Nationalist Music

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Nationalist Music



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I manage to find this one too.

Original is from FBIV.

Feel free to post the lyrics. Bitchute still has some problems with strange characters.

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Another great song from FBIV

Avanti ragazzi di Buda
avanti ragazzi di Pest
studenti, braccianti, operai,
il sole non sorge più ad Est.

Abbiamo vegliato una notte
la notte dei cento e più mesi
sognando quei giorni d'ottobre,
quest'alba dei giovan'ungheresi.

Ricordo che avevi un moschetto
su portalo in piazza, ti aspetto,
nascosta tra i libri di scuola
anch'io porterò una pistola.

Sei giorni e sei notti di gloria
durò questa nostra vittoria
ma al settimo sono arrivati
i russi con i carri armati.

I carri ci schiaccian le ossa,
nessuno ci viene in aiuto
il mondo è rimasto a guardare
sull'orlo della fossa seduto.

Ragazza non dirlo a mia madre
non dirle che muoio stasera
ma dille che sto su in montagna
e che tornerò a primavera

Compagni noi siam condannati,
sconfitta è la rivoluzione
fra poco saremo bendati
e messi davanti al plotone

Compagno il plotone già avanza,
già cadono il primo e il secondo
finita è la nostra vacanza,
sepolto l'onore del mondo

Compagno riponi il fucile
torneranno a cantare le fonti
quel giorno serrate le file
e noi torneremo dai monti

Avanti ragazzi di Buda,
avanti ragazzi di Pest
studenti, braccianti e operai,
il sole non sorge più all'Est.

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Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte (25 November 1915 – 10 December 2006) was a Chilean general, politician and the military ruler of Chile between 1973 and 1990; he remained the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army until 1998. He was also president of the Government Junta of Chile between 1973 and 1981. His rule of Chile was a dictatorship.

Under the influence of the free market-oriented neoliberal "Chicago Boys", the military government implemented economic liberalization, including currency stabilization, removed tariff protections for local industry, banned trade unions and privatized social security and hundreds of state-owned enterprises. These policies produced what has been referred to as the "Miracle of Chile," but critics state that economic inequality dramatically increased and attribute the devastating effects of the 1982 monetary crisis on the Chilean economy to these policies. Chile was, for most of the 1990s, the best-performing economy in Latin America, though the legacy of Pinochet's reforms continues to be in dispute.

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Du blonda folk från skog och berg, som världen gav din andes märg.
[: Din ljusa håg av solen tänd, är skaparkraften över allting känd :]

Du stigit fram ur gudars hand, gått segrande från land till land
[: Att röja mark, att hägna härd och rycka upp ur slaveri en värld :]

Och var en nordman brödet skär, som storman eller proletär,
[: I bondens gård, fabrik och bod, så har han kraften utav samma blod :]

Gullhårig pilt vid stugan står, och ser hur far på fältet sår,
[: Och bror och syster hand i hand, de le och leka invid åkerns rand :]

Där nordisk ungdom samlar sig, att bana rätt och sannings stig,
[: I ögon blå, som blicka fram, där kan du lära dig vårt livs program :]

Mot guldets front marscherar vi, germanska hem planterar vi
[: För detta folk och för dess land, vi svär att kämpa mot en värld i brand! :]

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FBIV's Description:
The Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi, aka The Stern Gang, was a jewish paramilitary group created by Avraham "Yair" Stern after the split of Irgun, in order to fight British rule over Palestine, ideologically similar to Mussolini's Italy.
Stern's plan was to fight alongside with the Axis, and free the lands of Palestine from the British, and to help Germany by forcing all the jews from Europe to migrate to his newly-formed Israel, which would become a country ruled by "nationalist and totalitarian principles".
In 1940, the Lehi sent a diplomat to Mussolini in order to gain his support and to assert Israel's will to become a satellite nation, and so he did, signing the document known as "The Jerusalem Agreement", in which the State of Israel would cede all the lands of Jerusalem to the Vatican, except for the Jewish Quarter, bringing the nation under the aegis of the Italian Fascists.

Most of their attempts to contact Germany didn't succeed, either because of the difficulty to go through the brits, and Irgun soldiers alike, or because of the simple refusal of Berlin in cooperate with Jews. After the war, with Stern's death, Lehi's chairmen and commanders became associated with Nazbol, until the party's merging with the Israeli Defense Forces in 1948 (The irony is killing me)

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Here's the story of Rhodesia
A land both fair and great
On the Eleventh of November
An Independent State
This was much against the wishes
Of certain governments
Whose leaders tried to break us down
And make us all repent

But we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin
We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in
We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry
And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

They can send their men to murder
They can shout their words of hate
But the cost of keeping this land free
Can never be too great
Cause' our men and boys are fighting
For the things that they hold dear
And this land and all its people
Will never disappear

Cause' we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin
We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in
We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry
And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

We'll preserve this little nation
For Our Children's children too
Once you're a Rhodesian
No other land will do
We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our sides
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

Cause' we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin
We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy comin' in
We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's running dry
And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

Cause 'we're all Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin
We'll keep our land a free land from the enemy coming in
We'll keep them north of the Zambesi, till that river's runnin' dry
And this mighty land will prosper, for Rhodesians never die

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The Imnul legionarilor cazuti (or Cantecul legionarilor cazuti ) is a song dedicated to the Iron Guard and Romanian nationalists. It is unknown when exactly it was written.
It was written by Simion Lefter.


