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Recap of my two neighbors -the "Ex-Cop" (the one from the store fight) and the other introduced by the landlady to me as "a Framer". So an Ex-cop and a "Framer". Wow.
Anyway so I moved from there early 2024. Yes in the winter (Didn't want to do it). Same Police presence intimidation happening in the new neighborhood. in fact I've had some interesting run in's since I've been here. aggressive community mobbing/tagging, Police presence, animals, people making opportunity to theatrically cough while walking back n forth in front of my door all the time. really quite the circus.

When you're targeted you're being so called punished (*oppressed) multiple methods at once.

Target's Information Only.

BA-UE-R was on my license plate video where I usually for whatever reason get swarmed/mobbed.
The comment was entirely a clear thought I had where I found what I believe a chat bot creating post-dated comments related to either my thoughts or recent (presumed) private conversations.
I believe this method is intended and co-opted with peer to peer human to A.I. to drive the target eventually insane. Along with "color tagging" and the "usual" and unusual "target" harassment.

The chat bot is re-hashing my thoughts via the internet in comment sections, social media, so essentially a target is usually made fun of through this very manipulative method of harassment. Traversing a target's thoughts.
It's also my belief people are accessing the thought and the thought is also being manipulated.

The goal is to isolate, make fun of, make people not want to be around - the target and eventually institutionalized, framed and imprisoned. This is just ONE DEGREE of many how A.I. is being used against a target ("X") in unlawful unknown experimentation where A.I. and its use will likely never be caught.

Dream experimentation -

Dream scenarios in planned dream environments with a planned outcome have been experimented on me for some time.
I realized this when I started seeing some of the same people in dream states showing up specifically involved in my targeting. On multiple occasions. Not just once and possibly coincidentally. Was matter of fact.

All I can say is this system sucks and these people stakeholders administrating this level of technology should be severely punished without any recourse whatsoever, human or A.I.

I am not clear it's known how A.I. can be punished.

I didn't get the memo for the on-going April fool's joke to wear the same color around
one person to drive that person eventually crazy. So i'll just grab whatever I need.
Native American going shopping in the white man's world in the white man's game. what can I say? Count the *same colors* in the video. How many can you find? Sorry I meant to say I clocked 5 minutes ..and not 10 minutes.
usually I find red, blue, black, white (I know a few other colors used).
Special clip at the end from Holland. Yes its occurring worldwide.

Boy! These CBAs will get sour when they are filmed by mistake!

they "temporarily" stopped aggressively swarming (and I do mean temporarily)
so I was able to get in a quick chat about this shit for Gestapo, Stasi program.
Never thought this was real until I started to go through it 10 years ago - and very aggressively
1 maybe 2 years before the scamdemic. Really miss the Free World - that was fun.

I actually caught some foreign kids originally from the city streaming camera LIVE feed of me when I would go to the grocery store in
multiple cases (yes they were ONLY recording video of me in the store "LIVE" it said "LIVE" with the red record active in the app). just moved
to a new place 20 miles away and I caught em doing it here too. funny how I'm Native American and all these
foreigners, white people are involved with oppression. its like the 1800s all over again. Got damn.

MIRROR and TRANSCRIBED: "Reggie Miller" from 2 years ago
Highlighting the targeting TIDE, ROPE, etc Program
now active on citizens throughout the USSA and various NATO countries
You won't see this news on your television or MSM.
We're already there people.

MIRROR and TRANSCRIBED: "Reggie Miller" from 2 years ago
Highlighting the targeting TIDE, ROPE, etc Program
now active on citizens throughout the USSA and various NATO countries
You won't see this news on your television or MSM.
We're already there people.

MIRROR and TRANSCRIBED: "Reggie Miller" from 2 years ago
Highlighting the targeting TIDE, ROPE, etc Program
now active on citizens throughout the USSA and various NATO countries
You won't see this news on your television or MSM.
We're already there people.

means not Redeemed, not Restored and no Help in their 10-code. It actually means the opposite of what it states. I'd say that's intentional too.
Want you crying out in the "Wilderness" for help where God is government will provide none. GO FI-SH. Not a "G" and scorecard "F". "Help" lol.

"X"perimentation happening?
Humans now animals....
40lb 50lb goose dives at my head while I'm hidden around a building biking.
I didn't even make it to the other side of the building yet.
Not sure this is possible. Although everyone will provide "a super special reason" nowadays for whatever is happening in the world right? Humans attacking/tagging me and also animals...
None of this happened 10 years ago / 20 years ago.
All to make fun of anyone who's a target ("X") or minions of the system.
Their scorecard is "F"!

BTW would never call yourself a "T.I." - its their 10-code identifying you ("i") as a "Terrorist".

