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You move first! God moves Second! You Must Obey!!

Deliverance and Healing

Deliverance and Healing

Heaven or Hell

Mother's Day

Lust Anger Rebellion Offenses

Deliverance and Healing Session

Testimony and What is Deliverance

Thelo. I Want to

World Rulers. Double mindedness. Dipsuchos. James 1:8. Angels

Peace To You

Do You Hate Your Brother? Murder. Hatred. Lust. David. Solomon. Absalom. Amnon

War of the Worlds. Territorial Warfare Dangers

Abuse. Rape. Trauma. Soul Ties. Transfer Spirits

False Teachers. Prophets. Apostles

Divine Appointments. Holy Ghost in charge

Conviction of sin


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

208 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Hardcore Christianity is a non-denominational, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation specializing in counseling, healing, teaching, ministering in the Spirit and deliverance. It is based on Matthew, Mark, Luke & John and patterns its practice after the Book of Acts. It’s board members include one licensed Assembly of God pastor and one former Arizona prison chaplain. The ministry also operates the Arizona Deliverance Center, the Healing House and the Charity Counselor’s Association in central Phoenix. The Biblical theme of the ministry is Acts 10:38: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost & power. He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.” One of the main services ofthe ministry is to provide free counseling services to the poor.

Our Mission

Acts 26:18/Mark 7:27: “To open the eyes of Christians to turn them from the deception of seducing spirits to the real truth of Christianity. To turn them from the lies of the devil to the Truth of God, that they might understand that evil spirits have over-run the churches in North America & that Christians can be infected (not possessed) with spirits and need deliverance & that they can receive forgiveness of sins, physical healing & deliverance from demonic disease & mental illness & that they can receive an inheritance among those that are sanctified by Faith in Christ & understand that the Children’s Bread of deliverance is for all saints.”