Plânge printre ramuri luna,
Noptile-s pustii,
Caci te-ai dus pe totdeauna,
Si n-ai sã mai vii.

Pe cararile umblate
Denoi te-am catat,
Te-au uitat pân-astazi toate,
Si ai tai te-au uitat.

Numai vântul mai suspina,
Dulcele tau cânt,
Peste florile ce-alina,
Tristul tau mormânt.

Ca o lacrima de sânge,
A cazut o stea,
Drum de foc si biruinta
Pentru Garda ta.

Bate vântul peste ape,
Trece timpul greu,
Noi mereu te plângem, frate,
Iar tu dormi mereu.

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During the Spanish civil war, the Carlists as an opposed to liberalism and democracy, supported the coup, in hopes of getting the legitimate king back to Spain.
The Carlist line of succession seeks the establishment of an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty on the Spanish throne, the house Borbón-Este/Parma. Which does not accept the legitimacy of the house Borbón-Anjou


Yo sé de un rey que en el exilio vivió
Yo sé de un rey que en el exilio vivió
Los españoles que lo esperaban ya, querian que su rey pudiera regresar
Los españoles que lo esperaban ya, querian que su rey pudiera regresar

Pues en su ausecia el mal se propagó
Otro monarca el trono usurpó
La democracia en nuestra patria entró, rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición
La democracia en nuestra patria entró, rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición

De nuestras leyes nos desapareció, Y la familia desunida quedó
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción, los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción, los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación

Pero aún quedaba gente con ilusión, que no aceptaban tan grande traición
Un estandarte fueron a enarbolar, el reinado de Cristo, quisieron restaurar
Un estandarte fueron a enarbolar, el reinado de Cristo, quisieron restaurar

Al legitimo Rey se requirió, la reconquista de nuevo comenzó
Con valentia, ardor y caridad, nuestra España estaba dispuesta a luchar
Con valentia, ardor y caridad, nuestra España estaba dispuesta a luchar

Nobles azañas nuestro rey realizó, por eso la virgen el triunfo le otorgó
La libertad, la justicia y el honor. La fé de nuestros padres de nuevo resurgió
La libertad, la justicia y el honor. La fé de nuestros padres de nuevo resurgió

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Nimic în lume nu-i mai sfânt
Și mai frumos pe-acest pământ
Decât să mori ca luptător înfășurat în tricolor.

Dușmanul vine cu arma-n mână
Și cu mânie-n pieptu-i păgân
Vrea să distrugă ființa română
Ca să nu fie neam de român

Scoală române n-auzi alarma?
N-auzi cum plânge patria ta?
Bubuie tunul, munții rasună
Noaptea e-n sânge, lupta-i grea

Șapte vieți în pieptu-i de-aramă
Are românul viețuitor
De vitejia lui nu-și dă seama
Cel ce-a patruns în țară la noi

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Tribute to the Romanov Imperial Family, mere victims of the circumstances.


Se caliginosa e sordida giace l'ombra sugli Urali
sia più forte la tua anima delle urla e degli spari
sia più forte la tua anima della turba di domani
Consumato sta con brutalità
il misfatto torbido, onere, empietà
di coloro che vollero incitar
il furioso incedere dell'ultima era

Se caliginosa e sordida giace l'ombra sugli Urali
sia più forte la tua anima delle urla e degli spari
sia più forte la tua anima della turba di domani
Se altero, fiero e immobile veglia il padre sui suoi figli
non sarà la folla immemore a strapparne i dolci gigli
non sarà la follia immemore dei fanatici a ghermirli

Alla neve che sulla neve sta
molta neve ancora si accomunerà
fino al giorno in cui l'ombra fuggirà
al richiamo univoco della memoria
Squarcia l'oscurità nella notte ogn'or più cupa
Arma la volontà, perdurò troppo l'attesa (x3)

Urla l'anima nell'inverno della piana
Alza il passo e va: ti consacrerà l'Aurora (x2)

Per dar forza a noi caddero gli eroi
Per dar voce a loro non cadremo noi
In un mondo che sembra sprofondare
Non receda un passo chi in piedi sa stare
E nell'ultima bianca carica
si vedrà svettare l'ombra dello Zar!

