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Unsurprisingly, the general has left you and your comrade to your fiery fate, but at the last moment, you are saved by the girl who got lucky from being pushed down. Now it’s time to finish the job by hunting the bastard down and get off the planet alive before the bomb goes boom.

Now that this is the last part of the playthrough, it’s time to put my evaluation in. This game is a wild ride. Aside from the nice gun play, I like the fact that you can have a chance to defeat your enemies in the most brutal ways possible and then you get bigger rewards for doing it as the weapons, environment, and the physics can allow it. The enemies are a little bit too bullet spongy, but since there are things that you can instantly put them out of action, I will forgive this problem. Thanks to you having a combat leash, which allows you to pull enemies to you, it’ll make it easier to put them at your mercy before you destroy them. Additionally, this title is another one of those violent games with loads and loads of dialogue filled with swearing, which you have the option to toggle. Props to the developers for putting in a bit of extra work to make the toggles exist for those who doesn’t like humor and dialogue that they view offensive. The gore can be toggled off, too. As fun and wild this game is, it unfortunately didn’t do much to warrant a sequel, leaving that ending to be another one of those endless cliffhangers. Would I recommend this game? Totally. Just be aware the fact that you cannot just shoot to kill.

With the girl gone, the two have to stick with the general for a while just to complete their plan on getting out of the planet while fighting their way through the ugly mutants first.

Finally got my hands on the best weapon in the game, the Penetrator. It’s a drill cannon that launches enemies away and hit and destroy other enemies who’re dumb enough to stand nearby. If you charge up and managed to hit an enemy, you can choose where the drilled enemy will hit. Aim it at a crowd, press the fire button, and watch your points rack up. The only problem lies is that the thing isn’t a hitscan weapon and you would not hit anyone.

As soon as you get close to the general and as the girl gets suspicious of your motives, something big comes your way.

If you really want your enemies be at the mercy of you without trouble, then you’re going to have to quickly think on your feet. If you immediately notice that there are enemies in tight rooms or spaces, you oughta use the Thumper attack by holding the Leash key. As soon as the enemies get launched into the ceiling, they will come back down in pieces, and you’ll get a lot of points on top of that. Also, don’t be afraid to blow up the explosive canisters and grills to add more to your bodycount, and mind the hazardous environments too, especially the ones you can die instantly to just by simply running into them.

Speaking of that, the one death you saw later on is actually my fault. It’s one of those rare cases where I have to glance down at the keyboard to switch to a desired weapon while I was moving around.

The good ol’ General is close, but it seems like he’s still in a heap of trouble.

As there are many ways to defeat regular enemies, don’t forget the fact that stronger miniboss enemies can be killed in various ways too. Speaking of those minibosses, they are big guys with bigger guns and they will tear you in seconds if you happened to face one in combat with little to no cover. There are also a couple of more variants that needed to be stripped of their armour before you can damage them. As soon as they take enough damage from your arsenal, they will kneel down stunned. You have extra ways of finishing him off. You can kill him regularly like any other enemies, or you can just go right up behind him, kick his rear plate and shoot him in the… rump. It’s the most satisfying way to defeat the minibosses, plus it stacks up the points you’re already getting from just defeating him alone with the extra skillshot.

Finally saved the girl. Now onto meeting the good ol’ General through a bunch of savages.

There are many areas in the game where you can use the environment to your advantage in combat. From blowing up explosive barrels near your opponents and leashing them to spiked walls to impale them, you can make a quick work of waves of enemies. Those skillshots you earned from using the level’s environment can give a lot of points too.

As we're getting close to the girl, she's in deep trouble and she needs rescuing.

If you wanna spice up your ways of defeating enemies with your arsenal and earn more points as a result, that’s what the charge shots are for. For example, the charge shot of the assault rifle, the Peacemaker Carbine, is basically a powerful piercing shot that reduces your opponents into burnt skeletons, which is pretty awesome by the way. You can earn more points by defeating multiple enemies in one blow with a charged weapon shot as it’ll nail you a specific skillshot that regards to that weapon (to earn the ‘X-Ray’ skillshot, defeat two or more opponents with the piercing charge shot from the PMC assault rifle). Getting these kinds of skillshots may take a bit of practice and patience, but in the end, it’s pretty satisfying.

Now, onto the next part. Turns out that you and your now-cyborg pal are stranded in this crazy-train of a planet and the girl is most likely the ticket off of it, but first they’re gonna have to go fight their way through a bunch of gun-totting psychos.

