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A speech I made outside the Irish Embassy on the 6th Dec in protest of the segregation of our people. Id like everyone to listen and share and make up your own minds and ask yourselves does this all seem right to you.

We must unite in peace and respect before we can move forward through the divide and concouer tactics in play, segregating us and conditioning us to bicker and argue.

We are the cogs that make the world turn and all we need to do is STRIKE to make a difference, but we must do it united.

After seeing the live premier of this visual art in Piccadilly Circus you can see here I decided to check out the entire video as I felt uneasy at the people in the video and the messages it gives.
I think this is propaganda, what about you guys?

Watch as people are treated like second class citizens and police / security guards / nurses enforce NWO Tyranny and the UK Health Minister Sajid Javid take a victim to take a death shot booster. Watch his face and his sinister look. Lets make sure to keep tabs on this reporter and see what happens him.

Just watch people being discriminated against by shop assistants and police. Then the normalisation of detention camps

We protest @ Piccadilly Circus every Sat 4/6pm & Wed 3/5pm Australia House. Watch as people walk around oblivious to the fact our own freedom of speech is being eroded online and in MSM as they tell us what's fake or not and we cant decide for ourselves. We have video deleted and comments deleted as our travel is restricted and denied without a gene therapy that kills. Now we are all Julian Assange yet people are conditioned to shop and watch TV and follow the crowd.
People need to realise the evil intent on humanity right now.

We have Microsoft explaining C/DNA that has been found in the MRNA along with graphene & Hyda Gel developed by DARPA Fauchi & Pzier etc.
The Americans were signing contracts for the vax before the Covid scare began. People are finding the graphene in all sorts of products water flour etc as we are being scared into more plandemic measures and segregation in society.

A collections of videos detailing the hypocrisy of the situation we see in this crazy reality the call the new normal. NWO is upon us and these fxckers don't give a shxt what we see anymore. tyranny is upon us unless we UNITE in Peace & Respect for each other and face our enemy together

They pack in like sardines onto the tubes thinking masks are their saviour but scared to take them off and just comply.

Walking home from Islington I saw some cray chemtrails over my head and then noticed the jet flying showing the difference in the same conditions for the unbelievers to see with their own eyes the difference.

I was woken at 8:30 to 6 police officers at my door to arrest me for failing to turn up to police custody yet never informed of this bail date. I had been put on bail for 1 month and then got a call to tell me I was being bailed for another 3 months while they carried out an investigation. I had addmitted to removing 19 social distancing signs and they wanted to waste police resources by following my travel over the 3 months and try catch me doing more but I'm not an idiot and they decided instead to arrest me 4 months later, refused my own solicitor, medical attention, food or drink for 4hrs and then shipped out to court.

See Original Arrest on YT "8 Police Arrest Me"

More coming with my complaint calls and responses from British Transport Police soon, just waiting on their call back.

On my way to Julian Assange Trial at Royal Courts Of Justice I decided to do some outreach and research by engaging with people and trying to stimulate conversation and free thought.

Whatever I said YT didn't like it and banned me for 1 week. Try figure out what it is that I cant prove or isn't worth discussing without YT restricting free thought and the truth.

Once again I see police and the hypocrisy of the mask wearing and guidance we are bombarded with as well as social distancing, except police are not scared of spreading any variant. Funny that.

Here we interview Heiko about his feeling and opinions about Julian Assange judgement and other subjects.

We speak with John Reece and the public at the result today 10th Dec 2021

It's always best in my opinion to make people smile even though you might not agree or understand with the other persons point of view. Unity, Peace & Respect can free us from our chains but you have to stop saying it cant wont or be negative, Empower others and yourself as you put effort into doing as much as you can. We need to win the hearts and minds of police to protect their families and friend s as they are the ones pushing this agenda forward and its up to us to help our cause by making them realise we are not their enemy but living men & women who all go to bed and lay our heads on our pillows and want the same basic things when we wake in the morning.
Shelter, food , Health Love and some time to spend with those we love on a daily basis.

We need to unite in a common goal of change in peace & respect. Divide & conqueror tactics are in play and once you realise this the divide is no longer.

We Burn The Euro Tyranny Flag & Dance To German Traditional Music.

100yrs ago to the date on the 6th Dec the separation of Ireland and the British State was formed. Today the Irish people are being segregated for a passport and the tyrannical government are puppets to the corporatocracy.
We were protesting outside the Irish embassy in London and had an encounter with armed police.

A speech for humanity to think about and decide which side of the fence they walk in the tyranny we face. 100 years ago to the day 6th Dec Ireland was separated from British Tyranny of the Irish people they enslaved. Today we stood outside to show our disgust at the segregation of the Irish people with vax passports and draconian law.

After 100yrs since the separation of Ireland from the British Governments rule we see segregation and austerity of the Irish nation

We have seen 4 African presidents die after refusing jabs and the agenda only to die soon after. This is a brave man who realises that discrimination is discrimination in any form. Our servants think they are our masters but this one is fighting back for his people. I salute him and his effort.

Watch our Vax bus experience. Threats and 7 police for verbal abuse from a member of the public as they walked past, Karen wastes police time again. See my other vax bus video for 50+ police and 2 helicopters.

The juicy bits we cant put up on YT. See members of the public discuss their opinions you wont hear on MSM. See police arrive in force 5 police for a verbal insult to the vax bus staff who had 3 security guards walking around threatening us.

I'm told to stand away because I'm not vaxed, yet it doesn't protect you, doesn't stop you spreading and didn't work so need boosters at the rate of 4 a year in the UK we are told now. Then I'm given a vail threat from security after being nice to him. See police arrive for Karen and hear some straight talking from an Irish woman.

When the WHO tells us there is an outbreak of Marburg in Sudan and Stanley Johnson wrote a book about it and when he also wrote the "Virus" about a fake pandemic and has a son who's Prime Minister of the UK (Boris Johnson) Then watch Utopia (2013) and realise we are living the reality we were told in books and on video.
Is this all a coincidence or am I totally insane to think such a thing while we are lied to by the same servants we place in power and give permission to rule over us. I think our servants think they are our masters and have conditioned society into this mindless oblivion.

Some pictures in nature I've taken (Google Reviews Keith Whitty) with a message from an elderly American lady who has a message for us all.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

37 videos

Category Vlogging

This channel is created to offer solutions goals and targets on how to move forward in the tyranny we face right now. I want to show videos to educate, alert and empower in a positive good vibe . The channel was created to give you the ability to comment and join in uniting your community/neighbours in your local area to defy, resit and not to comply so we may choose our futures together.

Unity, Peace & Respect will free us from our chains. The channel is here to reveal truths, speak openly & expose lies. Our servants think they are our masters but we are the cogs that make the world turn and we have the power UNITED. Our politicians are government puppets to the corporatocracy and are serial liars cheats and corrupt. We need to unite in a common goal of change and its this I want to discuss and offer a peaceful solution to our struggle and unite humanity in a STRIKE for 3 days in our local park, partying to unite in a positive and empowering manner. All we need to do is assert our freedom by walking outside to our local park and join in with humanity. Its a tall order but that's what's needed and the only solution that will create change, if we do it together UNITED. Unity Peace & Respect will free us.