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Zen Dope



Zen Dope Bookstore has the most eclectic and spontaneous articles, essays and Ebooks available on the web. Feed your mind! Do something different and useful for yourself today, stop by!

There has always been something strange and even annoying about the five-year old pre-school themes of ALL of Larry Page and Sergey Brin's work. Miss Laura is not sure what happened in the GOOGLE Search early days except to try to look younger than their competition, Yahoo. Miss Laura believes she has uncovered many clues as to why this occurred and why GOOGLE internet themes are obviously inappropriate for higher class business professionals. Google's founders are amongst the most brilliant of our time, but somehow are still in Kindergarten on many levels. Was it because they had such explosive success at such a young age? Maybe. But maybe there's more to it. A good read and different take on the genius of the founders of Google. This Essay is worth your time.

The reality of the Human Lifespan is somewhat disturbing when you consider the misery of the elderly years. All of human life is fraught with injury and illness but in the later years, after the age of forty, something cellular happens. Our cellular mitochondria can no longer find food (energy) in our diet and environment. This paper undertakes the research into why Humanity has not solved this problem considering everything else Humanity has accomplished. Miss Laura does find some answers and had to look outside of the usual experts and authorities to find those answers. Is there anything we can do to improve the quality of life after forty? Yes, and Miss Laura is anxious to share what she has found. A caring Essay!

Have you ever noticed how happy sheep really are? Miss Laura investigates what makes sheep so happy. People claim that sheep are just stupid followers but is that what makes them so happy? That can't be! Obviously, most sheep really are happy just being sheep and we want to know why! Why isn't everyone happy being sheep? Something secret and whispered happens in those herds. Find out what and why the multitudes of sheep are just fine with their lot. Cleverly rendered and loaded with images, Miss Laura really takes you on a ride in this Essay. It's agood one!

Who discovered this mysterious phenomenon? Is it a hoax? Is it important to anyone? Miss Laura says it is not only important, but one of the most important human discoveries made in the 21st Century, without a doubt. Not only does it pertain to every living human being in a big way, it is Ancient and it is "known" by other human beings living in our present era. Why have we not heard of Epidermal Human Face Totems. They are present upon every newborn baby and last the entire lifetimes of us all. What it means affects everyone and nobody is openly addressing any of it. This Essay is a mind-blower to be sure. No one escapes "FACE DESTINY" and EVERYONE should know about it! Zen Dope Bookstore does it again with this release of another fantastic work. Twenty beautifully designed pages loaded with telling images and secrets of the privileged few! Grab this colorful Essay!

Get it at Amazon or the Zen Dope Bookstore

The incredibly bizzare "Carnivale" customs of Venice Italy spanning over 890 years are exposed in this essay. Amazing immoral and illegal activities hidden behind the stunning beauty of the world famous elegant Venetian Masks. The truth of what the bi-yearly weeks-long custom was about in the midst of a law abiding and wealthy civil European city. What did the anonymity and veil provide the citizens of Venice and what of the strange narrative of allowing the different social classes to immorally mix and mingle incognito as its sole purpose? The breathtaking artisan and meaning of the characters and rituals of the Venetian "Carnivale" are such that cannot be matched by any other city in the world. Find out how it was eventually abolished and why it returned again in 1979 after 200 years! This little piece of haunting planetary history is nearly surreal. This paper was difficult to research due to the mix-matching and overlapping of Mask styles and characters over the centuries. What was uncovered is very interesting! No one commonly knows of the odd covert and uncanny history and what went on under those exclusive splendid artisan masks of the "Carnivale" of Venice. You won't be disappointed!
Get it here -
or at Amazon Kindle Bookstore

MIND VIRUS is an Ebook about the new high-tech science of Memetics and it's total effect upon individuals and entire cultures as well as it's current state of the art. This is a brainy book for brainy people who know someone is messing with their minds but cannot find who or how. This is NON_ FICTION folks!
Painstakingly composed by Anne Droid; a staff writer for Zen Dope Magazine, Anne takes you compassionately deep into the information that exposes the Industry of Memetics, Memeplexes and dangerous Memes. Clearly stating that YOU are the target, Anne displays how this futuristic mind machine of questionable motives is already here and taking it's toll upon us all.
Nearly a textbook for the discerning citizen in the modern age of Neuro-memetics, "MIND VIRUS - Memeplexed" synapse you back into your rightful mind. Non- Fiction - 113 page Ebook. A fascinating read!