The prominent mechanic in this game is called Skillshots, a scoring system that nets you points every time you decimate your enemies. The more creative way you defeat your enemies, the more points you’ll be rewarded. The points that you were given is used to buy ammo and upgrades for your arsenal from those pods that can be activated by leashing them, so be sure to save up if you wanna stock up on ammunition and charge shots to maximum at almost every chance.

Hello everyone. It’s time to begin a playthrough of Bulletstorm, an FPS game where it rewards you for defeating enemies in many special ways rather than just shooting them until you make them hit the dirt. It was developed by People Can Fly and Epic Games while published by Electronic Arts. The Full Clip Edition is the remastered version of the game that is released for the eighth generation era.

When the game begins, you step into the shoes of Greyson Hunt and his ragtag of space pirates that are being hunted down by their former superior, General Victor Serrano.

The very first moments of the game have you get a taste of what it’s like to use the Peacemaker carbine and the leash where you can pull enemies toward you just to make it easier for you to have your ways with them.

This is it. The last mission. What you need to do is to take down that giant air fortress that is heading to your allies’ air space. It may sound easy, but it’s not. You’re gonna have to destroy the parts of the fortress that is targeted, but before you get close, mind the missiles and the machine guns that it’s armed with. It will unleash a tiny barrage of missiles as soon as you get close to the middle while trying to tear you up with it’s machine guns on the tip of the wings. The best thing you could do is to temporarily disable the weaponry and start blasting the important parts. The best way to approach the big winged monster is by flying behind low so the missiles won’t aim at you. As soon as you destroy the fortress, you are finally done with the game. You have stamped out the coup and saved the country from falling into to the wrong hands.

Evaluation time. Now what do I have to say about this first entry of the Ace Combat franchise? I have to say that it’s pretty decent. Not the greatest, but it’s good enough for me to enjoy it. I guess I would never go wrong with any console title that is released during the beginning days of a generation. The missions are pretty simple, the controls work (although may take a tiny bit of time to get used to), and the soundtrack isn’t too bad. If I were to be a hardcore Ace Combat fan, I know I would like to give this first entry a whirl every once in a while.

Alright. Onto the climax of the game. Mission 15 have you destroy a bridge and clear a base that is plastered with enemy property. The enemy fighters and ground defenses are gonna be relentless, so you might as well strike fast and very hard if you don’t want your plane to get turned to a burning scrap heap. Mission 16 is just another rail stage where you can’t control your speed while you’re in a cave, so make sure you’ve already have a plane that can handle very well just to get through. The enemies are the same helicopters you’ve faced in the first rail stage, so make sure you take them down as soon as you see them.

As you get far in the game, you’ll be facing tougher foes who wanna take you down. The enemy fighters can be a lot more trouble if you’re not careful as they can get behind you, get a lock on, and then try to slap you with a missile. The ground targets seem like they’re a little more accurate with their weapons as well. It’s best to make sure that your piloting skills are good up to this point of the game, because if not, then you’re likely gonna have a hard time. Now, as for what you're supposed to do in those two missions, you're gonna have to destroy even more ground targets. The last target in Mission 14 can be a bit hard to destroy due to all of the enemy fighters and ground defenses all around it, so the best course of action is to get rid of these distractions before you even think about destroying the last target.

Mission 9 is just another mission where you destroy ground targets except the fact that there is a naval ship near the dock that you also have to get rid of. The ship is packed with turrets, so shoot it quickly without slowing down. Mission 10 is an escort mission where you need to protect a friendly plane that is going into a straight flight path. It’s pretty easy, so just take out any nearby enemy fighters you see before they start messing with the plane that is merrily flying by.

The hell above the ocean continues. Mission 11 will have you be on the defensive against an enemy squadron who is looking to mess up the base you just captured last mission. Focus on the enemy fighters first before you take on the bombers. Once you get to mission 12, you’re gonna know that the sea vessels have enough of your crap. As you are trying to destroy a naval armada led by a mothership, you’ll encounter a couple of vessels that have homing missile turrets on them. As soon as they lock you on, they ‘ll waste no time to fire, so as soon as you get close, destroy the missile turrets first and gain some reasonable distance.

Alright, mission 7 is kinda funny because you are in a ravine locked into your movement, meaning you can’t speed up nor slow down. You also cannot go out from the top of it or else it’s an instant death. The only enemies you’ll be facing are the helis that will shoot their guns at you once you’re close to them. Make sure you get a plane that has good handling just so it could be easier to turn through the tight rocky corners of the ravine.

