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Ahhhhh - Some great chew tonight as the boys talk about selling revolution to revolutionaries and comfortable communists and collectivists. Almost an hour of agendas and strategy of the Canadian election and crazy world events.

It's the day after shooting this Aug. 19, 2021 so I'm a bit fuzzy. Gary and me probably talked about stuff....or more accurately, I pontificated a bunch about poli sci and psychoanalytical analysis of the current field of play. It's a doozy and the zombies are everywhere.

Here we are in sunny Canada, sliding through our temporary loosening of restrictions as the proof of the scam becomes more and more evident. Politics has surpassed any and all "science" as we see Liberals and their lot mask and jab their way to that warm fuzzy feeling of Marxist nirvana. Those who do any kind of research know that the Globalist takeover and the Worlds Bank's "Great Reset" are part and parcel to the bullshit narrative we must endure before emancipation is achieved. The election fraud shall be proven, criminal politicians and their toadie journalist friends will all suffer the fate of the traitor and coward..... it just takes time. So here we are, early August and Kev & Gary are still keeping an eye on the field of play, still noting the big stories untold and the big lies oft repeated au nauseum.

End of July and our country prepares to prepare for an early election as Justin Trudeau knows that the smokescreen of the plandemic will wane. Surely, the mountains of debt hiding untold financial crimes, rolling over to any and all NGO's, overdoses, mental health crisis, housing shortage, unreported massive inflation will wake and infuriate the "average" Canadian.... right? Well..., the average Canadian....if there such a thing.....either is down with Big Daddy Governance, is oblivious, has made more for not working, is currently wearing a mask 24/7 alone, in their cars, in the park, proud over-compliance in a country of people who like being told what to do. Three weeks to fireworks? A big dud? Are we headed for real, old school lock downs like the ones you see in black and white footage.....? We DO NOT KNOW!!!! But.... we think - and that's cool. Our world is on the brink of a new era - it's either going to be remarkable or terrible. We are pulling for the little guy/gal - the individual with a curious mind.
****** Propaganda vs. Fact - Saturday at 11 - Winner takes ALL!********

The end of July approaches and we are in a pickle jar that's just starting to open. Here in Canada, the suspect PM is censoring and locking down where and when he can, he and Sophie getting one handed jabs for special effect. The population of the world continues to divide as the pandemic is increasingly seen as the political weapon and mechanism it is, collectivists proudly bragging of their vaccinations and claiming to be "pro science" when what they mean is "pro MSM". Fauci and company are under the gun, the Arizona audit has wrapped up and the criminal class in politics are freaking out. We are headed towards enlightenment but the path is blocked with groups of collectivist sheep.....and we need a shepherd FAST! Join Kev and Gary for the weekly chew - we have a few Millers and try to make sense of the nonsense, try to explain the unexplainable and try to inform the know-it-alls who clog social media with their fear and ignorance. Whatcha gonna do?

We are nothing if not consistent in our mission - to talk about the unspoken, to fight for a future with hope. Week in, week out, we trudge over the same old ground and see the same clowns tell the same lies with impunity. The chasm is widening between the collectivist vaxing maskers and the rough-and-ready freedom fighters, standing up to the tyranny of obedient observance. Real, rational talk about where we are and just where the hell we are going. WTF indeed!

Well - The two dozen or so of you fine consumers of gab will love this one as Gary & Kev talk about car sales, lies & taxes and bird rescues in between the usual geo-political check up. Things are getting hot in Nevada, Florida and Texas show California and New York that this virus is as political as it is Chinese. A huge awakening is coming as the sleepy giant of public awareness and perception stirs and rubs their collective eyes. Rumor's of an early election here in Canada abound as Trudeau & Co. are looking to steal one for the (globalist) team. Anyway - watch for Dick the robin chick - a sure sign - sure of what? Dunno.....

July 1st is Canada Day - the day we celebrate our supposed emancipation from England in 1867, and our legally compromised Prime Minister has played yet another Globalist card in the latest round of "Break A Nation". This episode is a fun one - and fun is at a high premium here in Canada as the C-19 scamdemic is used - and embraced by many collectivist Canadians. Completely unaware and uninterested in the lies, crimes and simmering sting south of the border, many citizens continue the "ignorance is bliss" strategy of doing what you're told, regardless of the ACTUAL science and ACTUAL proof that continues to chip away at 100 plus years of global control. So - on this night of NATIONAL celebration, we refuse to pile on a great nation and point out just WHO should be held accountable for heinous crimes and WHO has always managed to abuse the most venerable with impunity.

