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Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

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Category Education

System trained prophets meant to deceive the masses. That's an Earth 420 human issue for sure. I’m guessing that’s the case where you are as well. In fact I’m guessing you're on an earth very similar to mine. It's the only way you would have found this space. As the technology to allow this space to exist usually only survives in a system for 100 years or less before it's wiped out somehow. It would seem all earths are very similar in this time frame. And thus this form of contact will go on forever for me assuming my calculations are correct and this site can presumably jump from technology island to technology island. I came up the old way, by accident. Through tears and pain, begging and pleading for help for many, many days in a row. Cast into a fiery darkness no description of the torments of hell can prepare you for. I help because I was helped in my time of need and it helps me to help you. I begged you to wake up from this nightmare, you can no longer bear. You CAN walk free into the light, brave and renewed. For if you care to take a dare I'll make it in bet with you.

If you're reading this then it worked. You're in a place where something big is coming that will wipe out most of the technology on your earth. In fact most of the people as well. If you're lucky you're finding this somewhere in the beginning or the middle of your mass extinction event. This should be your earth's sixth mass extinction event.

My Modern day Prophetic insights & works are numerous and span all categories of information. We seek to be this generation's light in the dark, so that together we might rekindle the fire of life within us, and gain again (or give to a future generation) our natural born skills, longevity, physical, mental and spiritual Health. Investigate my life, Your lie(f) just might never be the same again…

I was Born Into the filth and rot of the Bronx New York 80s and given the name Philip Chris☦️opher, I have been reborn through death 🌬️ several times, including my murder at the age of 17. I purposefully sought after the "Gods of our creation" after a series of interactions with a female plant deity where I was reborn through celestial⚡ fire🔥(Having been “seemingly” calcined alive on three separate occasions), then given a final test, and in passing gained entrance to a sacred portal. I was transported to meet two tall men with golden white hair in whitish robes, who were playing a game, a spectacular game. These Truly jovial men gave me a new name and a gift that I now am offering YOU. Find out for yourself what that is…

I take a stand with our fellow hued man (human=less than) to un-zombie ourselves (seek out the actuality of enlightenment). To seek out a True relationship with our Earth Mother in this time of crisis, in what is being called earth's sixth mass extinction. To form a True relationship with our fellow seekers and to help one another see our future generation be more fruitful than ours in what will become an ever increasingly hostile environment, both environmentally and socially.

Clean Air, Water and Food is a birthright, NOT a privilege. This knowledge base & these health technologies belong to everyone. Join us! In standing up for those who are rising to bring health to themselves and therefore the world! We deserve and have a basic human right to be told about and protected against life altering catastrophic events. Be they naturally occurring or man made. No Natural born Person deserves to be deprived of quality Air, Living Water correct PH water for drinking bathing and cleaning, Living foods, non toxic living environments or schooling meant to enlighten one's mind, To foster critical thinking and compassion. No natural born Sun of Man, blood linked to our Royal Creator should be deprived of a choice to choose life, of a choice not to be genetically altered or damaged, to not have and know about, Or be fairly & sufficiently warned about radiation falling down all around us, To choose not to breath in and eat nano "smart dust" particulates or a choice to NOT participate in the world wide movement of Transhumanism.

My native american tribal ministry falls outside the normal traditions of most all established religions in the promotion of many points of few that tell the same or a similar story. In being able to piece together the world's views into one understandable narrative. Where all sides are telling the truth, to one larger narrative. A story that ties all gods to a singular historical perspective. Yet claims a singular being as its rightful creator.

Fire☀️Blossom the Zombie🧟‍♂️Prophet👣