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Feminists and leftists do not accept that men's behavior is of biological origin. They think that men are socialized into masculine beings.


The term toxic masculinity, how it is talked about... it's no different from how people speak in favor of gay conversion therapy for gay men.

So my observation is:

Back in the day during more traditional times, people who behaved atypical to their sex were punished.
But now that leftism has power, people who behave stereotypical to their sex, are discouraged from being who they truly are.

#hypocites #regressiveleft

Big thank you to
for educating me about men's true nature/biology.
Article discussed at the end of the video by

Based on Fox' quote in the article, you can see that she tries to re-engineer her sons into being more emotional. That's just no different like we see it sometimes with conservative parents, trying to remove the "gay", the feminine behavior, out of their homosexual sons. #Abuse #hypocrisy

It's nature not nurture and especially the left which says that gay people are born that way shouldn't have a problem understanding that.

Now that the youtube ID link seems to work I don't think it will happen again but it still annoys me that the videos don't appear until days later and yes I already removed the youtube link to my bitchute channel but it still does the double uploads lmao STUPID but at least I know now that it eventually uploads the video from over there and I don't have to manually do it here anymore

I'm not religious, however I think Christianity is important for Western countries since it brings stability and was the foundation of the free society I currently live in. So I'm not just calling out crazy lgbt people who want to, despite being sinners, join Christitanity and with doing so actively destroying it from within but I am also calling out Christians themselves, telling them to be more vocal when it comes to reprimanding your own people.

This video is about men's nature. That we should stop denying men's biology, instincts. Especially women, not just feminists, can learn a lot from this video because you always moan in that stereotypical way about men and their behavior. Not understanding why they act the way they do. Sorry but the average man just thinks differently from a woman. Brain scans prove that. And the sooner you accept that, the less confusion we have between the sexes.

Oh and by the way. Sorry that on bitchute some videos upload twice?? Is that because I had my youtube ID on here and it uploaded from there again? I don't know but I removed it now so I hope it has stopped.

That's the nonsense you usually hear coming from the LGBT community. With this video I basically destroyed that argument forever but I also used it to talk about the hypocrisy of Hollywood and Disney/Marvel in regards to their pro-LGBT agenda. Which when you do your research about the industry as a whole, is actually anything but that.
What I talk about in the video shouldn't be that hard to imagine anymore. It's not just the recent examples I mention in the video regarding Obama and Kate Winslet, but today when I decided to edit this video and upload it, Will Smith has been outed as a bisexual.
So after watching my video, you will know that we shouldn't listen to Hollywood at all anymore when it comes to their "pro-LGBT advocacy" because they are pretty much homophobic themselves. I am not using that word lightly. You will know what I mean after the video.

I made this video 2 months ago for tiktok when I came across an article discussing Tim Scott's bachelor status. I don't know much about him and his politics. I was just annoyed again that men apparently need a wife in order to be taken seriously. But it is also a reminder that policy is more important than what a candidate does in private. As I said in the video, you basically cheer on fakeness in some cases which accomplishes nothing. I won't apologize for not falling for manipulation tactics like that.

Part 1 is about pointing out the usual hypocrisy of feminists. How they deny science, thinking they can re-educate boys in school into behaving more feminine/becoming girl-like, punishing school boys for who they are (naturally masculine) and how society in general supports feminism, which is built on gender theory aka pseudoscience which implies that masculinity/"typical male behavior" is socialized instead of innate. At one point however, men and boys notice the hate they receive and leave leftism, which is basically feminism these days, and join conservatism instead.

OBVIOUSLY I know that my bitchute audience doesn't support gay rights but 1. Please keep in mind that I also upload on other social media platforms and 2. My video still has a unique argument at the end regarding traditionalism and 3. Maybe you know straight guys, friends who are gullible and support lgbt rights. With my video you will have the perfect example to tell them to stop with this nonsense. Also please don't be surprised if my appearance changes from video to video because I am still in the process of uploading my older tik tok videos on other social media platforms (like here) and this video here about Kevin Costner's divorce was actually made 2 months ago but it's still relevant.

