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1. Alternate Nostril Breathing: https://www.artofliving.org/in-en/yoga/pranayama/nadi-shodhan-alternate-nostril-breathing
2. Temporal Tapping- Left hand to Left Temporal Sphenoid line ( representing all organs) Dr. Sheldon Deal AK shortcuts
3. Psychological Switching technique. Dr. Callahans' Five Minute Phobia Cure.

Identifying values helps you manage your expectations and to be a more effective communicator. Harness the energy of the planets in Gemini for the next few weeks to be curious, ask questions, listen and communicate with intelligence, diplomacy, tact and humor.... WITHIN their value system. Love listens to know how to best respond. Creating a win-win empowers.
Love and grace creates a space, out of the artificial matrix.

Determine you values here: https://drdemartini.com/values/start

Dirt To Soil. A great book by Gabe Brown.
Why would you focus on just sustaining when you can REGENERATE the soil and all life upon it?
Soil- the beautiful living ecosystem !

Chemtrail VS Contrail.
What is the difference?
Why are they spraying?
How can you heal and protect yourself?
Action steps to change our world. Live plane trackers:
Dane Wigington:

Elixir of life, sometimes associated with the Philosopher's stone, is a legendary potion or drink that grants the drinker eternal life or eternal youth. Clean structured water is an Elixir.

Dr. Emoto's suggested that the intention you put into water affects the molecular structure. Veda Austin also demonstrates the same. Take a minute to bless the food and water you put in your body.

Tap Water contains neurotoxic substances such as glyphosate, fluoride, nanotechnology and even snake venom. Whole pandemics can be delivered and spread in this way. Which is likely why Halifax Water through Dal water have a "cov.i. d 1 9watch" website ....but can't tell me what exactly they are measuring. A "virus" has not been ever identified under a microscope but magnetic beads must be measuring a compound with a magnetic property, Nanotech? In Latin, virus means poison.

The oldest and most effective way to physically purify your water is chlorine dioxide. Chlorite capsules are what the military uses when out in the field to turn swamp water into drinking water. It has been used in water purification for 200 years! Places like Mexico and Ecuador that were adding this to their water had low or no incidents of cov..id. ( Dr. Klackers book reference this phenomena ) Odd that during the scamdemic Bishop Max of Genesis Church, who showed me how to make it, was killed and why Mark Grenon who wrote many books about ClO2 is sitting in jail in Florida. Maybe Dr. Bryan Ardis was right in that water was one of their delivery weapons.

This article will give you more information about where to find the resources to physically treat yourself and your water. Boiling water before you drink it, Dr. Anna Maria Mihalcea suggests destroys much of the nanotech and then adding your healing intention restructures the living intention. Removing wifi and cellular frequencies from your water source and replacing it with natural etheric energies... maybe with a wooden stir stick wound with a copper wire to create your Elixir.

Years ago baptismal fonts in churches were placed under the spires to collect divine etheric energies into the water. Create your own sacred healing at home ❤️
Chlorine Dioxide: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/ocean-oxygen-obesity-chlorine-dioxide

Dr. Ardis gives part of the story in water venoms but doesn't discuss the nanotech.https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2sSONCkY2QHdfr3gNeIj6ntKWjbcdXtHia9i20QMv_yTjPS2gPgavsrWk_aem_ATsOOreWo1cUMdeBNoCSZ6A01_CmbAMEa8pNgpunAAUCONW4HQNQqiyXrK-UmeDTs_8OQ6ib5SAwdZBZZhGWbGq1

Chicken Eggs, Fish Eggs and other nutritious secrets & healing in food.

Birds don't get the flu: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/what-diet-is-best-for-energy-health
Not so smart meters: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/smart-meters-are-not-so-smart
Chlorine Dioxide: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/ocean-oxygen-obesity-chlorine-dioxide
Why Wait for Cancer? https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/why-are-you-waiting-for-cancer
Do your kids need yellow suits to eat breakfast? https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/do-your-kids-need-yellow-suits-to-eat-breakfast
Protect your kids from EMF: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/nature-defeats-technology
Cell phone task force Arthur Firstenberg: [email protected]
Teslaphoresis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1d0Lg6wuvc
Cultured coconut: https://theculturedcoconut.com/
Benefit resource: https://www.australianeggs.org.au/nutrition/health-benefits

Infant mortality rises in 2022: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/04/15/us-infant-mortality-rate.aspx?ui=3c2971315afec67f8cea13d3e57367e71baa648dad4f6a51a123e110e00582b9&sd=20161022&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20240415&foDate=true&mid=DM1557779&rid=2096242663&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0YWn5VKi8ruSRkeQ-ERyOV5NjJNrjBx1iaAqQfeyg4fu4FmmD-QP-TlOE_aem_AeuCnj9vdNOFz6Q0HncBscoWmvHcwM-YY-p2l6pREGy-JDguxSFgXSGBCFT8Nvt-_nLCzhrYMcQk29MDPFxIcRxu

Nicotine truths: https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0hI8YT6LgVfptoyx6q3ZB_cEejX6-cEpvB07mfo54lnNLdBAy3EKBd670_aem_AesylTRHLvd177bN4WQ2AiQxMZ5lKnAujYNTnjBGdYrLpSNTWPQ05J9ZZ_eXnAe9B5zT9eDdsy64Bwwm2jL_m9G_

The blood type diet seems to solve and integrate many of the apparent nutritional paradoxes.

The Smart meter is the one on the left in the video- Type C2 SRD. SMART means Secret, Militarized, Armament, Residential, Technology.

This is a Federal Government funded and implemented project that appears to be a part of a greater control agenda in a computer matrix. In one of the videos I shared with the Utility Board of Nova Scotia, titled the Capabilities of Smart meters, suggests that the government has tricked you into creating your own cage with this "upgrade". It is a radiation, surveillance device they have mandated you attach to your private home for greater control. In a similar way they had "mandated" you inject yourself with bioweapon nanotechnology that allows these frequencies to more directly affect you. Many are already experiencing microwave sickness and have no idea that it is coming from the technologies to which they have consented. See resources, links and correspondences in this article.

PS. The EMF reader in the video only measures up to 6GHz so likely the off the chart reading was from my 3G phone that was doing the recording. Trifield device does NOT even measure 5G ( 30-300 GHz) .

What compound can you make at home to accomplish miraculous results?
Hint: It's an anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, heavy metal chelator compound that has no known negative side effects other than those from a detox flushing and only salt and water as a degradation products? It's positive side effects may be a long healthy live.... with multiple orgasms! (Actually, you'd have to add a little boron to balance estrogen and testosterone to complete the multiple orgasm picture but that is a story for another day.)

What you need to know to survive and thrive.

1. Canada is a corporation. Stop funding the machine with your taxes. Go on Strike. https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/canada-corporation-vs-canada-clan-mother-territory
Ron Vaillant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bi8Tz8sT1U

2. Next pandemic like the last will be engineered pathogens but this time will involve frequency. https://www.rand.org/ Remove yourself from wifi.
Smart meter Capabilities: https://rumble.com/v3lejcg-september-27-2023.html
Dialing up disease in the biofield: https://rumble.com/v430zz5-iob-mban-medical-body-area-networks.-connecting-patients-to-the-cloud.-sabr.html?fbclid=IwAR3AdqjO-O7C1Oj7exmUouB4SsNNuBj6zZHlLa8x28znp0OwmnvfJD5g5zs

3. The solutions and protections. Own everything and be grateful for it. Create your healing space and teach others to move into the love, power and wisdom of our humanity.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea https://rumble.com/v3hz774-disiove-hydrogel-blood-clots-with-edta-and-vitamin-c.-ana-maria-mihalcea-md.html?fbclid=IwAR3a2aL_luQdFdH-UhN8hlYNZaJUTw--dREw4ujv8Ts4F7Nwpj_3dqZCpPI

Sabrina Wallace 7 min energy protection mediation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qK1ZzacpxA

Frequency solutions: https://www.insighthealthapps.com/

Politician Ches Crosbie and Law Profession Bruce Pardy Discuss Federal Court Ruling and implications

The illusionary bases for man's health & disease is......

Step 1. Return to cord technology. Call telephone company have them wire your house, get a land line and ditch the cell phone.
Step 2. Call water or power company and ask them to remove the smart meter on your house.
Step 3. Sign up to the link https://www.inpowermovement.org/ and watch this video to be part of the solution. https://rumble.com/v2yoq8k-cal-washington-presenation-on-solutions.html

These steps keep you alive and healthy! Integrate yourself. Live Up your Creator Love, Power & Wisdom. Jumping out of trauma mentality into your higher self allows you to create within the matrix instead of accepting to be a product of someone else's intention.


Outside of removing wifi from your space, this is the best free protection I can find for 5,6, 7G.
Sabrina Wallace: Piloerection and protection from electromagnetic weaponry! See video
- chakra nodal points.
- hoop blue energy ball over heart
- right hand down left hand up to expand outward
-dislodge biosensors
-energy shield protect
Gratitude also causes piloerection (goosebumps) on the skin!!
This 7 min youtube video may seem a little nuts but Sabrina is a brilliant scholar check out her channel on rumble.


Emailed Jan 7, 2024
Thank you. I know the information is hard to hear. As a dispute Resolution Officer, I thought you’d like to know this information and know what is going on at the highest level? Copied on this email is a collection of community service individuals- friends in media, medicine, law and politics. The disputes at Nova Scotia Power, and the not so Smart Meters are just part of a much greater play.
Police chief Dan Kinsella is also aware of this emergency but as he has decided to retire, we are waiting for the new police chief to arrest the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity in file #2021-74648 and set the record straight. Shelly Hipson, also copied on this e-mail, has a website hosting all the freedom of information requests to the NS government with information that mainstream news won’t be sharing. Would you still like to stay in the dark and pretend there was a scary pandemic? https://shellyhipson.ca/
As the wireless frequencies are being slowly increased without any regulation, they are already planning the next “outbreak". The wifi frequencies effect the biofield of all biological systems not just humans !!! As the city was in “covid” lockdown, many more cell towers went up. Ask your veterinarian about the dogs that have severe health problems after owners install new wifi plug ins? It seems the vets are more sensitive to this issue than paediatricians. Krista Jangaard CEO of the IWK has also been given the research, notified of this emergency and copied on this correspondance for transparency and clarity.
The shots introduced the graphene antenna but the wireless frequencies in a range 30-300 GHz is a danger that can’t be measured with our standard EMF devices. We are at the mercy of these wireless companies until we Man Up, know the information and make a change.

https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/spectrums-of-energy Resources at the end of the article you can use when educating!

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
[email protected]

Revolution to Evolution: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/revolution-to-evolution
Detoxing cov$id : https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/detoxing-covid April 2020 video: https://www.facebook.com/dena.churchill/videos/3355312731166046 Wisdom of anger: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/the-wisdom-of-anger
Raising your Vibration: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/raising-your-energy-eating-a-bloody

Additional prediction notes:

There maybe crashes in crypto and the dollar as associated with technology, digital currency and digital id. Hard assets like precious metals of silver and gold, land, organic food and real estate, natural resources are ways to ride out the financial storm.
I forgot to mention Chiron (wounded healer) is in Aries (personal wounds of self identity) is also in play until 2026 so this is a second proof that the "war/great depression" continues with Uranus in Taurus until then. The wounds are helping us re-define and discover our identity. Jovial Jupiter will be riding with Uranus for the last leg of the marathon this year so we will feel more encouraged and hopeful about the changes.
Saturn is in Pisces means difficulties in creating boundaries and structure. Reality and fantasy blur, intuition and emotions take over reason, and spirituality becomes our structure. This is also a theme that continues until 2026.
These three dancers - Saturn, Chiron and Uranus- together give us insight and dance step over the next 2 years.

"The last time Pluto moved into Aquarius was at the end of the Eighteenth Century, between 1778 to 1798, which coincided with the beginning of what some historians consider the Age of Revolution, a time in history when countries all over the world were rising up and challenging the ruling authority"

Review of key ideas in the docu-series Propaganda Revealed. Notes about detox in VCC and Druthers. Episode 6 free for the next 12 hours: https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-6/

Studies show the Native American Style flute effects serotonin, heart rate, and brain wave activity to optimize health. This one at 432Hz in F# reaches the higher heart chakra. https://www.atflutes.com/ http://russellingaround.com/sound-healing/f-heart-chakra/

Finding your loving service is the key to growing your self worth. These topics are on the sky menu in the transformation of the Lunar Eclipse.
Native Traditions Article :https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/native-traditions

Secrets of the Blue Zones According to Dan Buethner
1. Eat wisely
2. Move Naturally
3. Purposeful Outlook
4. Connect with Others

Solar Eclipse Inspirations:
Teach without judgment
Speak Truth without compromise
Love beyond measure

Solar eclipse Oct 14, 2023
Click with me here for details: https://www.facebook.com/DrDenaC


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

151 videos

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