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Africa for the Africans. Asia for the Asians. But white countries are for EVERYBODY. Question this and you'll get branded "racist". "Anti-racist" is just a code word for anti-white.

As of 2014, Steven Spielberg's "Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation" has recorded nearly 52,000 interviews in 56 countries and in 32 languages with so-called "Holocaust survivors." The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable. It is a Revisionist documentary presenting the latest evidence debunking the greatest hoax in human history: “The Holocaust” – that is to say, the fraudulent claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in “Gas Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms.” Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the “Pure Extermination Camp” myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.

'The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax' debunks Archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls’ fraudulent investigation of Treblinka, which included digging near clearly marked Christian graves claiming to find new hidden mass graves, falsely assigning homicidal intent to a normal life-saving shower room at Majdanek, and misidentifying a terra-cotta tile excavated at Treblinka as belonging to the floor of a homicidal gas chamber.

In connection with the Jewish question I have this to say: it is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people, but remains hard-hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them which is surely, in view of its attitude, an obvious duty.


Created 1 year, 5 months ago.

4 videos

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