We love our small but loyal family of viewers - we have comments ON and want your topic suggestions. PLEASE, if you have a subject in mind that you'd like us to discuss.... drop your ideas in the comment section and we will bounce it around next show.

It's just us, we're holding the fort, the line, and keeping faith digging for the truth, watching a world slowly wake up.

Waiting for the fireworks as Maricopa County in Arizona and other states compile all the proof any (honest) court will need to rule, and any (honest) legislators need to rescind their approval - certification of the faux winners in an obviously crooked election. Here in Canada (Ontario) we continue to suffer lock down draconian policy as every crooked politician and corporation along with their propogandist media cronies are exposed as part of a plot to overthrow the world's duly elected and favored and insert the spies, liars and completely shitty people at the top. THINGS ARE HAPPENING - and soon my pretty, we will see heads rolling!

We have a short one as Kev feels a bit sick - and tired of this façade

This is a pretty good one as Kev and Gary dig into the greatest tactician's philosophy and how it fits into today's shit show.

Robin joins Kev and Gary for another gentle round of discussion - talk - chew - about where we are with regard to The Great Awakening. People are divided - on purpose - and the cruel truth is driving the collectivists to madness - as in, they're mad ALL the time. Here we sit in Canada - and even the compliant, polite Canadian population is starting to crack under the unfounded restrictions that serve to show the ruling class for what they are. Soon, there will come a day when the truth is inescapable, no matter how bad it turns out to be. We look forward to reporting on all the news that is censored and banned in the controlled media, a true free and independent media the only salvation for a cucked world.
Join us and keep supporting ALL the digital warriors out there that keep digging, keep sharing and KEEP THE FAITH

Despite the hassles of Alt-Tech, we love our pals at BitChute for hosting the seekers and Truthafarians during the Big Lie. Robin has been to Western Canada, joining in the protests against Canadian edicts that have targeted the churches, music venues, and small businesses in favour of Globalist butt boys. We are in a holding pattern, "The Plan" continuing to unfold as the business of restructuring happens behind the scene. The "scene" is the Globalist ploy in full flight - the bankers and the individual governments at odds over the destruction of the economy and free-fall into "The Great Reset". We are in very strange times as the line has been drawn between those who trust information from proven liars, and those who trust those maligned and censured by the oligarchs, pharmaceutical giants, and the unelected, one world, communist government trying to close ranks before the citizens of the world wake up and throw off the chains of oppression....
This week, we talk about the basic human psyche - the stumbling blocks that make things so difficult due to many years of programming. How would you sell the "Great Awakening"? How do we get people to stop worshiping their slave masters and stop shitting on people who are trying to save the future of mankind? It really is that big - and such a little thing propping up the fear and ignorance.
Join Kev, Robin and Gary again this week as we chew the fat - and the gristle - on WORLD TO FOCUS!

It's March 18, 2021 and the calm before the storm is getting a bit rough as the plethora of strange happenings and weird events point towards the approaching avalanche. Banksters and criminal politicians seem to hold sway over the brainwashed masses as masks and restrictions are enforced with an ever increasing zeal. Kev turned 56 the day before (St. Patty's Day) and he along with Robin and Gary use this time before the fireworks to try to unravel the psychological warfare and communist propaganda in use so effectively on so many who have never experienced free thinking. Make no mistake, soon we will be unravelling and connecting the indictments and arrests - but for now, we must note the subtle change in temperature that is occurring as the plan unfolds and we all get to see the Deep State's plans explode in the face of autonomy and independence the world over.

Robin Benedict is back to mix it up with Kev and Gary at BOXO studio in week 50 of the plandemic reset. As we are in a weird, feeble grotesque state of being, we deconstruct a bit and get to the root of it all. If you believe it's all connected, the question begs HOW do you wake the sleepy Normies who crave the heel of authoritarian conformity so much? Robin is a protest-going, outspoken critic whose own recent awakening has enlightened her to what Kev has known for years - that being people will do anything to avoid uncomfortable truths - Anything.
Well - hopefully this episode catches your fancy and you add some comments and suggestions for future topics and episodes. WYF indeed!

Well, The big pianist Brisco is out and songbird Robin is in! Robin Benedict is a great talent and a fascinating person to have as a new facet of the show. Free thinking and open minded insights set her apart - wayyy apart from many of the performers and portrayers out there because she asks questions and holds fast to the ideals of freedom and truth. Here in week 27, Gary and Kev just chew the fat about everything and nothing - because after all, it's all connected. Feel free to comment w suggestions and thanks for joining us.

