Yanasa TV

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Yanasa TV

Yanasa TV


0:00 Water rights controversy: Large corporations buying farmland for city water, impacting agricultural users.
0:20 Large corporations diverting water rights from agricultural users to cities
0:37 Letter from Bracken Operating LLC in Texas highlighting competition issues in dairy industry
1:01 Reference to Dodd Frank act as an example of competition elimination by large businesses
3:47 EPA tests reveal harmful chemicals in water, affecting bottled water prices and consumer trust.
4:19 Corruption in farm operations linked to political influence and profit-sharing with executives.
7:35 Capitalism's evolution into corporate fascism due to government interference and consumer manipulation.
7:58 Government interference in business operations can result in consumer manipulation and economic failure.
8:28 Shift towards corporate fascism occurs when corporations control regulations in their favor, impacting consumers.
11:19 Investors buying farmland and leasing it back to struggling farmers to expand their business in a challenging agricultural market
11:34 Farmers facing tight profit margins in agriculture
12:00 Challenges in the agricultural system and food pricing
14:48 Water rights sold for profit, benefiting big companies
15:01 Company made millions by selling water rights to companies like Facebook, exploiting overregulation.
15:36 Many landowners, nearing retirement or death, own unused farmland leased out due to farming enjoyment.
18:20 Impact of organic farming on hydrology and wildlife preservation in reclaimed floodplains.
18:29 Diversion of water for farming affects crop production and wildlife preservation.
19:07 Water runoff capture and release in farming projects help maintain wildlife corridors.
22:00 Impact of water rights on natural hydrology and agricultural practices in the United States.
22:36 Proper implementation of agricultural practices can benefit the environment if considered in water management.
22:47 Water rights and regulations create invest..

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H5N1 in Cattle is spreading to multiple states. As infections are identified questions around the spread are causing concern over unpasteurized (raw) milk and potential enactment of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) biosecurity measures.

Nationwide Ban on Unpasteurized Milk Consumption Due to Risks of Spreading Avian Flu: Implications for Public Health and Agriculture Industry.

0:00 Spread of highly unusual strain of hpai in cattle through raw milk raises nationwide concerns.
1:04 Concerns about spread from cow to cow through saliva, feces, and raw milk.
2:02 Protocols for biosecurity and milk handling being implemented on dairy farms.
2:27 Raw milk consumption discouraged to prevent further spread of HPAI.
3:05 Foot and mouth disease protocols may be implemented to control the spread of H5N1.
4:13 Concerns about the disease reaching pandemic level within the dairy industry.
4:33 Suspicion of spread from cow to cow and potential transmission to hogs.
4:43 Human transmission currently not a major concern, except through raw milk consumption.
5:31 Full FMD protocols could disrupt the beef and dairy industry nationwide.
5:45 Potential detrimental impact on cattle industry if national scale protocols are enforced.
6:03 Implications of a potential nationwide ban on raw milk consumption due to concerns of spreading illnesses.
6:52 Historical attempts to ban raw milk have faced legal challenges.
7:24 Recommendations for safe raw milk consumption include knowing the source.
7:37 Growing fear of foodborne illnesses from animals may prompt stricter regulations.
8:41 Crackdown on raw milk consumption may be a response to current health concerns.
10:11 Bird flu spreading rapidly among mammal populations.
11:10 Impacts on cattle industry and meat supply could be devastating.
12:50 Concerns about origins of avian flu strain and its spread from wild bird population
13:23 Anticipated increase in affected States and potential federal intervention

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Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

480 videos

Category Entertainment

Yanasa TV is the broadcast network of Yanasa Ama Ventures, Opaliris Studios, and Meet My Neighbor Productions.

Yanasa Ama Ventures is a media company promoting Agriculture and Subsistence farming. As an entertainment and informative media company our topics cover a wide variety of things... things we can no longer talk about elsewhere.