Looks like it’s time to destroy some more ground targets secured in a base on mission 8. Before you do that, you’ll be dealing with a few enemy fighters, a squadron of three stealth bombers, and ground turrets. Be sure to bring in a wingman (for a price) to make the job easier.

I really hope you like destroying ground targets, because that’s what you’re gonna do in these two missions. Mission 5 have you fly in the desert looking for fuel depots to destroy. You’re gonna have to use the pipeline trail that will help lead you to each of them at every side of the map, but be careful, enemy fighters and defense turrets aren’t willing to make you have an easy time destroying their stuff. Your objective on mission 6 is to destroy the mining facilities and production plants, which is more ground targets. There are also stealth bombers present in enemy ranks. They behave exactly like the enemy fighters, but the only difference is that they don’t appear on your radar, so you can take them down as you please when you see one.

Here’s when things can get a little nasty. The enemy fighters in these two missions won’t try to be pushovers, and they will attack and do evasive maneuvers once they have the chance. When you’re playing the fourth mission, you’ll be introduced to stationary turrets on the ground. Try not to slow down too much while approaching them, or else they’ll turn your jet to swiss cheese, so make sure you hit them fast as soon as they are locked on.

Hello everyone. It is time for me to begin a new playthrough for you guys. It’s one of Namco’s earliest Playstation titles, Air Combat. It is a console version of the original arcade game released in 1992. It was also one of those games that Namco released in order to prove themselves that they can make any 3D game for the console. What you mostly do in Air Combat is fly around and look for targets to destroy, which is a pretty simple thing to do.

The first two missions are a no-brainier of course. All you have to do is to search and destroy your targets, and then you are done. They don’t do much other than just fly to one direction (not including the smaller fighter jets), so be sure to turn them into scrap as soon as they get in range for your weapons. Use your missiles wisely, though, because you have a limited amount of them. It would be a big problem if you run out.

The game is being played on the Normal difficulty for this playthrough. The DuckStation emulator is used.

This is it. The final battle against Paavo. The fate of the world rest on the hands of Nevin alone, and the outcome of this duel between him and the mad scientist will make the choice of what will happen.

You really think the fight against Paavo would be easy? He’s obviously the freakin’ final boss and the main villain of the game, so of course he’s gonna have multiple phases that you need to try hard on. The first phase is a dumb rhythm minigame where you’re gonna have to block the attacks from Paavo’s pod with the right forms so you won’t get hurt. Just hold down the block button at all times while you are doing it. The colors give you a hint on what form you should use to defend yourself with. Purple is your human/sword form, blue is gun form, and red is stealth form. As soon as Paavo stops and closes up his pod blasters, you’re gonna have to use your infinite dilation attack to damage him. Careful not to screw up, or else you’re gonna have to start the defending process again. As his pod’s health gets lower, he will start having his pod switch and attack faster, so you better get those reflexes of switching forms ready once it happens. The next phase is just like your previous bouts against Paavo. If you haven’t forgotten the strategies that are needed to do to beat him previously, then you’ll be fine. The final and last phase is where things can get your urge to smash your controller apart up to maximum. You’re playing volleyball against Paavo with an energy ball of doom. You press the button as soon as the ball is ready to hit you. Right after every successful push backs, the ball goes faster and faster and if you get hit, not only you’ll take damage, but the speed of the ball resets. Oh, and there are no health pickups and healing nodes, so you’re gonna have to manage not to lose too much health. If you finally manage to beat Paavo, it’s time to finish him off for good. Put in that last dilation input and watch Nevin slice the bastard apart with over a hun..

Greetings, everyone! It’s time to show you guys another clip of modded Classic Doom. I had the game mashed up with two major mods. Project Brutality (v.2.03) and Maps of Chaos. Project Brutality is just Brutal Doom with more weapons, items, and enemy variants added to the game, along with some cosmetic changes to the weapons from the regular Brutal Doom. Maps of Chaos, on the other hand, significantly expands the sizes of the maps in the three episodes of Ultimate Doom and all the levels of Doom II which means that there will be more weapons, items, secrets, and more importantly, more enemies (including more monster closets).

If you play this game and make a chemistry of these two mods, then you are in for a hell of a time. Now, with all that being said, watch me slice my way through three of the first levels of Ultimate Doom with these mods enabled. I just made this video to show off how the game is just for fun.

Let the carnage commence.

