Jack Hwite

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Jack Hwite

Jack Hwite


@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite

@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite

@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite

@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite

@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite

@JackHwite (gab, twitter)
Youtube: http://youtube.com/JackHwyte
Odysee: http://odysee.com/@jackhwite


Big Thanks to @rdrg of Gab, go over there and give him a follow plz


Adapted from an Irish Nationalist song

Twitter/Gab @JackHwite

We took on the tyrant, with white moral fire, and painted it red...

I reminisced of Detroit City, back and how it were
I your little cowboy and gold was in your hair...

Twitter/Gab @JackHwite


With the you-know-whos you're bound to lose
They got those hooks in good


Lord, hasten my brother awake to the Great War


For the Lord loves a hellfire to roar!



Sub Hiraeth: bitchute.com/hiraeth_music/

Big thanks to my friends for this, plz sub:
Hiraeth: bitchute.com/hiraeth_music/
Handsome Horse of the Mamas and Pepes: bitchute.com/channel/mamaspepes/

The White Keys are The Mamas and Pepes, Jeff Winston of the White Art Collective and Josh Neal/No Apologies (bass).

Mamas and Pepes: bitchute.com/mamaspepes/
White Art Collective: bitchute.com/white-art-collective/


Sub ForNull: bitchute.com/ForNull






Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

27 videos

Category Music