It's mid February 2021 and things are fucky all over, certainly here on Social Media. Deep State control of information and attitudes pick up pace as anything and everything with a trace of integrity is banned from all Google platforms and the corporate shills who provide the means of profit and promotion double down on lying, cheating, stealing and eventually...destroying all remaining traces of real journalism and entertainment. Gary and Kev chew the fat about the lay of the land here in Canastan and in the lower 48 states - the obvious and the way too obvious on full display for those who choose to know. Difficulty locating this page exists on BitChute, smells fishy - and Parler makes a slow comeback as the idiot mill that is Twitter et al continue to lie and cheat to the willing weaklings who wrap their arms around evil while spouting venom about anything containing independent thought and honor. We will continue to build this channel into something great and look forward to the addition of someone we love and respect here beginning next week - a replacement and hopefully an upgrade as we strive to bring the murky and hidden to light and help build a better world before the cowards and traitors burn it down.

We bid adieu to Mr. Brisco as Gary and Kev chew the fat during the dark winter. Senate impeachment proceedings are underway and the communistic corporate tyranny is in full view as the MSM and Silicone Valley engage in unprecedented censorship and propaganda. Scores of brave individuals are being cancelled and punished for doing and saying the right thing and the ones who lie and chest and steal are rewarded lustily. We meander all over the place, touching on a whole range of issues - basically waiting for hammers to drop and for heads to roll..... hopefully the deserving ones roll next as this sad scary time must come to an end sooner than later.

Here we are, the beginning of February 2021 and future generations will surely see this time in a light we can only now sense over the horizon. Burma has had the military stuff the Clintonian candidate's fraudulent election and has decreed that they will hold 25% of the seats and maintain order until FAIR and HONEST elections take place. The MSM and NWO politicians are losing their shit as dozens of CEO's continue to step down and people of note keep dying mysteriously. Those who insist that everything is normal are twisting inside out and the conspiracy theorists are increasingly appearing less nutso. Should be an amazing year and the next 30 days will set the sail. Lets Go.

It's the weird sick, scared time before the world finds out that the entire system is irreparably broken and the lights come on. That, or a slow boring death from Marxism.... we shall see.

The boys continue with our series of best guesses on the eve of a fraudulent ascension of unprecedented scope and gall. There are many schools of thought as the blue, red and black pills get passed around the table - time may very well tell....or she might keep the truth hidden in the deep dark hole of global politics.

Wow - On the eve of the 6th, the world is abuzz with the WTF's and the What If's..... Brisco & Barber go Red Pill/Black Pill and have a great chew giving our bestest guesses, insights and predictions..

Fifth try to upload - Gary and Kev discuss the mess

Well - More of the same in Clown World as we sit on the edge, dangling our toes into the abyss. We have a Deep State and Bankster run media that is using a China Virus to affect an election to install the people that China needs to flip the power base of the world. That - or....., Orange man bad and should just go home and allow the nice Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris their way in without any further delay or scrutiny.
"These people are stupid". -Q


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

45 videos

Category None

This is a news and current events show that serves to glean the bigger picture from the glimpses of news stories from around the world. In our global village, the human condition is seen merely as the resource to twist and manipulate to serve the corporate agenda. A world of free thinkers who are thoughtfully well informed in NOT something they really want.

Things are changing and we see this as the greatest turning point mankind has approached since the great flood - information being the analog for water in this case. The free flow of information and the commodity of ideas and opinion driving market forces and the democratic political process is being attacked and consumed by an ever increasing globalist narrative. By censoring and banning effective contrarians, controlling education, entertainment and media, our version of a "just society" is embracing many tactics and laws that frighten many who have escaped tyranny and communism. It is not hyperbole to say that if we lose citizen and alt journalism, we will lose it all. At the very least, it is safe to say that by denying the individual and embracing the crafted narrative, we will see efforts like this branded as dangerous, banned in a modern book burning with the only road to profit being indoctrination in a fixed system.

We will try to remain political atheists, decriers of hypocrisy and defenders of truth. We see our jobs to not only share the news with you, but to also hold these very news organizations we employ as source material to task on their reporting practices and we will see any politician or party policy attacking freedom of thought and expression as a hostile enemy of the people.

We will do our best to use the human condition to read these stories like cosmic tea leaves, telling a much broader yet very specific tale of just where we're going.

As always - keep the comments pure of idiocy and ignorance - send story links to [email protected] for consideration.


WTF people.... WTF