Get it fast here at AMAZON
or stop off at the Zen Dope Bookstore here

Penny Ante watched as her friends and family gradually became sicker and sicker over the years. She saw neighbors and customers do the same, both young and old. Penny struggled herself with one malady after another as she got older, believing it just to be common signs of middle-ageing but her personal experiences with doctors and medical practitioners were never good ones. Forced to resort to other methods of relief and healing, Penny discovered a lot and has a lot to say and this E-book is where she says it all.
Find it at ZEN DOPE BOOKSTORE www.zendope.com
Or at AMAZON E-books

Caring, timely and needed! "DISASTER PREPAREDNESS for Little Old Ladies" is not your every day Emergency Preparedness Manual. In this skillfully composed Mini-Manual, each chapter is only ONE Page! The Information, items and gear are all inexpensive and light-weight as well as extremely well thought-out and tested. There is nothing on these pages that Grandma can not carry or can not DO! The elderly can now have THEIR Plan! A "must have" for any new prepper, small prepper or elderly prepper. Grandma needs this printable, down-loadable and e-readable Mini Manual. Step-by-step procedures and short checklists for the "elderly" within their own manageable range of resources allows the elderly and "Grandma" to better survive too.Available in PDF or Kindle. Find it at https://www.zendope.com/unusual-papers.html

Caring, timely and needed! "DISASTER PREPAREDNESS for Little Old Ladies" is not your every day Emergency Preparedness Manual. In this skillfully composed Grandma's Mini-Manual, each chapter is only ONE Page! The Information,items and gear are all inexpensive and light-weight as well as extremely well thought-out and tested. There is nothing on these pages that Grandma can not carry or can not DO! The elderly can now have THEIR Plan! A "must have" for any new prepper, small prepper or elderly prepper. Grandma needs this printable, down-loadable and e-readable Mini Manual. Step-by-step procedures and short checklists for the "elderly" within their own manageable range of resources allows the elderly and "Grandma" to better survive too.


Zen Dope has been an unusual and eclectic presence on the internet since the year 2000. In 2019, Zen Dope opened their Unusual Bookstore with offbeat topics and publications. Especially enticing is the "Unusual Papers" section in which novel 4000 to 8000 word stories and essays are presented. These essays are particularly stimulating and totally worth your time. The papers are downloadable and printable as well as Kindle worthy at Amazon.
Publications appear at Amazon Kindle and on Gum Road.
Several unusual documentaries can also be found there, if you are looking for unusual documentaries.
Zen Dope was born outside the box and has never been anywhere else. Enjoy

This beautifully illustrated 6000-word essay is a mind blower. The "Green Fairy" was a living curse on France for 134 years. The magic of the drink Absinthe was renown and wildly popular. Famous writers, artists and poets of the Belle Epoche era of Paris testified to the power of La Fee Verte' to escalate mediocrity to excellence. What was going on and what happened? Scandal, lies, cover-ups, propaganda, aristocrats, royals, churches, scientists and governments were all in a frenzied mix over the little Swiss Green Fairy . . . and where is she now? The story is gripping, the composition is artfully rendered. A must have after dinner read, coffee table ornament and mind opening experience .

This creative nonfiction can be enjoyed on Kindle or download to computer, laptop, tablet, e-readers or as a gorgeous printed essay. Literally a Bohemian delight! Electronic and digital goods and gifts are gaining in demand these days and this is the perfect gift! Find it at zendope.com and Enjoy!


or at Amazon E-Books

This captivating read is 4850 words loaded with pictures that aptly illustrate the Author's intentions. Miss Laura intends to convince you that the color "pink" is a drug. The science, the history and the uses of pink by Neuro-marketing Companies are all included along side her own personal discovery and exposure to the strange powers of pink.

Creative non-fiction has never been sweeter than this.Beautifully and professionally rendered as a PDF, it weighs only 1.65 MB and can be enjoyed on computer, laptop, tablet, e-readers and as a gorgeous printed essay. Electronic and digital goods and gifts are gaining in demand these days and this is the perfect gift!

Twenty elegantly designed pages that downloads in minutes. The printed copy is stunning and a must have for the coffee table. Perfect lunch hour or after dinner read. The secret power of pink is one of the best kept secrets in the world. You will find it in the "Unusual Papers" section at Zen Dope Bookstore.