After you free your last master node, you’ll be thrown into the final stretch. You’re gonna have to fight your way to the last boss, but that’s easier said than done, because the game will throw in the strongest/most annoying enemies in before you. You’re gonna have to use all the tricks and strategies you’ve learned to get through them. There is one part where you need to throw enemies inside of a power source. If you haven’t learned the Stealth Form pounce + Gun Form morph and grenade shot, then you’re gonna be finding yourself stuck. Not only that, but if you don’t deal with the enemies involved quickly, then you’re gonna die fast. Right after going through a path full of tough enemies, you’re going to have to fight a boss before you face Paavo himself. The Venus Flytrap of Doom, as what Nevin called it, isn’t an easy fight if you don’t pay attention to it’s attacks. Don’t forget that the boss also has two phases. The first phase is when you’re gonna use the same trick you used to destroy the power sources, but this time it’s the tickers you’re gonna use. As soon as you grab one, aim carefully at the core and shoot. The second phase plays like a light gun shooter boss. As you hook yourself up to the gun node, shoot at all of the weak parts that the monster opens up to to damage it, but be careful, projectiles, turrets, and bugs will come out and harm you. Like I said, if you don’t pay attention to the boss’ patterns, you’re totally screwed. Had to take a death on my first try because of that along with the thought that the projectiles won’t hit me because I’m hiding behind things as the Stealth Form hoping I won’t be hit.

Remixed by The Plump DJs.

After going through a desperate struggle against the Masako mercs, I've finally got to face off the merc commander herself without too much trouble. First, she'll be in her hovercraft shooting missiles at you. Don't worry about getting hit once or twice, the amount of damage from the missiles aren't too concerning unless you're in low health. Once you blow her out of her hovercraft, she'll be flying around while being encased in the same nanotech shielding that Capek used when you fought him. Stay away from her, or else she'll one-shot you, no matter how much health and armor you have. Keep shooting her with everything you've got. When you take out her shield, she'll fall to the ground, but still, don't get to close. Keep shooting until she dies, or you can just one-shot her with your rail driver. Boom, victory is yours, and the Red Faction. Now you're free from your oppressors of Ultor corp. and their ruthless mercenary regimen under their payroll.

Okay, now I can give my final opinion of Red Faction. I really enjoyed it a lot. Although, later parts of the campaign can be really difficult and considered unfair if you don't really predict what kind of enemies you're gonna face, enemies like those Masako bastards armed with rail drivers. I know you folks saw me getting killed a few times by these sons of bitches throughout this playthrough. This game really has outdone itself at the time with the destruction physics, thanks to the GeoMod engine. It makes blowing through walls more satisfying and useful when you need to go through shortcuts, shame there's no strategy like that when you're in the last parts of the campaign. The weapons were good, especially when they have their secondary functions. The rail driver will always be my favorite since that weapon can shoot through every solid object/wall through the flesh of your enemies. Red Faction may not hold the pinnacle status like a couple of other FPS that came out after it that year, but the game never fails to leave my memories.

When you reach this part, you're mostly dealing with a time limit until you get to the shuttle that heads to the space station. What you need to do while you're inside the space station is to destroy the defense computers, activate the shuttle doors, overload the reactors, and get outta there. The Masako troops and combat drones aren't gonna make things easy, so make sure you have your rail drivers fully loaded and health/armour at max.

Starting at this part, the game picks up on its cheapness. If you think you're free from the coming difficulties that the game will later throw at you after defeating Capek, who's not all that hard if you circle around near him, then you thought wrong. The Ultor guards are replaced with Misako mercenaries, and I'm telling you, these guys are butchers, as Hendrix said. They have strong weapons, tough armor, and better aim than your typical guard, and beware of the mercs with the rail drivers. If they see you, then you better hope they miss because even at max health and armor, you'll die from one shot. Speaking of the rail driver, it is the best weapon in the game. Not only that it can finish almost anyone off with one shot, but it can shoot through walls, and the scope can detect anyone behind a structure. The only drawback is when you shoot the gun, you're gonna have to reload which it takes time. Anyways, enjoy me getting one-shotted by those damned Misako mercs.

Okay, right after doing that crappy stealth mission, escort, and an apparent boss fight, the game decided to expect me to go through the medical labs with the same discreet approach. I decided to do it my way, which is going in guns blazing and blasting everyone who gets in my way. After confronting Capek, it's time to chase him through the caves and fight off his hideous pet projects. Also, this is the first time when you get to drive a land vehicle that at least has a weapon that you can defend yourself against the guards with. While you're going through the caves, you better make sure you find everything you need, health, armor, and ammunition for some of your guns that you'll be using to be prepared to fight the bigger creature that will intrude on your path.


Created 6 years ago.

149 videos

Category Gaming

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