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Wolfgang Schnaufer NJG1


Fantastic intro of a fantastic channel, featuring the good Herr Doktor Goebbels.

Mason's channel here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wdNv4eWePRjI/

Go sub! Now!!


Nice color version with an Honor Guard start.

Elliot Rodgers appears at the 6 min mark for all you Supremes. Stick with, he becomes KING!

Galen Winsor knew everything there was to know about nuclear power. He designed, built and ran large scale nuclear power plants. After retiring, he toured the country telling the truth of nuclear power. And how the usual suspects were suppressing it for profit. Raided by the government many times for this. As usual. He walked the walk. Swam in the blue glowing cooling ponds, every day. He'd drink glasses of water from the ponds to demonstrate how safe it was. On his lecture tours he literally ate nuclear material to prove it's not harmful. He did die of cancer in the end - at age 88. Nuclear power IS the answer. But it's hard to keep a grift going when a nuclear plant is a one and done deal.

LOL at that cuck LARPing as a neo nazi..

Hard to find interview with excellent historian David Irving on his life and times.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

6 videos

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