripture.

do you think the people back thousands of years ago knew about the water cycle and all the scientific lingo? because i don't i think that God knows though. and these modern day scientists are just proving God is Real more and more.

a respone to a comment on one of my videos.
and for anyone else who needs to hear this.

some other Chapters for you guys to Study

Ezekiel Chapter 17
Ezekiel 16:6-14
Matthew 13:31-32
Isaiah 55
Matthew 7
Matthew 13
Matthew 6:19-24
Mark 4
Luke 6:43-45
Luke 8
Luke 9
Luke 13:6-9
Mark 14
John 8

just a cool Reference i found in Isaiah 50 that i thought you guys might like to hear. God Bless

Satan hides all his plans in plain sight.
Ephesians 2:2
Isaiah 29:15
Do not take the Vaccine or PCR test God's name is written on your DNA and they are targeting the VMAT2 Gene to remove it.
The Vaccine MRNA is the Abomination standing in the Holy Place
Turn to Jesus Christ and Believe that he died on the Cross for the sins of the world and that he rose again 3 days later and ascended into heaven
Believe that he is the Living Son of God and that He is God in the Flesh
Accept him into your Heart and REPENT!!
Time is running out.
Pray over this Video and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in everything,.

if you are just now starting to wake up to the truth and you havn't Known Jesus in the Past you must realize this is no accident. Jesus died for the Sins of the world. He is the truth the way, and the life and you must be Born Again! accept him into your heart, walk in his ways. Learn his word and Repent! we are in the Book of Revelation. this is all real. God Bless.

Satan hides all his plans in plain sight.
Ephesians 2:2
Isaiah 29:15
Do not take the Vaccine or PCR test God's name is written on your DNA and they are targeting the VMAT2 Gene to remove it.
The Vaccine MRNA is the Abomination standing in the Holy Place
Turn to Jesus Christ and Believe that he died on the Cross for the sins of the world and that he rose again 3 days later and ascended into heaven
Believe that he is the Living Son of God and that He is God in the Flesh
Accept him into your Heart and REPENT!!
Time is running out.
Pray over this Video and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in everything,.

if you are just now starting to wake up to the truth and you havn't Known Jesus in the Past you must realize this is no accident. Jesus died for the Sins of the world. He is the truth the way, and the life and you must be Born Again! accept him into your heart, walk in his ways. Learn his word and Repent! we are in the Book of Revelation. this is all real. God Bless.

the Biochip the main character in Cyberpunk 2077 gets infected with sounds EXACTLY the same as how Celeste Bishop Solumn Describes Hydrogel.

Satan hides all his plans in plain sight.
Ephesians 2:2
Isaiah 29:15
Do not take the Vaccine or PCR test God's name is written on your DNA and they are targeting the VMAT2 Gene to remove it.
The Vaccine MRNA is the Abomination standing in the Holy Place
Turn to Jesus Christ and Believe that he died on the Cross for the sins of the world and that he rose again 3 days later and ascended into heaven
Believe that he is the Living Son of God and that He is God in the Flesh
Accept him into your Heart and REPENT!!
Time is running out.
Pray over this Video and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in everything,.

Satan Hides all his Plans in plain sight.
He knows most people are asleep and he mocks them by telling the world what he is doing.
The truth is Everywhere. you just have to Open up your eyes and Look
Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, believe that he Gave himself up on the Cross to Wash away the Sins of the World and that he Rose again 3 days later and ascended into heaven. Invite the Holy spirit into your heart and ask Jesus in prayer to Show you the truth.


Created 2 years ago.

17 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith