Withdraw Consent

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Withdraw Consent



Why would anyone care to defend Nazi Germany? This is an interesting question for a variety of reasons. Why are there no pro-blank country movements for any other country involved in World War 2? We discuss all of the why someone would decide to defend Nazi Germany and, to be fair, we end with the promise of a critical video of Nazi Germany tomorrow. Join us tomorrow for a dive into the German catastrophe of Kristallnacht.

The Group Who Bought Winston Churchill - https://youtu.be/L56b3jMbg2g

Gaddafi's Direct Democracy Philosophy - https://youtu.be/vRI43WHSoTQ

The Truth About Economic Fascism - https://youtu.be/oiVXadJB-Dw

What Really Happened? How did World War 2 Start? - https://youtu.be/TQcOlep_88U

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Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

Why is Nazi Germany evil? If not the Holocaust then... If not warmongering then... In this episode, we answer that question with the most evil action taken by National Socialist Germany... Kristallnacht. Interestingly enough, the same people who lie to you about the Holocaust or German warmongering, tell a fairly accurate narrative of Kristallnacht. We discuss all of the events that took place around Kristallnacht and try to theorize about what could have been done to avoid this German catastrophe.

The Transfer Agreement - https://www.bitchute.com/video/P3FNIOoYsTPm/

Martin Luther's On the Jews and their Lies - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Iwv31EEjMvBV/

The Truth About Economic Fascism - https://www.bitchute.com/video/7RVcwOYvAD1C/

What Really Happened? The Holocaust Pt. 1 - The Claim and an Overview - https://www.bitchute.com/video/5PEaoLsSqchz/

Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass - https://youtu.be/z6mOGYNBMIc?si=DtYyiu96o2WStKeH

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

Why would anyone care to defend Nazi Germany? This is an interesting question for a variety of reasons. Why are there no pro-blank country movements for any other country involved in World War 2? We discuss all of the why someone would decide to defend Nazi Germany and, to be fair, we end with the promise of a critical video of Nazi Germany tomorrow. Join us tomorrow for a dive into the German catastrophe of Kristallnacht.

The Group Who Bought Winston Churchill - https://www.bitchute.com/video/UCSpAsGQ7Nxg/

Gaddafi's Direct Democracy Philosophy - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Rw0aRdHbRmHf/

The Truth About Economic Fascism - https://www.bitchute.com/video/7RVcwOYvAD1C/

What Really Happened? How did World War 2 Start? - https://www.bitchute.com/video/pK33WZIjr22p/

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this 4th profile in our Villain? series, we take a look at Elon Musk. Though it is not entirely fair to make this episode in case there is a later redemption arc, we try to take an open-minded and more forgiving approach. This is an episode in which we encourage you to put your thoughts below as we are very interested in hearing what you think about Elon Musk.

Tesla Bot can walk very slowly and pick up stuff now - https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/16/23726139/tesla-robot-update-video-shareholder-meeting

Tesla Bot Update - https://youtu.be/XiQkeWOFwmk?si=LF0AQ2Ed8LavPe4C

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

A quick update about the multiple episodes that YouTube has taken down recently and the impending strikes upon our channel there.

A quick update about the multiple episodes that YouTube has taken down recently and the impending strikes upon our channel there.

The Holocaust Pt. 5 - Other Facts - https://www.bitchute.com/video/yja0vskxqy9o/ (@3:50)

Jews and a Rabbi Behind Porn in the U.S.? -https://www.bitchute.com/video/H16MRWy8wLDl/ (@:17)

In this 4th profile in our Villain? series, we take a look at Elon Musk. Though it is not entirely fair to make this episode in case there is a later redemption arc, we try to take an open-minded and more forgiving approach. This is an episode in which we encourage you to put your thoughts below as we are very interested in hearing what you think about Elon Musk.

Tesla Bot can walk very slowly and pick up stuff now - https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/16/23726139/tesla-robot-update-video-shareholder-meeting

Tesla Bot Update - https://youtu.be/XiQkeWOFwmk?si=LF0AQ2Ed8LavPe4C

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss why Winston Churchill became pro-war and anti-Germany in the inter-war period. When Churchill was desperately impoverished and on the verge of losing his estates, a group called The Force stepped in to pay off his debts and save his estates. In effect, this group bought Winston Churchill and determined his general policies for the remainder of his political career. Unsurprisingly, The Force was funded mostly by jews. This is a very important part of the story for people who are interested in what really happened during World War 2.

The British Fired Artillery at Their Own Cities During WW2?!? - https://youtu.be/Eqxf6MqCHww

The Focus Group - https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/The_Focus_Group

Revealed: Wallis Simpson's Jewish secret - https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/revealed-wallis-simpsons-jewish-secret-v5iqvwad

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss the Feme Murders which were a series of over 400 political assassinations between the years 1919-1923 during the Weimar Republic in Germany. We also discuss the Freikorps, the private armies, during this period. Although these stories are fascinating in and of themselves, we discuss the ramifications of this type of activity today and what America would look like in a situation such as this.

After WWI, Hundreds of Politicians Were Murdered in Germany - https://www.history.com/news/political-assassinations-germany-weimar-republic

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss why Winston Churchill became pro-war and anti-Germany in the inter-war period. When Churchill was desperately impoverished and on the verge of losing his estates, a group called The Force stepped in to pay off his debts and save his estates. In effect, this group bought Winston Churchill and determined his general policies for the remainder of his political career. Unsurprisingly, The Force was funded mostly by jews. This is a very important part of the story for people who are interested in what really happened during World War 2.

The British Fired Artillery at Their Own Cities During WW2?!? - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Av1arxYzrQZn/

The Focus Group - https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/The_Focus_Group

Revealed: Wallis Simpson's Jewish secret - https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/revealed-wallis-simpsons-jewish-secret-v5iqvwad

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss the Feme Murders which were a series of over 400 political assassinations between the years 1919-1923 during the Weimar Republic in Germany. We also discuss the Freikorps, the private armies, during this period. Although these stories are fascinating in and of themselves, we discuss the ramifications of this type of activity today and what America would look like in a situation such as this.

After WWI, Hundreds of Politicians Were Murdered in Germany - https://www.history.com/news/political-assassinations-germany-weimar-republic

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we take a deep-dive into the country of Hungary and the citizencentric policies created by Viktor Orban. We look into policies around LGBTQ and Communist indoctrination, walls and illegal immigration, taxation and tax credits to increase birth rates, foreign aid for Ukraine, gun control, and much more.

(1) Is Hungary A Model For The American Right? - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hungary-model-american-right

(2) Orbán in Hungary: the rise of populism - Docu - 2018 - https://youtu.be/NBvDrJQfi50?si=PErJ6zrNoEtrOZ_2

(3) FACT CHECK: DID HUNGARY REDUCE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION BY 99 PERCENT WITH A BORDER WALL? - https://checkyourfact.com/2018/10/28/fact-check-hungary-99-percent-border-wall/

(4) Orbán: A tax, a key - https://mandiner.hu/belfold/2010/10/orban-egy-ado-egy-kulcs

(5) FAMILY TAX CREDIT (Hungary) - https://csalad.hu/tamogatasok/csaladi-adokedvezmeny

(6) Cost of living in United States compared to Hungary - https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/country/comparison/hungary/united-states

(7) Hungary to give women with 4 or more kids life tax exemption - https://apnews.com/general-news-fa782634d725431390c3251f1b5e352a

(8) Viktor Orbán: Hungary Supports Every Peace Plan - https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/current/viktor_orban_hungary_war_peace_support_ceasefire/

(9) Hungary blocks $54bn EU financial aid for Ukraine - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/15/hungary-blocks-54bn-eu-financial-aid-for-ukraine

(10) Hungarians voted to 'ban transgenderism and LGBTQ propaganda for minors': Balazs Orban - https://www.foxnews.com/media/hungarians-voted-ban-transgenderism-lgbtq-propaganda-minors-balazs-orban

(11) Hungary's inflation remains in top third of EU ranking - https://www.portfolio.hu/en/economy/20240318/hungarys-inflation-remains-in-top-third-of-eu-ranking-675437

(12) Act CCXXXII of 2013 on the Amendment of Certain Acts Related to Public Education - https://mkogy.jogtar.hu/jogszabaly?docid=A1900070.TV

In this episode, we take a deep-dive into the country of Hungary and the citizencentric policies created by Viktor Orban. We look into policies around LGBTQ and Communist indoctrination, walls and illegal immigration, taxation and tax credits to increase birth rates, foreign aid for Ukraine, gun control, and much more.

(1) Is Hungary A Model For The American Right? - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hungary-model-american-right

(2) Orbán in Hungary: the rise of populism - Docu - 2018 - https://youtu.be/NBvDrJQfi50?si=PErJ6zrNoEtrOZ_2

(3) FACT CHECK: DID HUNGARY REDUCE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION BY 99 PERCENT WITH A BORDER WALL? - https://checkyourfact.com/2018/10/28/fact-check-hungary-99-percent-border-wall/

(4) Orbán: A tax, a key - https://mandiner.hu/belfold/2010/10/orban-egy-ado-egy-kulcs

(5) FAMILY TAX CREDIT (Hungary) - https://csalad.hu/tamogatasok/csaladi-adokedvezmeny

(6) Cost of living in United States compared to Hungary - https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/country/comparison/hungary/united-states

(7) Hungary to give women with 4 or more kids life tax exemption - https://apnews.com/general-news-fa782634d725431390c3251f1b5e352a

(8) Viktor Orbán: Hungary Supports Every Peace Plan - https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/current/viktor_orban_hungary_war_peace_support_ceasefire/

(9) Hungary blocks $54bn EU financial aid for Ukraine - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/15/hungary-blocks-54bn-eu-financial-aid-for-ukraine

(10) Hungarians voted to 'ban transgenderism and LGBTQ propaganda for minors': Balazs Orban - https://www.foxnews.com/media/hungarians-voted-ban-transgenderism-lgbtq-propaganda-minors-balazs-orban

(11) Hungary's inflation remains in top third of EU ranking - https://www.portfolio.hu/en/economy/20240318/hungarys-inflation-remains-in-top-third-of-eu-ranking-675437

(12) Act CCXXXII of 2013 on the Amendment of Certain Acts Related to Public Education - https://mkogy.jogtar.hu/jogszabaly?docid=A1900070.TV

(13) What is the legality of guns and firearms in Hungary? - https://legalitylens.com/are-guns-legal-in-hungary/

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Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

This is a very interesting story about how the bankers have and will oppress, and basically loot Africa. It ties together a lot of events in history and the present day such as the terrible repercussions of overthrowing Gaddafi and the current desire by France to put boots on the ground in Ukraine. It is also very interesting to see how the bankers destroy entire continents with this modern form of colonialism.

Villain? Muammar Gaddafi - https://youtu.be/o1gZtChVzHg

Villain? Malcom X Pt. 1 - https://youtu.be/j7sORp604Mg

Why France is Actually Preparing for War With Russia - https://youtu.be/fiD24uEvY1U?si=bjkn3xcvcvsHGus6

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss who founded and runs the YouTube of pornography in the U.S.. We also discuss the false propaganda that anti-semitism is irrational as opposed to being a backlash against actions that constantly harm society. Thank you for the comment that made us aware of these facts!

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

This is a very interesting story about how the bankers have and will oppress, and basically loot Africa. It ties together a lot of events in history and the present day such as the terrible repercussions of overthrowing Gaddafi and the current desire by France to put boots on the ground in Ukraine. It is also very interesting to see how the bankers destroy entire continents with this modern form of colonialism.

Villain? Muammar Gaddafi - https://www.bitchute.com/video/zmi4enPv7vfk/

Villain? Malcom X Pt. 1 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ih4YeYjHuuqZ/

Why France is Actually Preparing for War With Russia - https://youtu.be/fiD24uEvY1U?si=bjkn3xcvcvsHGus6

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss who founded and runs the YouTube of pornography in the U.S.. We also discuss the false propaganda that anti-semitism is irrational as opposed to being a backlash against actions that constantly harm society. Thank you for the comment that made us aware of these facts!

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

This episode covers several recent stories about war crimes committed by Israel. First, we discuss the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate annex of their embassy in Syria. Next, we discuss the Israeli bombing of the WCK humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip. We discuss a variety of scenarios about how a good System would handle being allied to this Israel and compare that to how the U.S. responded to these attacks.

Anti-War Test - Trump Bombs Soleimani with Bonus Clip - https://youtu.be/A8v6towNr3g

Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis - https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/middleeast/iran-response-israel-damascus-consulate-attack-intl-hnk/index.html

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

This episode covers several recent stories about war crimes committed by Israel. First, we discuss the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate annex of their embassy in Syria. Next, we discuss the Israeli bombing of the WCK humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip. We discuss a variety of scenarios about how a good System would handle being allied to this Israel and compare that to how the U.S. responded to these attacks.