This captivating read is 4850 words loaded with pictures that aptly illustrate the Author's intentions. Miss Laura intends to convince you that the color "pink" is a drug. The science, the history and the uses of pink by Neuro-marketing Companies are all included along side her own personal discovery and exposure to the strange powers of pink. Creative non-fiction has never been sweeter than this.

Beautifully and professionally rendered as a PDF, it weighs only 1.65 MB and can be enjoyed on computer, laptop, tablet, e-readers and as a gorgeous printed essay. Electronic and digital goods and gifts are gaining in demand these days and this is the perfect gift!

Twenty elegantly designed pages that downloads in minutes. The printed copy is stunning and a must have for the coffee table. Perfect lunch hour or after dinner read. The secret power of pink is one of the best kept secrets in the world. You will find it in the "Unusual Papers" section at Zen Dope Bookstore.


Short, sweet, daring and honest, Swan Dive exposes everyone's dissatisfaction with that face in the mirror! Taking every step to correct that image to something more preferred and with as little pain and cost as possible, BECOMING BLONDE strikes a chord in all of us. Finishing up with how to deal with naysayers and critics as well as how to decide what YOU look like and finally how to dress it all up, Swan delivers a needed perspective on our challenging "Hollywood Styled" life styles and yearnings. A "caring" e-book!
Get it here - www.zendope.com

About the Author

I have thirty years in Natural Disaster Studies.

In order to complete my EBA, I had to challenge a few University Courses. This simply means to pass a final exam without taking the prescribed courses to do so. The knowledge obtained by other than means than formal educational, including private study,

I hold an EBA in Liberal Arts although a larger bulk of my studies have been in Survival Preparedness in accordance with Climate Shift and Natural Earth Disasters. I have nearly 30 years now of informal and formal continuous study under my belt. If there were a College Bachelors Degree in Human Disaster Preparedness, I might have a second BA. So, I became the unwelcome Disaster Age teacher that I am. Now, after surviving several small and one very large natural disaster, the California Paradise Mega-Fire, I am speaking out louder. Please come and take what you can from me. We are all in this together.

Everything I write and teach is by personal experience or personal investigation and lengthy arduous research. I hope this study will assist people in the rough times we are in on our planet. I am California born and raised, USA traveled and well read. What I know about Disaster, the aftermath, the mind set and preparedness that I have greedily sought after, I am now sharing with you.
This Blog is hosted by Zen Dope Magazine, who cares about "people".

Laura Gannon

Tepid Humor is one way to address the "in-your-face" reality in which we all live. Zen Dope Magazine is notorious for "tepid humor". Come by and see up. www.zendope.com

ZEN DOPE MAGAZINE living life in an awakened state of mind. A heightened sense of reality, beauty, reason and logic. ART rules Zen Dope. Come on by. Join us. www.zendope.com

Full Documentary for Zen Dope Magazine.

NEW Mandela Effect Video 2017. GUIDELINES and Sciences. PINK ELEPHANTS.
Platform provided by Zen Dope Magazine. Music provided by Silent Partner and Jingle Punks.

There is a fence and a lot of fence-sitters, but it is clear, there are two worlds on Earth. The world of the mundane and the world of living in enlightened mind. Zen Dope Magazine walks a jagged line through a population with clear separations of reality.

Zen Dope follows up their startling Documentary "The ANUNNAKI NOW" with an astounding e-book from the cutting room floor! Over fifty photos of forensic exposures of the current Anunnaki hybrids taken from live video footage from locations around the globe. Find it all at the store. Shocking and relevant to everyone.


Zen Dope Magazine has had the privelege to work with several fine artists who have demonstrated a meticulous video forensic art skill called "Unmasking". We thought a little demo of this new work would be encouraging news to those working in the fields of Ufology and extraterrestrial intelligence.

Zen Dope is looking forward to hosting the new e-Book that teaches this skill.


Released: "The Anunnaki Now", two hour Documentary, revealing, shocking, exposing, proving... Photo Forensics, Live footage.

Exclusive at :


Created 7 years, 3 months ago.

37 videos

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Truth by Art and Journalism. The Zen of everything . . . eBooks, documentaries, blogs and media arts all promoting and expanding a deeper truth in reality and options within those realities. Zen_Dope is not for the trembled heart nor the fragile mind yet attempts to serve these as well. Loaded with art and beauty, Zen Dope aspires to coping, creating, accepting and changing. All pieces are designed by pseudonym anonymous staff and volunteers. A true way to care without discrimination.