Wakanda's Best & Brightest

Beard Van Damme

My purpose of these clips is to show just how absurd the idea is, that black peoples of the world are responsible for the creation and understanding of all things and that the white culture as dumb as we were, only managed to create ships, learn how to navigate by the stars, venture all the way to Africa and not only steal black peoples for slaves but also had to steal all there technology, spiritual understandings, medicinal knowledge ect: These clips are to bring awareness and defuse this nonsense claim because a portion of our younger generations actually believe this garbage and a larger portion of black people world wide are starting to believe it as well. If we don't put a stop to it now or at least fight against this bogus narrative our entire future generations will be accepting this ridiculous nonsense as fact and we as a great peoples who are actually responsible for it all will fade away and will eventually be forgotten.

9 months, 3 weeks ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago
8 months, 3 weeks ago
8 months, 3 weeks ago