Basement Lord

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Basement Lord

Basement Lord


#dating #relationship #funny

Chads Dont Pay

#shortsvideo #fuuny #lol

Copein with Donuts

#shortsvideo #redpill

The backups were already in play

#sydneywatson #manosphere #redpill

Thots big mad

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Let them cope and seethe

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Stay Single!

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The Era of Beta Cope is coming to an end

#stellarblade #funny #lol

He is right.....

#dating #funny #ai

Coming to a bar near you!

#timpool #dating #redpill

#dating #feminism #redpill

Failures training others how to fail

#mattwalsh #dating #redpill

Muh Bootstraps Bucko

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Has he tried reading the unplugged alpha lmao

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Just wait till they get a load of AI

#MushokuTensei #dating #funny

Very Accurate

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It's the zombie virus of our time.

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He should change the locks

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Even in death you aren't safe

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Ai will clear the board of these women

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Its inevitable

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We need Gyms Going Their Own Way

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Girl Bosses get to Stand

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Do they get a Certified Masculine Card at the end?

#marriage #dating #lgbt

Now even ideology is ahead of the man

#dailywire #nala #michaelknowles


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

230 videos

Category None