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Was Chico Buarque inspired by The Twilight Zone when he wrote his 1984 song As Cartas (The Cards)?

I very much doubt it, but it reminded me of The Twilight Zone so I made this video. I think it shows how there can be parallels between unconnected art forms. The song is actually referring to Tarot cards, allegorically.

I have modified the literal translation of the lyrics only for the purpose of rhythmic coherence.

Gilberto Gil's song, written in 1969, has grown from its original meaning, a reflection of his plight during his last day in a military prison in Rio de Janeiro prior to his house arrest in his home state of Bahia and exile in Europe, to become one of the most internationally well-known popular Brazilian songs, post miltary dictatorship.. The title translates literally as "that hug" or "that embrace", while "a big hug for you" is used here in an attempt to use typical English phrasing as well as rhyming with and preserving the original poetic meter.

Wikipedia article:


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

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