With this video I want to destroy the theory that gender is a social construct. There are only two genders and our gender expression is of biological origin. This can be proven with research about gay people. I also hope that this video will prevent detransitioners. That they don't transition in the first place. Because a lot of "trans" people these days who take hormones or do the surgery are just confused. They think because they act atypical to their sex, they must be another gender and must therefore transition. Nope. You are just a little outside the norm. Nothing wrong with that but that doesn't mean you have to change your whole body over it. I quoted a lot of research in the video that showed that gay people are born homosexual. It appears to be a genetic defect, a biological error. Here are the sources of my claims:

Since gay marriage was legalized in the USand all around the Western world, lgbt people started to act out. Pronouns, transing kids, promoting pseudoscience in schools (that gender is a social construct for instance), making infecting someone with hiv a misdemeanor etc etc etc.. How about instead of destroying western values, gay people should stay in their lane? All we gay people should promote is actual equality. For instance that we aren't imprisoned just for being gay and that we have the same protections as straight people (like the thing I mentioned with being fired). But nooooooo we went over the top and now we have many people who used to be neutral towards us as enemies. This won't end well for the lgbt community. Not that I care that much anymore about them, I solely look out for myself here honestly but as a final warning I hope more lgbt individuals wake up to the craziness they promote. Also to christians, don't fall for the lies of Islam. Christians are killed in countries where muslims are not a tiny minority like here in the west and in the end all you can choose is to either to convert of be killed for your beliefs. You can Argue against the lgbt mafia without having to co-operate with savages.

The reason why feminists shame masculinity is because they think men are taught to behave a certain way but that is wrong. Most men are born masculine. There are a few men who are naturally feminine but exceptions prove the rule. For instance, I'm not the most masculine man coz I am a fag (there are some manly gay men but they are rare), yet despite that I am not as dumb as the other gender warriors and think I must be the norm. So my message to lefties and liberals: Just as much as you say people are born gay, that also applies to heterosexual men. And to my bitchute audience: I still have to remake the video with the brain scan studies and so on and as weird as they sound, they prove that gender is not a social construct, so please don't accuse me of spreading some lgbt agenda.

Feminists, Britney fans and the general public crap on Justin Timberlake for Britney Spears getting an abortion but in the end it was her choice, doesn't matter what he said. Feminists are mad at him for telling her to abort but they'd also be mad if he had told her to keep it. Why do men even bother to listen to feminists who will never be satisfied with men's actions anyway and blame men for their own dumb decisions? Are you pro-choice or tradcons? Shouldn't you celebrate that Britney was able to make a decision about her own body? Even if she regrets it now, you learn from mistakes. What was #FreeBritney for when you portray her as a victim with no mind of her own again and put all the blame on #justintimberlake? #accountability

This video is more of a warning to men rather than to reprimand women because I doubt they gonna listen anyway. Like I know a woman with 4 children by 4 different men. How do you want to correct a brain like that? So yeah, this is more an educational video for males cause they are usually not told this stuff. More videos regarding that topic will follow in the near future. Stay tuned by subscribing.

With the example in the video I demonstrate how more lgbt characters in entertainment do actually more harm than good.

Btw please keep in mind that I also do these videos on other social media platforms so for my bitchute audience, I am aware that lgbt represenation doesn't matter to you anyway lol but I hope you still watch the video because through my videos, you will find arguments against the lgbt mafia which benefits us all. #teamwork

LMAO this was supposed to be uploaded before the last part 6/6 but as I said I am currently still uploading my tik tok videos from 3 months ago so I mixed up some videos here and there while also creating new ones... so this was out of order but in my bitchute video timeline it is still rather close to the other parts so there is still context.

Like they even shame statutory rape victims of not being able to keep it in their pants and as I always wonder... how can you call this a patriarchy?

The LGBTabcdefg-mafia totally lost the plot and became what they used to despise. Instead of seeking equal treatment, they want special treatment and on top of that, they even discriminate against heterosexual people now.

So in this case child support... which is supposed to be in the best interested of the child... was mainly used for revenge.

Guys please don't give your sperm to random lesbians and yeah many of you will probably make fun of this guy but in the end please focus on how evil this one lesbian was. Instead of a thank you for having the child, she wanted money. Ridiculous.

According to this, these kinds of kids don't need financial support at all, even if they are a result of single motherhood on purpose by using a sperm bank. So why don't we then apply that to all children? Strange patriarchy where we always cater to women's choices.


Created 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

29 videos

Category Entertainment

I started this channel because my tiktok with the same name received its first community guidline violation so I figured I better upload my stuff on other platforms too

I am against feminism because they never cared about the emancipation of men.

I am against the crazies from the lgbt community because they deny science and ruin my reputation.

I am against tradcons because they are basically fine with all the rights women got through feminism but then they still demand of men to follow their traditional gender roles. Hypocrisy and then they are surprised that divorce rates are so high and the nuclear family is dead.

I am against lefties and liberals because they are anti free speech, they are too science deniers, they say they support gay rights but then turn around and support Islam which leads to number 5...

I am also against Islam. While muslims are more tied to logic by not thinking that gender is a social construct etc. in the end they want me dead just for existing. So of course I'm gonna speak out against that.