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More on plasmon g.r.a.s. therapy. Totally unregulated "dual use" food technology has completely fucked our country up.
Here's a poem I wrote about it.

"More than any vaccine... more than any drug pushing doctor could ever dream... more than any graft a politician could export to the obscene... to replace gods nature with Magik beans. "

Amazing week of synbiontic warfare waged on the public. I'm the most censored fermenter on the internet because I'm telling you the op. Your Microbiome is a Natio al Security Contingency.

The A.I. holobiont crushed Thanksgiving. Get ready for the digital Christmas flu.

The Synbiont A.I. was busy last week.

The A.I synbiont has been busy this week.

It was a big week for the A I. Synbiont

"Pesticide Disease" should be a specific family of affliction. But this isnt a fair world is it.

I cant believe NOBODOY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS!! Literally the plan for the rest of your unnatural life( planned obsolescence) will be discussed here. It's their coming out party for SynBio. Learn more about it here👇

It wasnt weaponized at fort detrick...stop drinking the cool aid...it was made in the ticks "bio l.a.b." aka midgut, where it mutated, from exposure to fipronil and other Rdl GABA disruptors of the microbiome

Can you guess what the "powder" is grown on....🤣....fermenti literally told you, in detail, this was coming 2 yrs ago!

Once you see it the understanding of the whole agenda comes into focus. It's all to replace your microbiome with a digital plastic one

The look and Karen's face at the end 🤣 priceless.

I told you about her when she was inaugurated at ARPA-H and said she would be the one to lead the digitization of the microbiome in the public sea.

Cancer is dysbiosis leading to mutation or pathogenic hijacking of the p53 gene that is regulated by the two component regulatory system or microbiome.

The good parts.

Digital mrna will train the organic out of you.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

50 videos

Category Health & Medical

Fermenti.llc is a lactic acid fermentation corporation located in Western North Carolina. Our mission is to sell, educate, and donate food to the needy. Strong communities are founded upon farmers.
Twitter : @FermentiLlc
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