Watson Mystique

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Watson Mystique



So many could have beens
You know we've been complacent with all we see

Q or Resist, who is right and who will win? No one of course, but the Machines. Don't be a slave to Big Tech... oh wait, too late

Main Stream Media is just that, whether it's on the left or right. Fox is Fake News

In the Social Media Ghetto, it seems suspensions and shadow banning are what the Section 230 criminals prefer. No consequences emboldens them to commit greater crimes.

Seems like he had been paying off a so called Russian operative

The projection from the DemocRacists never ends! Here are just a handful of examples from Northam to Trudeau to Behar, the virtue signaling faux moral highground goes on and on.

Like it's said in They Live - "From cradle to grave, they are our owners!"

Moloch is the old testament child sacrifice god. Why would the Pope allow and encourage the statue replica from the early 20th century movie to be placed in the Roman Colosseum?

One of the top chants at every Trump Rally is LOCK HER UP! Sadly, it seems like this was never really even a hope of reality. Einstein likely lost his 84k account from this one.

The history of the Democrat Party is filled with bigotry and racism. They are the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws, the KKK and yet, the media pushes the projected and false narrative that they are not.

2020, a new decade. Will it bring happy days or happy daze? Music and video from Watson Mystique

Who would you trust your children with more, Brian Patrick Stelter or John Wayne Gacy?

So many of our politicians have become horror caricatures screaming "Impeach Trump!" Rising from the ground, we give you Mad Maxine and her cry to "Ampeach Fawty Fahve!"

Morrison revisited. The #1ACrimes and #230Abuse (Section 230 of the CDA) have effectively become in kind payments and fraud perpetuated by Big Tech. Jim Morrison famously asked, "What are you going to do about it?"
Music is 'Space Nagra'

Jim Morrison famously screamed "You're all a bunch of F'n slaves!"
So just what are you going to do to fight the censorship? The 1A Crimes and Section 230 of the CDA abuses?

Adam Schiff gets caught by some Russian Pranksters looking for dirt on President Trump.

What are you going to do with a piece of Schiff?

The proper response to anything the Fascist Left lies about should be OK Commie!

An ode to the Deep, and by deep I do mean, phat, Nadler

Antifa and the Democrats call for and have been violent for years now.
Black! music by Einstein Magic Introduction courtesy of Rep. Maxine Waters

Is there a Clinton connection to Jeffrey Epstein's demise and between Noseferatu?

Jim Jordan questions a sworn in Sundar Pichai, Google CEO in front of the Congressional Judiciary Committee on December 11, 2018.
Jordan questions Pichai on an email sent on the day after the election by Eliana Murillo, Google's former head of multicultural marketing, that discusses how Google slanted the election in Florida and Texas to get the Latino vote out.
When asked if Miss Murillo did good work, Pichai lied and contradicted his own email evidence praising her work.
"Why did Google configure its features and pay for rides to the polls to get out the Latino vote only in key States?," asks Jordan. Sundar Pichai praised Eliana Murillo on her work in the 4 page email chain the day after the election, claims that is not accurate, and that Google did no activity that Jordan read from the email. Sundar directly and under oath claims Google did not push out the vote in a partisan way. In the email, Marillo said "Even Sundar gave our effort a shout out."

'Don't Be Evil' used to be Google's trademark slogan. It should be 'Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes.'


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

22 videos

Category News & Politics

Definitely not you grandma's memes