World Mysterious

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World Mysterious



Radio Frequency Radiation Health Risks- Implications for 5G- (Grand Rounds, UC San Francisco)

Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave Story. “Highlights” OF 2022
Kensington Avenue Philadelphia, the united states of America.

The world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, will be able to grow 30,000 babies a year. It's based on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research conducted by researchers worldwide.

World Economic Forum Explaining How To Change The Human Genome Using mRNA Technology (2015)

The J-Rod (Little Grey) theory, explains that there are several races of J-Rod in conflict throughout time, over the date of an inevitable and cataclysmic nuclear event.

If this event occurs before and/or after a certain date, the other J-Rod would not exist.

Indeed, the Greys claim to be from Earth. It is after the event that they appear, as our descendants.

A particle-beam weapon uses a high-energy beam of atomic or subatomic particles to damage the target by disrupting it's atomic and/or molecular structure.

A particle-beam weapon is a type of directed-energy weapon, which directs energy in a particular and focused direction using particles with minuscule mass.

"A sophisticated alien particle-beam weapon operates in three different settings. The first setting immobilizes any live opponent. The second setting makes any material object levitate, no matter its weight. The third setting disintegrates and annihilates organic matter within the weapon range" - Phil Schneider, 1995

Do they know something we don't know? Are they meticulously preparing for something we have no idea about? Was Phil Schneider right or wrong?

I wonder, what do you think about this one? If it's true, why does it speak the lies? If it's fake, why does it speak the truth?

Is the Earth as big as we were told or it's much, much bigger?

Radio-frequency identification Chip uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. An RFID tag consists of a tiny radio transponder; a radio receiver and a transmitter.
A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being.

What happens if you refuse an RFID chip?

And here's the best part-if you REFUSE to be implanted with the RFID chip, the government will deactivate your chip and you will have NOTHING! No SS #, NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE, NO MONEY, NO NOTHING. WITHOUT THE RFID CHIP, AS FAR AS THE GOVERNMENT IS CONCERNED, YOU DO NOT EXIST AND CAN NOT BE A UNITED STATES CITIZEN.

clip originally uploaded by channel "Flatline - Globe is dead" titled "Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill"

“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
-Nikola Tesla


"COVID-19 and the 4th Industrial Revolution│Klaus Schwab(World Economic Forum, Executive Chairman): The term ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ became a household word after the annual event of the World Economic Forum, dubbed ‘Davos Forum’ proposed it as a main theme. It was a very innovative concept that the technology advance will change the all aspects of human life and that how to respond to it will determine the rise or fall of an individual, an organization and a country. Professor Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, said that all the parties of interest including the public and private sector, the academics and civil society, should participate in the comprehensive discussion about it. After 4 years passed, human beings are faced with a situation where they must redefine the 4th Industrial Revolution with the advent of COVID-19. Professor Schwab will reveal a new version of the 4th Industrial Revolution and share his insight."

Boris Johnson explains the Illuminati's globalist scientific agenda and their all-encompassing and intrusive power grab! Boris is a puppet shill.

For those of you who didn't see or understand the version.


pedogate 1. - In-Depth Exploration By Mouthy Buddha

Apparently, all damage was caused by a 12-year-old boy because his mother confiscated his smartphone…

This is a prime example of why young children should not be given smartphones… let their brains & maturity develop first before giving them brainwashing spying equipment..

Children should not be given the opportunity to download apps like FB, TikTok, what’s an app, or Instagram.. stop giving children away to these big tech companies, they’re only here to cause harm, spy, and listen to our children and our lives. Stop uploading / giving your children the opportunity to upload their own pictures to these apps… pedophiles are on the hunt, and predators use these mainstream applications to see what your children look like, where your children live, and what school they attend.

Even if apps are set to private, there are back doors built in that allow pedophile employees access to all information.

💫 Don’t be a victim of ignorance, Think while it’s still legal.


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

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