Se caliginosa e sordida giace l'ombra sugli Urali
sia più forte la tua anima delle urla e degli spari
sia più forte la tua anima della turba di domani

Se altero, freddo e immobile veglia il padre sui suoi figli
non sarà la folla immemore a strapparne i dolci gigli
non sarà la follia immemore dei fanatici a ghermirli

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The Iron Guard had many death squads, and this is a tribute to them.


Suntem echipa morţii,
Din Moldova azi venim
Aruncat e zarul sorţii
Ori învingem, ori murim.

Purtăm cu noi stindardul
Unei sfinte noi credinţi,
Pe el este scris cu sânge
Fapte mari şi biruinţi.

E jale multă în ţară
Că străinul e stăpân,
Cerşetor la el acasă
A ajuns bietul român.

De aceea azi la luptă
Noi pornit-am să scăpam,
Patria de toţi tâlharii
Cinstea iar s-o întronăm.

În rând cu Căpitanul
Bucuroşi ne vom jertfi,
Peste leşurile duşmane
Ţara nouă vom clădi!

Cu zâmbetul pe buze,
Moartea-n faţă o privim
Că suntem echipa morţii
Ori învingem, ori murim!

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Moral of the story: Never trust Spanish girls.

Cuando Falange
Con rumbo a Rusia partió,
Una chavala
Triste y llorosa quedó:
Esa chavala,
que llorando está por mí,
son los primeros amores
que en España yo conocí;
son los primeros amores
que en España yo conocí.

España Patria mía,
tierra donde yo nací,
España Patria mía.
tierra de donde partí.

Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí
Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí

Rusia es culpable,
decían todos allí.
Al comunismo
destruiré con mi fusil;
y cuando dieron
la orden "de frente, mar",
esos bravos camaradas
se quedaron con sus mamás.

Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí
Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí

Cuando regrese
sé que me voy a encontrar
que mi chavala
no lo ha pasado tan mal,
pues se ha buscado
un Delega'o Provincial
que, como buen camarada,
se ha quedado en mi lugar.
Que como buen camarada,
se ha quedado en mi lugar.

Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí.
Si sé que va a pasar esto,
A mi no me ven por aquí

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Although it doesn't look like it, cavalry still played a role in WW2. The German army alone had an average of 1.1 million horses during the entire war.

This song, The blue Dragoons is a German folk song and march, which was created at the beginning of the First World War. The text was written by G.W. Harmssen 1914. The music comes from Hans Hertel. The song was very popular in the period of national socialism and was printed from 1933 to 1945 in numerous song books.
This version is probably from ~2005

Die blauen Dragoner, sie reiten
Mit klingendem Spiel durch das Tor,
Fanfaren sie begleiten
Hell zu den Hügeln empor.

Die wiehernden Rosse, sie stampfen,
Die Birken, die wiegen sich lind,
Die Fähnlein auf den Lanzen
Flattern im Morgenwind.

Morgen, da müssen sie reiten,
Mein Liebster wird bei ihnen sein.
Morgen in alle Weiten
Morgen, da bin ich allein.

Die blauen Dragoner, sie reiten
Mit klingendem Spiel durch das Tor,
Fanfaren sie begleiten
Hell zu den Hügeln empor.

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This song was meant to be a "Die Wacht am Rhein" for the new nation-state of Japan in full modern construction, a kinda of unofficial new military anthem, it was a popular song during the second world war, reportedly sung by the IJA during the sino Japanese war and the Philippines campaign.


Ware wa kan gun wagateki wa
Tenchiirezaru choutekizo
Teki no taishou taru mono wa
Kokon musou no eiyuu de
Kore ni shitagou tsu wa mono wa
Tomo ni hyoukan kesshinoshi
Kijinni hajinu yuuaru mo (sometimes written as "Kishin ni hajinu yuuaru mo")
Tenno yurusanu hangyaku wo
Okoseshi mono wa mukashi yori
Sakae shitame shi arazaru zo
Teki no horoburu sore made wa
Susume ya susume moro tomo ni
Tamachiru tsurugi nuki tsurete
Shisuru kaku gode susumubeshi

Mikuni no fuuto mono no fu wa
Sonomi wo mamoru tamashii no
Ishiin kono kata suta retaru
Nippon to no ima sara ni
Mata yo niizuru mi no homare
Teki mo mika tamo moro tomo ni
Yaeba no moto ni shisubeki ni (Sometimes written as "Yaeba no shita ni shisubeki ni")
Yamato-damashii aru mono wo
Shisubeki toki wa ima naru zo
Hi toni oku rete ha jikaku na
Teki no horoburu sore made wa
Susume ya susume moro tomo ni
Tamachiru tsurugi nuki tsurete
Shisuru kaku gode susumubeshi

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Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

21 videos

Category Music

Posting nationalistic songs from FBIV and other channels, since they keep shutting them down from youtube