This CBA upstairs neighbor was trained to fight and starts one 30 seconds after I walk into the store on 12/9/23. Shows up to the store in an "intentionally intimidating" all black-on-black vehicle too.
One of many fights targets go through with "community members". This is the United States.
I believe there are other countries (NATO) marking their own citizens.
Along with everything that's happening nowadays, people should be aware. Stay level headed.
They're sending me REALLY GOOD VICTIM actors. End goal is to have the person in and out of a psych ward and or institutionalized and destitute. Another goal is to immediately also over time ruin the target's good reputation ("you're always starting fights everywhere, why is your car always breaking down, etc") by starting fights or sabotaging personal property. fun times.

By the way - Police and detectives kept "losing" or "missing the data" on the USB drives I gave them.
Called local police 2 or 3 more times on this individual and eventually moved, where all target's know.... still very aggressively chased and tagged when I leave my house. Also still a regular police prescence.
Native American again having to relocate. No crime, no record, no wrongdoing whatsoever. They're trying to CREATE IT.

MIRROR: All Judicial Systems are *now* the same.
Video Deleted/Removed from Youtube....
"$ 3300" for the transcripts aka "33". "33 degrees likely".
(Freemasonic/Masonic 33)
The fake names professional, personal are always ongoing.
Judge "Blauwee" is no surprise. targeting is the *Active Shooter* program. his first initial might even state Judge "K. Blauwee" or "F. Blauwee" like ka-blam youre dead. they also do the same with police and typically everyone "surrounding" around a "target". Most judges, especially with the system going the way it is, are inducted masons or "free"masons. All with fake names. The program is sick. I am clearly going through the SAME program. When I received a call back from a law firm all while I was in a work meet - they said the lawyer's name was the same name meet of the girl who was hosting my work meeting. Checked into a different lawyer/firm though their way may not be THE way. The system is corrupt. From police to the lawyer to the "judge" to the detention officers, corrections, "intern"ment camps and or psychiatric hospital I hear are owned by the judges. Probably right. Believe they are privatized. This is the hunt of the target in their system. You do not pass GO you do not collect $200. my current neighbor has been introduced to me as a "framer". You know like a con. struction guy.
- Original video provided I believe was originally posted by the user on Youtube 5 or 6 years ago. Youtube has removed the video.

this system is *heavy* *active denial*. its masons and freemasons, fraternal orders, eastern stars. targeting citizens, blaming for a "crime" and then running their little juvenile "bounty" game. similar to Michael Douglas in The Game. Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) and numerous other slushie funded policing 3.0 programs are involved. will NEVER EVER respect this type of national oppressive system. i had thought targeted people were halfway delusional until i started going through it. chat is from 2 years ago - going thro it. aggressively overtly 6 years so far about 10 years. never joined up to none of the fraternal groups. I really dont want anything to do with em. after reading up on ICC "international church of christ" in i think it was 1999 and studying these stupid secret handshake groups, i read about people doing everything possible seeking help to be deprogrammed from these cult groups. back when online forums were "free world". cant say i hate these secret groups enough.

video is 2 years ago. idea of the CBA role actor in production starting fights is to get family 'n' friends to "know" everywhere you go "you're out here starting fights". its a tactic to eventually isolate the target. eventually destroy their reputation and credibility. as a problem in the family. to think yes it must be the target. "you are always out here starting a fight". really its like youre Michael Douglas in The Game. reality is there is no birthday in the end. its prison, killing yourself, becoming an active shooter, or psych ward. you do not collect $200.

for targeted people. shame on these fucks. last time i made a voiceover video and uploaded -next day a guy called me for help and support where his voice inflections were clearly made to mimick (make fun of) my own. very cointel pro. i also like some other targets noticed a bunch of old white men are part of this. the ones that tag the target. with mason, freemason character types and coded phrases to "clue you in" how they are going to sabotage you next time around. they get off on it they call it "beating" you to it. i hope the system does change these old men need to be locked up forever and throw away the key. keep your DVDs they're hacking everything i own. i stopped watching regular TV 3 years ago. by the way the person in the video looks like my sister. the people and or A.I. doing all this are LOSERS.

if you are a "Target" you are being "traded" or "nominated" between different "Color Teams". overt surveillance or what they at the higher "degrees" actually call hunting humans is what is happening. its never been so much fun to track other citizens and get "winnings" or "points". the free world no longer exists. I honestly dont know what to say. over the last few years I see some of the targets *crying* when they surveil me. im not sure what any of this means although it cant be good.

Mirrored video. Just Me targeted.
Intercepting by Community "punishment".
I can agree info seems to be accurate.
just yesterday leaving my house YET AGAIN another limo black tint vehicle sped up their vehicle on a side street had to be doing 60-70 mph almost making contact I was clearly in view of the driver a ways back. This is everyday for me. Staged accidents. Production around the targets house and physical location. "Only" around the target and no other house or person in the neighborhood. Production typically with police everyday. 10 years. I literally have to bike around the agents as they stage the accident everyday. as I am writing this the CON struction "master" "craft" con man one floor up is standing "right over my head" intentionally dropping heavy objects. Yep they are dime a dozen. enjoy the video.

