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This is an old Halloween edit slightly polished.
Music: "Corrupted By Design" by Perturbator
Video: "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift
Evangelism: Charles Swindoll discussing the book of Timothy

This is an interlude from machin3gir1 - I just like the way that it sounds.
I own nothing.
This is for the love of movies and music.
Track: unknown - machin3gir1
Movie: Triangle (2009)
Support the artists by buying their stuff.

Taken from a larger project - I just like the way these two tracks fit together.
I own nothing.
This is for the love of movies, music and Fred Rogers.
Track 1: Intro to Mr. Roger's Neighborhood by Fred Rogers
Track 2: Never Late Again by George Clanton
Movie: Battle Royale (2000)
Support the artists by buying their movies and music. Also, feed your goldfish.

NasPosting in the current year.
I own nothing.
This is for the love of movement and music.
Support Machine Girl by purchasing his stuff. Support Nasim by living a good and decent life.

The last 40 minutes of T2 re-edited to the fabulous album "New Model" by Perturbator.
I own nothing.
This is for the love of movies and music.
Support the artists by buying the movie and the album.

Taken from a larger project completed in 2017.
I own nothing.
This is for the love of music and movies.
Support the artists by buying their albums and movie.
Film: Battle Royale (2000)
Track one: Un Autre Introduction by DJ Shadow
Track two: My Ami by Lone


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

6 videos

Category None