Anti-War Test - Trump Bombs Soleimani with Bonus Clip - https://www.bitchute.com/video/RZTwycqOqybM/

Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis - https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/middleeast/iran-response-israel-damascus-consulate-attack-intl-hnk/index.html

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, Jack points out the historical paradigm shift between the acceptance of Hebrews/Jews when the state of Israel was formed. Before that time, and during the entire diaspora, the Muslims were more favorable to the Hebrews/Jews. After the formation of the state of Israel, the Muslims turned against the Hebrews/Jews and the Christians began to view them favorably with the sympathy gained from the Holocaust narrative. It is important to understand the historical circumstances that caused this paradigm shift. Without this understanding, it would be easy to mistakenly believe that the Muslims had always been antagonistic towards them and the Christians had always been favorable to them.

What Really Happened? The USS Liberty - https://youtu.be/9cTmI-rXk64

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, Jack points out the historical paradigm shift between the acceptance of Hebrews/Jews when the state of Israel was formed. Before that time, and during the entire diaspora, the Muslims were more favorable to the Hebrews/Jews. After the formation of the state of Israel, the Muslims turned against the Hebrews/Jews and the Christians began to view them favorably with the sympathy gained from the Holocaust narrative. It is important to understand the historical circumstances that caused this paradigm shift. Without this understanding, it would be easy to mistakenly believe that the Muslims had always been antagonistic towards them and the Christians had always been favorable to them.

What Really Happened? The USS Liberty - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MgCHgqHvLPfX/

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we make the argument that the evangelical, pro-Israel stance based on the power dynamic of the loving father (the U.S.) looking after its struggling son (Israel) is false. Viktor makes the great point that when the U.S. is the fatherly provider for Israel, they are actually acting as the lowly servant. Jack makes the point that the "daddy" is the one who performs the discipline and then points to the USS Liberty. It is important to correctly understand the power dynamic here and the subservient position of the U.S.

Villain? Saddam Hussein - https://youtu.be/47pMejrnqCs

What Really Happened? The USS Liberty - https://youtu.be/9cTmI-rXk64

President Biden Delivers 2024 State of the Union & Republican Response - https://www.youtube.com/live/7V01QvlQels?si=aeFADqsWPLOG3KkS
Speech Begins: 1:25:40
Stands and claps for civil rights: 2:12:30 and 2:13:17
Stands and claps for Israel's fight and bringing the hostages back: 2:20:47
Stays seated for "Israel has a fundamental duty to protect the lives of innocent civilians in Gaza" 2:21:47, a ceasefire 2:23:24, and permanent peace with a two state solution 2:24:01

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we make the argument that the evangelical, pro-Israel stance based on the power dynamic of the loving father (the U.S.) looking after its struggling son (Israel) is false. Viktor makes the great point that when the U.S. is the fatherly provider for Israel, they are actually acting as the lowly servant. Jack makes the point that the "daddy" is the one who performs the discipline and then points to the USS Liberty. It is important to correctly understand the power dynamic here and the subservient position of the U.S.

Villain? Saddam Hussein - https://www.bitchute.com/video/UXMaklurdRH1/

What Really Happened? The USS Liberty - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MgCHgqHvLPfX/

President Biden Delivers 2024 State of the Union & Republican Response - https://www.youtube.com/live/7V01QvlQels?si=aeFADqsWPLOG3KkS
Speech Begins: 1:25:40
Stands and claps for civil rights: 2:12:30 and 2:13:17
Stands and claps for Israel's fight and bringing the hostages back: 2:20:47
Stays seated for "Israel has a fundamental duty to protect the lives of innocent civilians in Gaza" 2:21:47, a ceasefire 2:23:24, and permanent peace with a two state solution 2:24:01

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss the different possibilities of a 1 or a 2 state solution in Israel/Palestine. We end up rejecting the idea that Israel would ever truly embrace either of the two plans. In the end, we realize that the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is the only realistic final solution for Israel.

Al Nakba - The Catastrophe of Israel - https://youtu.be/GOt80x-ki1g

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]

In this episode, we discuss the different possibilities of a 1 or a 2 state solution in Israel/Palestine. We end up rejecting the idea that Israel would ever truly embrace either of the two plans. In the end, we realize that the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is the only realistic final solution for Israel.

Al Nakba - The Catastrophe of Israel - https://www.bitchute.com/video/SfLJ9APOD3jU/

Support Withdraw Consent at SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/withdrawconsent

Contact Withdraw Consent at: [email protected]


Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

298 videos

Category News & Politics

Withdraw Consent is a podcast/movement whose goal is to bring down The System in America (and other Western nations eventually) by awakening, through education, the American people by revealing the group behind The System, mostly religious Jews. We promote National Socialist political and social values in order to restore our traditional culture and rejuvenate our people after The System has fallen.

New videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8am PT/11am ET.