Mirrored video. Just Me targeted.
a list compiled online by targets of slander spread included.

the way they let each target know is by passive-aggressive conversation and production when the target is out "in the production battlespace". Same target analysis program used overseas on terrorists stated by a currently targeted war vet who fought in Afghanistan. identify, target, isolate, disrupt, institutionalize, criminalize, eliminate. I have no criminal record and no idea why this is happening so im sharing it. Appears it is employing people by interest of "Patriotism".

targets who are aware, know they get "campaigned" and "nominated" for analysis and CON munity "investigation" (basically target is slandered for profit to harrass). last neighbor upstairs above me was slamming incredibly HEAVY objects in 5x5 ceiling space over my head. every 3-5 mins. all day. (I remote work). now this CON struction "master" craft builder making noise for "repairs" noise are unnecessary for the work. same manner as the last guy, slamming incredibly HEAVY objects into 5x5 ceiling space ONLY over my head with no known reason at least for "repairs", for 9-10 hours a day. 12 weeks. 3 months. everyday every 3-5mins. shakes the whole house. actors all totally "friendly in the face" types too. and all active-denial protocol. do not know how or why I put up with this. the intended purpose is for the target to snap and incriminate while they get paid. one of my last neighbors who lived here, who i also caught parking in a local police parking lot with all the church stickers on his car his name was "Chow" like bye bye sucker. They call it making someone "hotstuff" or "you're dead".

When a target moves the production teams follows trade offs and activates at the targets updated location. its a fun game for the production role players, surveyors, "investigators", secret shoppers.

People gotta know. mimicking a target is their number one priority. Brand new clothes and got that homeless act on lock down right. For real. their intentions is for the target to be homeless, hungry, reputation destroyed, isolated, framed, locked up. Like NAPPY HEAD ROOTS also going thro the same. JUST ME TARGETED and RENZOKATA going thro the same. its not televised until now.

honestly i dont even want to make these videos. impeding my right to travel peacefully. when I leave the house everyday. *this is a normal trip for me.* its obvious from these videos. i usually get "tagged" or "swarmed on" with BLACK, RED or BLUE colorwearing low life members of the community. entering and existing stores or around the neighborhood everyday. if you move. the tagging follows.

This is just one time. I get this *all the time* and incredibly difficult to prove. Clowns is 100% operating in their words Out of "Order" and "Off the Level" and they know it. I want restitution and recourse! No idea why this is happening.

after being harrassed enough I ran across Henry Makow's PDF on 'How to Spot a Mason' so the Alphabet portion really helped sorta decoding their dumb messages (usually its police 10 code or 100 code). I started getting swarmed with all Asian folks or Mexican folks in really odd ways in stores for a long time. like a convention just let out and 40 in a gas station only... even people I was with thought it was odd (they pointed out the odd occurrances out before me even telling them). like I said they make it FUN to harrass and make fun of, outright LIE about a target while the target's life is typically compartmentally destroyed. I also was getting orchestrated automobbed with cars with Grateful Dead stickers in odd ways with Police.

This following video was removed from YOUTUBE and no longer searchable.
MIRROR: CSIS manipulating everything in persons environment Cops Always Following Around Too.
A lot of removed videos in Youtube where regular surveillance by authorities on certain citizens is UP. Ive been getting the same 8 years going on a decade.
In the new America everyone is an "investigator" and a "community detective" and by objectifiying a target, one who could never speak up first person for her or himself, could never go wrong no way.

Anyone who is a target will have almost daily psychological harrassment for years now. 8 years so far. if youre a target you are basically a way of making money for people to psychologically torture targets. I was getting construction swarming within weeks by local government contract workers, apartment repairs and roof replacement with 40-50 people on a small roof all work and noise happening simutaneously. its conducted to trigger the target so they go to jail, prison and or psyche ward. This is where America is now and not televised. theyve made it FUN for people to play against targets. this is my new normal for about 8 years now.

5 Michigan Police Vehicles along with this Agent in this "Police Interceptor" vehicle aggressively tailing behind my bicycle. so I caught up with this agent.

I have no idea why this is happening. 10 years so far. I get P. I. production like this happen more times than i can count. The video presented later in this video is what happened the *DAY AFTER* my initial story. In case u havent figured it out, we are no longer living in the free world.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

38 videos

Category None

*criminal offensive or several criminal offenses are being falsely programmed onto targets via Community Policing. aka Communism Stasi
pls kindly watch and distribute
Exposing the war to destroy a target:
Destroy ability to find a job, income
Destroy life liberty and pursuit of happiness
False crimes programmed onto target
Its Communism disguised as Nationalism